<br />STATE dF NEEtRA~:Ei: d, Gannty Of ,.........
<br />FIled for record un ..........._ .................... 19 ........ at ..,...............,......... o'clock ............,........... 3i,
<br />and recorded in the Deed Record ................................. Page .............................
<br />By
<br />Register of Deeds Deputy Register of Deeds
<br />Norman lladen~e7dt and i7vlPCe T-ladenl°e?.d~, i,iisrancl anti moire. each in
<br />his and 1-~ex ot`m xigl~t and as spouse of tiia oti~ar
<br />heroin called the grantor whether ono or more,
<br />in consideration of Six Ti7ousand Five llttndred anti iVoi?Op---i)ollars (Sfi,560.00)
<br />received from grantees, does grant, bargain, sell convey and confirm unto
<br />Steven Y. Ja:es and liaxy `r,..JatnPS, husband and ur3.fe,
<br />as joint tenants with right of survivorship, and not as tenants in common, the following described real
<br />property in alai ~ ...... Gounty, Nebraska:
<br />T}ie. u^"4c. ~~'i c-Si~i.'F_ { :'-;-.~.) 3i: i.t3t c i~vGii i ia) s Fii
<br />al] ofjLoty'Itaelve (12), in Plnci<. >~~lt~ven {11),
<br />To~3rn o f Caixo .
<br />STAM!' TAX
<br />~AT~t4gcr~1T p
<br />~A~H~~ SAP 14 X379
<br />is
<br />BY~..~1~.......-~
<br />To have and to hold the above described premises together wit
<br />- and appzzrtenanaes i.hereto belonging onto the grantees and to their assigns, or to the hairs and aigss
<br />~'~ ~rf the Rnrvivor of thew faraver~ '
<br />~~~~ ®zzd grantor does hereby covenant with the grantees and with their assigns and with the heirz-
<br />'. and assigns of the survivor of them that grantor is lawfully seised of acid protniae~; that they are fr~M frS~
<br />e-nl2rrzr-zez~
<br />~I
<br />jl
<br />- _ -tlxat grantor has goal- right sud 1~crfq} authority to ccinvay ifie ya~nc ; anti that grazEtor x-arrsu~ and u-iiz -- -
<br />def~nd the title to said premises against the iawtul claims of all persons wltorasaever.
<br />It is the intention of all parties hereto that in the event of the death of either of the grantees,
<br />the entire fee title to this real property vhall vest in the aurcicing grantee.
<br />Dated Apr. i t 7 3, i9 7 7.
<br />f
<br />c;l`I'~TI4' Q~ ......,..„..::..» ..:::...................»...,......, GPUnty of .,...... Ta43.t,7.,........,..,..........,....-....,,..,-.:
<br />~" Before ma, a notary publio qualified for said county, personally eazue ~eirrtrr~tn llacienieldt
<br />'st3£3 1)v~~ct~ {~fit~t3Tiiz~3%, itttyiiz[i a~ tf.fa. ~aoi? in iris artci tzor r~lc~l~t
<br />and ~~ spoLtse o ~ the other,
<br />ktzotgn-tar zne to ba the idantiaal person or persan$ wha signed the foregoing instrument azzd aeknarvledged
<br />"the execution thereof to be his, her or their volnntazry act and deed.
<br />' Witness my hand ?szzd natsrisl seal on ~ ..~.~... ......, 19..~.~.........
<br />.............. ...............i...
<br />_'__,_.._.~..-...----~ .............-.,..._., ....... .......5:..~..~~,/.,....: ldatary Prrblie
<br />- ~ ~'
<br />,~_ ~ ~y ~o~znzntsszon esprrea ..........~,..... ......, 19.',~~......
<br />Form 4'~ approved by Nebraska State Bar <tsaoeiation ~~~ ~ woit Oo.. ~' ~adn, Nebr.
<br />