<br />4
<br />79-~ ~1~~~$;~
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Marty. Leritan and Lily Levi tan, each in his and her
<br />own right and as spouse of each other,
<br />Mortgagor, whether one or more, in consideration of the sum of
<br />Twenty-One Thousand and No/100------------------------------------------------- DOLLARS
<br />loaned to said mortgagor by The Equitable Building and Loan Association of Grand Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 2ID shares of Hock of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Certificate No. L 23546 , du hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the following
<br />described teat estate, situated in Hall County, Nebraska:
<br />together with all the tenements, hsreditamcnts and appurtenanczs thereunto belonging, including attached tla~tr€ casxrings, alt windaiar scxecns,
<br />i ' window shades, binrds, storm windows, awnings, heating, air ~ronditioning,and plumbing and water egttiprtxnt and acceswries theata,pttm~[,stas°es,
<br />~ ref-igerators, and athtr fixtures and equipment now or hereafter attached to or used in conntction with said real tstate.
<br />- And whereas the Said mortgagor has agreed and does hereby agree that the mortgagor sP.ali and will pay a!t taxes avid asazssrrtants. 9svlea or
<br />,5 ', assessed upon said premises and upon this mortgage and the bond secy{eQ per b3j~}~efore [he sarue shall bsrnma delirrgtrent; to furniski approved
<br />insurance upon the buildings on wid premises situated. in the st::n of S L 1 s~V~ • JV payable to said AS501'.IAT[ON and tee deliver to said
<br />ASSOCIAT[ON the policies for said insurance; and not to commit or permit any waste on or about said premises;
<br />In case of default in the performance of any of tfie terms and conditions of this mortgage or the kond se~t[rsa ircreky, trte nrc:rtg;~ea mall,
<br />on demand; be entitled to immediate possession of the mortgaged premises and the mortgagor hereby assigns, transfers and sets aver !a the
<br />mortgager ail [he rents, avenues and income to be derived from the mortgaged premises during such time as the mor[gago indebtedtuss ahaA remain
<br />unpaid: and the mortgagee shat! have the power to appoint any agent ur agents it may desire for the purpose of rapriting Hold prattrisas and renting
<br />the sarrK and calecting the rents, avenues and income, and it may pay out of said income all expenses of repairing said prernixrs acrd nece,sttry
<br />Wmmissions and expenses incurred in renting and rrwnaging the cams and of collecting rentals therefrom; the balance retnainirtg, if any, to be
<br />= applied toward [he discharge of said mortgage indshtedrtess; these rights of the ttiartgagee may ha exsrciaad at any ti*rra d,trmg the e_ciatertc'a of snch
<br />'. aetattlt; erres~cetive' ~sf any €@#n`~-'i€asy watl~€ of the aa€rte. -
<br />_ Thzss Presents, hewevsr, are open the Cordiriun, That if the said Mortgagor shall repay raid Loan on or before the maturity of said shorts by
<br />payment; pay muuthly to slid ASSOCIATION of the sum specified in the Bantl sectued hereby as 'utterest and principal art said loan, an or kafora
<br />_ the Twentieth day cf ea.h and ~t-ery month, until said Irian is fully pail; ~}° ail taxes a,td asasasments lat7sa against said prcnrises and an this?dorr
<br />and the tya.nd ae~:uied t'nz*rrby, bsfate deimquenC}'; furnish aporuved insurance upon the t:rrilt[angs tfrerean in the sum of a ~ I,~('r~. t;0 13syanm _
<br />. .rya chid Attii'1c1 A71r]N~ ,ep:~ ru vid A=S-~~IATlfl1,1 upon ds~vand all nwney by tt oaid lot sutu~.h taxes_ •~,Me~~tz ~rrd in~en~v! wiYlt i~mte[est ar.
<br />the maximum legal rarz thereon frc.r-r date of payrs~ni al[ of which Marig`agat heralry agtzss rn prty; permit uu w~a an said prerrii~ra• ita~r ant[ c'~impiy
<br />with ail tits agreements and umdtt~.,ns of the Band ftrr f 2I,OOD OD this day pivot by t[u said Aiartgagor ro soh! ASS(IC[AT[ON, and mmPly
<br />with aiS the requircrosrts of the Constitution and Byl.awx of acid ASSOC[ATION; than these preterits slug becattte null and raid, otherwir that'
<br />' shall remain in full fora and ntay be ioaclased at the option of the said ASSOCIATION after failure far three months to make soy of sa:d
<br />payments or be three months m arrears in making said monthly paytrtents, or to keep and comply with the agreettxnts and Candit~ns of tams Bcntd;
<br />and Mortgagor agues to have a rresiver appointed fonhwith in stu:h foreclosure proceedings.
<br />If ifiere i3 any change in r',wnerahip of the rzal sstate mortgaged herein, by sale or otherwise, than the entire rsrnainirrg irtdabtednaat hereby
<br />sectrrcd atoll, al the optim of The Equitable Building and Lawn Asoociation of Grand taland,Nehxaska,becume immedutaly duo and payakte without
<br />furlitor rnniCe, and the amowct rerxuinitrg dire under said kond, and any other bond for any additional adwnces nude thereunder, atoll, from the
<br />dale of exercise of said option, bear interest at the maximum legal rate, and thin tra>rtgage may then Ile Caracioaed to ~tisfy the amount dix at said
<br />- band, and any other bond fcr additional advantxs, tagethae with all auras paid by said 7'lu Equitable Huadiag and Lean Association of Grand lahtrtd,
<br />Nebraska for insurance, taxes end astressntenis, and abstracting exeanaion charges, with inuraat theroan, from data of payment st the ttutximum
<br />' b[p1 rats.
<br />As provided iu the Bond secured hereby, while this mortgage rsmairts ht affect the mortgages may hereafter sdvanue additiurul wrtsa to the
<br />matters of said Bon!#, their a~:#ins or sue{asaaxa in iniarast, which auras ahaU ba witiun the s€ccurity of this rttorigags t[w saw sa the funds tuiginsily
<br />asettted thsrtrby, the toGtl amount rrf printipai aekt nut to exceed at any time tits original amount of this rrrortgage.
<br />Dataa int~o . t ~t~t :arty of September A. D.. [~ 79
<br />--
<br />r ~ e4T• an _
<br />,- :~ ~ .ems .~ ~---
<br />z,
<br />~..-`., L9 ~ an
<br />,~A ()FNEBRAS$A, s,. On this 14th aayaf $e tember 1979 .befoartro,
<br />' C.QiiNTY QF HALL ~ p
<br />Marty Levi tan and L i it' Levi tan a the tutt[arsigned, a Notary Public in and for sea[ County, persan~lty Came
<br />M each in his and bet own rig`lt and as spouse of each ot,-ae~trS was are parwnal:~yknownra
<br />rap fo be the idantirad parson S whose Hartle S are affixed to the shove instrument at rtgagor $ and they savatt[ly
<br />adrnowlsdged the said instrument to lea their voluntary act and dad. ~ ~
<br />I
<br />W['FN~S my hand end Notaral Sea[ flea data afo.-aaaid. ~~~=
<br />My C ~,~ ion etroirez `"`
<br />- _ - ~ ~ BENEFdt MGiAAY Sr a- Y~:3:ra ~ ~~ 7'~ - /`'G' ~,~.-~..-'~-~
<br />99i JQY M. BEl1 EY ~ .--` / / ao~a c
<br />a.t-as4 at ! My t:emm, faD. Sept. I, t991 ~ {,/' /
<br />