79-w-a "~~~~)~ ° ~(}RP'~'3RAT~O~t V~~AT~I'~Y D]EET~
<br />The grantor Trinity United Methodist Church of Grand Ts land,
<br />Nebraska, a religious
<br />~p corporation organized and existing under and by virhte of the laws of the Btate of Nebraska,
<br />in consideration of SIX THOUSAND AND NOJ100 DOLLARS ($6,000.00}
<br />received from grantee, does grant, bargain, sell convey ana confirm unto
<br />herein called the grantee whether one or more, the following described real property is
<br />...................... Hall .............., Cannty, Nebraska:
<br />Lot Two (2), in Trinity United Methodist
<br />Eastside Subdivision, in the City of Grand
<br />Island, Nebraska,
<br />~ uc~ cc~,,ctu tY1{jci~f~/1~E
<br />STAMP '('A7C
<br />~~~ ~ ~ ~~
<br />~ATi=MENT ATTACp+~ ~ ~ ~ a ~-~~ ~~-
<br />'To iia.o and tc~ huid tha ahQz°o closcrabed premises together with rill ten~+zu2nts, hareditame~ anct
<br />appurtenancos thereto belonging unto the grantee and to grantee's heirs and assigns forever.
<br />nrd the grantor for i,self sad its ancc€rs does hereby eavenant v,ith the grantee aed^ wt€h
<br />.grantee's licira aiad astiiit?l that grantor is lawfully saihed of acid prezises; that they arz ireo from ~f32etim-
<br />br:cnec except subject to alI easements, restrictions, covenants, rays
<br />and zoning regulations of record,
<br />that grantor has good right and lawful sutharity to convey the same; and that grantor warrants and will
<br />defend the title to said premises against the lawful Claims of all persona whasoevor.
<br />,y,:.tia`"`~ In witness whereof, grantor has hereunto caused its corporate seal to be affixed and these
<br />' ~?ie~ents~s'igned by its Freaident,. and its Secretary.
<br />'~ ~~y.terl ' September 13, ]979, OF RAND ISLAN , NEBRASKA,
<br />i 1e~ ~. -,~ ~:
<br />~ r~~~i~ Fre.kident
<br />~'~~~ ~>=~~t~ . ~ $y ...!red.!........... 1Lt . . ............ ... ... . 1
<br />~~~ 3et:retarY
<br />STATh OF \b:13RA8HA, County of ..,.........Hal} :..................................:
<br />%;eforQ rue, a notary' lattlrlio qualified in said county, personally carne Jack S~3re~~eYc,
<br />Pr~sidz=nt, and Carolyrs~chneider, Secretary, of the Board of Directors
<br />:qf Trinity United Methodist Church of Grand Island, Nebraska, 8la~edseitxt~
<br />~ ~eligio;as
<br />'y Secretaxsr nand ~mtcorttoratson.
<br />..s known to me to be +_he Fresident and~ldentical petsongirho signed the foregoing instrument, and aeknow-
<br />ledged the execution thereof to h~olnntary sot and deed as suoh offieergand the voluntary ant and
<br />dead of said corporation and that its oorparato aealwas thereto affixed by its authority.
<br />~~itnesa mg hand and notarial seal on -,....S.e~~nobex...~...~..~........:t ~ ............. 19....?3...
<br />..............[lr:.,".:'.E'........ Notary Public.
<br />bIy commission expires ..................................................... 19...1.....
<br />