<br />
<br />.TACK T. BEACHLER and KATHLEEN A. BEACHLER, husband and
<br />E.
<br />wife, Grantor, whether one or more, in consideration of dividing
<br />joint property, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, convey to
<br />SACK T. BEACHLER and KATHLEEN A. BEACHLER, Grantees, as Tenants in
<br />Common each an undivided one-half, the following described real
<br />estate (as defined in Neb. Rev. Stat. § 7b-201} in Hall County,
<br />Nebraska:
<br />A tract of Land located in the Northwest Quarter of
<br />the Southwest Quarter (NW~SW~), Section Twenty One
<br />{21}, Township Eleven North (T 11 N), Range Nine
<br />West (R 9 W} of the 6th P.rI., Hall County, Nebraska;
<br />more particularly described as follows:
<br />Commencing at the NF. Corner of the NW's of the SW~,
<br />traversing thence Southerly on the 1/16 line, 305.7
<br />feet to a paint; thence Westerly, 33.0 feet to the
<br />Point of Beginning, A; thence Southerly parallel
<br />to the 1i16 line, 180.0 feet to Point B; thence
<br />Westerly, 67.0 feet to Point C; thence Southerly,
<br />64,0 feet to Paint D; thence Westerly, 122.0 feet
<br />_ to Poir>t E; thence Northerly, 149.15 feet to
<br />Point F; thence Northeasterly, 192.75 to Point G;
<br />thence Easterly, 15.45 feet to A, the point of
<br />Be~inningc and
<br />containing 0.77 acre more or less, as surveyed and
<br />shown on plat as certified by Rollin C. Gurd,
<br />Registered Land Surveycaz on I~~zy 15, 1959, anti,
<br />rgFo°ded in Beak ~ cn Page ~t7 c£ !~tiscella^eous
<br />Records in the office of the Register of Deeds of _
<br />ilali iJaun~y, Ne'tsraska and made a part hereof by
<br />- -
<br />re~emence,--w,th right to construct and cna:nMairc ,-
<br />underneath the surface of, and right of ingress to
<br />and egress from, a tract described as follows:
<br />' Beginning at Point E on Rollin C. Curd survey,
<br />thence East parallel to the South line of Northwest
<br />:~ Quarter (NWT) of Southwest Quarter (Sto'k), Section
<br />Twenty-one (21}, a distance of ten (10) feet,
<br />shence South parallel with the East Tine of said
<br />Section Twenty-one (21), One Hundred Sia:ty Three
<br />.c (163) feet, thence West at a Ninety (90) degree
<br />angle a distance of Twenty (20) feet. thence North
<br />at a Ninety (90) degree angle One Hundred Sixty
<br />'t'hree {Ib3) feet, thence East at a Ninety (90)
<br />degree angle a distance of ten (10) feet to said
<br />Point E, the Place of Beginning, together with such
<br />-other and further rights, ~zrants and easements --
<br />conveyed to the Grantors in a Warranty Deed recorded
<br />in Book 128, at Page 205 of the Deed Records of
<br />Ha1.1 County, PTebrsiska, AND
<br />A -tract of Land izz the Northwest Quarter fNW~) of
<br />the Southwest Quarter fSW~;) of Section 21, Townahig
<br />~' 11 North, Range 9 West of the 6th P.M., in Hall
<br />County, Nebraska, curare particularly described as
<br />follows: Begir-n~;ng at a point on the east line of
<br />-said Nortrcwc est Quarter of the Southwest Quarter
<br />