<br />73-- fy0 IIVI~I~T~~$CaE
<br />THIS INDENTURE, made thin 12th _ day of September f9 _'__9 , by and between
<br />Frederick if. Cook and Levora E. Cook,. husband and wife, each in his and her own riRh
<br />and as spouse of the other,
<br />of Aail County, Nebraska, as mortgagor ,and Grand Island Trust Company of Grand Island. a corporation
<br />organized end existing under the laws of Nebraska with its principal office and place of 4ueiness et Grand Island, Nebraska, as tnortgegee;
<br />W ITNESSETH: That said mortgagor 6 ,for sad in conaideeation of the sum of
<br />**Four Thousand Twenty-five and 85/100ths**-rpoUarsis 4,025.85 1,
<br />the receipt of which ie hereby acknowledged, do _- by Cheee presents mortgage and warren! uhto;saidmQrtgagee, its suct~sors sad assigns,
<br />forever, a!1 the [ollowing described real estate, situated in the County of . _ Hall __
<br />•~ and State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br />Lot One (1), in Block Nineteen (14), in Baker's Addition to
<br />the Gity of Grand laland; Hall County; :Sehraglt8,
<br />Together with all heating, air conditioning, lighting, and plumbing equipment and fixtures, including screens, awnings, storm windows and
<br />- doors, and window nhades or blinds, used on or ir: connection with said property, whether the same are now located on said property or hereafter
<br />plncad thereon.
<br />- TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, together with all and singular the tenetneMS, hereditaments and appurtenances theteunta be•
<br />- kmgiug, m in anywise appertaurirrg, forever, and warrant the title to the same. Said morgagor.,.`~._..hereby trovenant_.__..__witir said
<br />- mur4ga~ that ~._ ha 1~._ite_ _ , at tba delivery hereof, the }awful owners___. -. of the premises above cvnvevad and described,
<br />aral_ ~_~. _. ~izeci of a swd ~ inch:eaaibia an`tsta of imS.-rjta.-rte theren. Cris anal clear of ail ancijrntrraraoa. a~ t3~aC ~I~~wiu
<br />warrant and defend the tiP,le thereto forever atraiunt the claims sad demands of all persons whomsoever,
<br />- PROV I UED ALW AYS, end this in~Lrtlmenc is ezecutsd and dalivared to nature the payment of the sum of ,-,..~,m„-.. _ _ m._ .,._.._.....__,_._.~
<br />J. **Four fihouaand Tventy~five ,and 85f100thb**-_-.____._._--- IkrllereiS_"_`_3t~•B~T ~.~__m-__ ~.t.
<br />with interest thereon, together with such charges and advances as may be due and pgvable to eau! trwrtgages ocular the corms and tomlitfoas
<br />of the promissory note of even data herewith and secured hereby. executed 6y said mortgagor ~~-,-to said mortgagee, payao4 as exprresnti
<br />in said mote, and W sxure the pardormattce of all the terms and conditions contained iharein. Thr tetras of said note are hereby iorwptrated
<br />herein hY this refererrte.
<br />It to the intention tad agreement od the parties Ireretn that Chia ,nortgage shelf also setwe any future advaaees made w said mortgagor _._.H
<br />by said mortgagee, alai any acrd all indebtudntes in addition to the amount stores stated whirl: said tnortgagoza, ur any of them, easy awe to
<br />said mortgagee, however evidcatoed, whether by note, book account or otherwise. This ntortgags shall vermin is lull foxes asd affect between
<br />the parties hereto and tYts+ir heire, peraonaY representatives, ancreasore and essignn, until all amounts secured hereumlar, i~ludirrg future
<br />advantas, era paid in fun with ;ntatas,''.
<br />1`he mortgegeer,ft._._ hereby ranign ,__ to Said ttturtgagua all rants and income arising et say nttd sU times tram said p%party aml
<br />hereby suchtuiss saki trwrtgagaa nr is agent, ex its option, upon default, to toles charge of said propeftY atxl Wlh+rt aU casts surf iewvtne
<br />-- -thtuefrtmt sad apply the same to the peymtntt of irareteac, principal, insurance premiums, tez~, esaasurrettts, rat+airs , r itstpttWt~menta
<br />nacaetury, to keep said property in tanantsbin condition, or to other charges or paymenes provided for herein or in the torte ban=oy secured. Thin
<br />teat assignment ahrli twrtlnua is force until the unpaid balerrce uF said rota is fully paid ~ 'Cho taking of posaemiua heravnrler shall in tat manner
<br />- -prevent ut rtNarci said mortgaaoe is t}u tioa of said sums 6y forectuattre or otherwise.
<br />~`~ ias'ru`-rs tx` ~ - -- - - - - -
<br />r~iw-`tgTiy;w to asp aal% ut fim r+gais Iwtsuadar ae say ciaca saati sac 6a eonetru:,d a waives of its rt~pt w asatrte the
<br />sama st any !staff time, ~ Lu irrslat uptru sad enfotax elaict eomplianrar with all the tetuau and pmviaiana of said saws and of this mo.~tgege.
<br />If said atercy~agor a shall cause W ba paid to said rtimrtgagae the entuo amount due it heretmder, and under the terns amt pruviaana
<br />of said crate hse®by sentnad, including future ~, and any estansioa+ or rsniswals thereof in aectirdatrte with the temra and pruviasana
<br />thereof, and if said mortgagor ~_ shall comply with ail the pmvbioae of wid note and of this ttmrtgago, than ehaaa ptveaats shalt be void:
<br />_ otherwise co rgmaict in ball lorta std_ eNatt, ark said mnrsgttgertrhall ba ~titlad €g the pmaeeeoa of W of said property, atal may. ai tts optkm.
<br />daclera ~ whole oP aid rate end atI ie~bt>xLa~ms tz~aeeatad thereby to be itamdiiataky dun sad payable, attd may farerr~e thur awrtgaga
<br />a' take arp• other Legal action W pmteM ire right. Apprsieemeat waived.
<br />This mortgega ehe-l he binding upaa r>ai shall gimme to the bemHt d the heirs, a:ewtero. administnters, ettcceesora alai assigns of the
<br />respective parties hereto.
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREQF, said biott~ar a ha ve ~~~ ~ their tea ^tha day and year first above
<br />wtitben. - - - - - -
<br />re er c ao
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<br />avers E, oaks
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