2tlS~~x-AEI.EASE O£ AYOA'1'GAt"r£--CorFosa3ioa 'rno s'~,~rce,,,,r ,,.a~.M~ ror,l,,ir tai>o,~., r.t„~ofc. xu~z,
<br />IN L'OebS1UERAI;C>A' of the puyrnent of the debt mmed t{rercin, the
<br />hereby re[eas,•s the Mortgage made to
<br />Keith County Bank & Trust Company by Paul V. Rombach and Jane FI. Rombach, Husband
<br />and Wife, each in his and her own right
<br />an the following described real estate, to-wit:
<br />Lot Three (3), in Block Three (3)> in Valley View Subdivision situated in N 1143.0'
<br />of the Ep NE', of Section Tvrenty-twu (22), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9),
<br />West of ttie 6th P.M.
<br />aj Sectirsn in Township Range of the P. i11., Hall
<br />County, State of Nebraska which is recorded inX~Wb`tr of Peal Estate -Mortgages, poge
<br />of the records of said County. as Document #78-003875, hlumerical 16, 3&4 June 21, 1978 '
<br />IN TF_"STI:NnN}' Gt'HERF.'OF, the said Keith County Bank & Trust Company =.h8,r caused
<br />these presents to be ezccutrd by its president and its Corporate SeW to he wised hereto elms 7th' - ~~
<br />day of September , ,g 79
<br />Wttness: ..... ~. i
<br />~ _
<br />• z - - .. ., .. liy: ,' nd;'r~..'. 1 ._.J~(~~6~ iPresulenC~
<br />_ .Attest .;%. v' ~C . u rR~'' ~ ~ ,
<br />..... ..... .. ~ Cesli+ar ~~~'
<br />Nebraska Peter Hansen 4
<br />ST~4TE OF . .. .. .......................~ss. Un this. ..-..-7th... dad of September` ... 1 ' C?d
<br />~{. ~ ....
<br />- k .. .... .. ............... ..... - -..
<br />keith _ County f before me, the underrigncd, a ~4otary 1'rabltc iw aaat far aaid
<br />Cyxnty, personcl!}• camc...._.......-..--Jdit1ES.. E._,_$undl,11t9 ..............................._.................... _..........}/1.~.2,~Presidcat of the
<br />._.......-....Ke,i.th.Count.Y. Bapk-.&..Trust.-Company......_ ............ . .- ..
<br />_........ -._........ -.._.......... _... a Corporation
<br />to me person::Uy 1.°noz,~n to be the President axd identical person whose name it at,~ised to the nbnve ratease attd
<br />arRnowledycd the ezerution ehereof to he his voluntary act axd deed as such officer, and the' voluntary art and deed
<br />of said C'orparatrun.
<br />n
<br />iY'` /,j
<br />b!y con Hess my hand and :Votrzri:z! tidal at_......_..Qgdl.l.d- ,-. klraSka......_.......',t in suf ~ ~ t 'tha day and year
<br />e~c urrittrn. / t '
<br />omission czpires.. . ~ -. /.~a^.._..-_ .-...., t9.~f . -.-~.. '~ .Notary Public
<br />atNelran
<br />GALE •~1lN1KER
<br />
<br />
<br />