7a3-S-Sg~U~R~biY.OyRSHt I;P WARRANTY f)EEt) (Revised 7367) Th 73 :tma~ a : 4~rri5 N un~, Ii..l tiebr ~~
<br />ILNO~F ALL i4iE\ BY TFLE~E PP~.ESF\~TS. That Steva:ar M. L7srtlell and .tainie AI, L7ntdel"}.~ husband 1
<br />and wife
<br />iu consideration of Nineteen Thousand and 00/100
<br />,`
<br />,herein called the grantor whether one or more,
<br />Dollars
<br />received from grantees, does grant, bargain, sell convey and cont'irm unto
<br />Daryl E, Xeeklepr and Dee A, Goldenstein
<br />;,
<br />~ as joint tenants with right of survivorship, and not as tenants in commwr, the following descrihed real property in }
<br />Ha1]j County, Ne~askn .
<br />i
<br />Lot Foriq-Nine f43) in Hest Heights, an Addition
<br />to the city of Grand Islands Nebraska. _
<br />STAMP TP.X
<br />E _.c~1~ P~PGNED SEQ ~ ~ ~~~
<br />`Co haeTe and to hold the above described premises together tivith a1R tenemen ere ram .n
<br />tenaGnces theroto belonging unto t-he granta~<:rx au+,3 to their as95gns, or to :he heirs and aissigns of the snrvi~ror of r
<br />i tll.ezu forever.
<br />u .And grantor does here~bp covenaart with the grantees and with their assi,h+ns an<~Y rvit.h the heirs and a~±ISi~rss
<br />'r
<br />~ c'af 1~1'Ie an,z•vivar of T,herrr drat gnaartor is htw,l'.ully seised of said prerises; that the;p• acre fr6e from encumbrarrae
<br />St:b3ect t>, easements and restrictions of record. ,
<br />'r that grantor has good right. and lawful authority to convey the same; and that grauta; waerauts and wilt defend
<br />the title to said premises against the lawful claims of a}1 persiurs whomsoever.
<br />It is the int-entian of alt parties hereto that in the event of the death of Tither of the granges, the eut-ire
<br />a fee simple title to the real estate shall vest iu ihe~ surviving grantee. y
<br />l7ate+3 Sapt~b 7 19 `~
<br />. .e .~-. .. -..
<br />STATE OF... ~Bb~'.ask!!........... , , C'ouuty of ........ H4,11...........
<br />Before me, x uatairy puhlic qualified for said count}•, l+r~rsolrally carne
<br />Stevan ~!, Ltatdell and 3autie M. Luradell~ htutlrand and wife
<br />known to nto to be the identical persnu ur persons wlzo siE,ned the foregoing instrument and ai•knowledged the
<br />c_Kecutian t4eregf to he his, her or their voluntary act and deer}.
<br />~' 1 all. .. p.t~9bOT.... . , . .., 14.79....
<br />EaGI Y9t!{I1't - $Nr 1/ lbY:up .. `• .. .
<br />MV CpiYS. 4.01 ii. ftllt ..~ .. ~ . ~ .... =snca~ Futile -
<br />~'
<br />'°` _ - 141yconlmisaiouexpir,,,,,.,..~. eC ba1C.,1{..-......,.,19~,. '
<br />~'li6TL Cib' .. . .................... . .... .
<br />' ~~
<br />O.attnty .................................
<br />Ertltered au numerical indaea and filed far record itr the ltegiater of beads Office of said Cauuty the
<br />............day of ......................19......, at...........o'clock and...........tnillutes M.,
<br />and recorded in Book ....................af....................at page.................
<br />Reg, of Deeda
<br />By .................... .................. Deputy ;
<br />