_.. �.
<br /> � �0�`� �__�__�_y.
<br /> �
<br />� , c�,�.. ,�_�..
<br /> I cnv��• _
<br /> ��:
<br /> � /, hymant+�. Bwiow�r 11yilfYR 10 makp aA p�Ym�nU an IM •�cund NDt wMn Aaw. UnN�• &xruw�r and Lft►dK ��M othFrw'A�. �y
<br /> 1 payrrMnt�l��► r�c�:vr�from Borrow�r w lar Bwrowrr'� Mn�f�t wiil b��pplMd Ikpt to my amoi�nta Borruu�r ow�s on th� sv.:ur�d[S�Ot _ _
<br /> � �xclusrv�ot intsrw�t or pri�cipal,sa;.cxid�o�r�t�rut�nd thon to pri�clp�l.lf pWtla!p�paY��t of th�sasund d16t occura fa any rasum,�1 wMi �
<br /> i �wt r�alw:�ut u:c.ui�G.��r.:+�a3a�i pay�nant untd tM�tc�x�d d�ht N pwW In hdl _
<br /> � 2.CJ�«»a A;,�ut 71qe+.Barrow�r wdl pay�fl tara,au�r�m�nts. and otNM charQ�a�ivitw�aW�to iiiM y�����..y ti�:n d:;i:zd sv:'!:kf�^,9 tftle �
<br /> to Uw pr�p�rr ah7+:+�e sn•1 elslm�wNch wouid M+p�M iM 1»r�oT tM�dwd al trw►t.lu�:.0 may nquir�Barowu t�u+lttn u�,r riqhta.c}slmp oc
<br /> d�f��s�s w�baroww may haw a�I�in�t WrtiW wh0 w�+pN w�+a maiwlsta W knprow a malnt�in tM p�opM[Y• �i'.
<br /> � 3.4-�:�:rc;�a.Bcr�ower wd! kup th�nrowrty Inaund undN t�+ma�cc�pt�0i� to Lu►d�r �t &urow�'s�xp�nu and fnr lsn�'o Mn�fit. A�l
<br /> iiuur�nc�pollcf�s tMli Inckiti���tst�dard mortQsp�Claua�In I�vor ol Lsnd�r,l��d�r wdl h�nam�d�s k�ri p«Va�:::t:u In€:�rad nn eny x���h F':
<br /> N�sur�nc�poGcy. Any�wurw+xa p:xaa3s may b�sp�l�id. wtth!n Lind�r'�d�scr�tia+,to e�th�r 1M rntcuatlon cu uoalr ot tM J�.�nig�d p{4pWtti _.
<br /> or to th�secsv�d d1bt.If L�rW�r rsquku matOsO�inaur�na.iiorroww apr�u to m�Intain wch inaurancs Iw ao bnp N l.�ndM:roqurl►�. e;
<br /> ' �
<br /> i.Pro�pNtY.BorrowM wiY kaap LM D�O�ttY M GOOd Condition and r.uk�W npair�rpawyhly n�oNSaty. �
<br /> 6.Expsnsw.&xrow�r ap►M�to paY�4�ndx'��xWns+a•�^�Iud+nD r���orw0t� atto�nay�'iNa,If Bo►row�t btnk��n� cavtn��tP In thla dNd �
<br /> of truat a in�ny obl�atbn��cur�d Gy tn14 dGid of uu�t. 8orrow+�wni p�y tlwoa�o�o+�+nt�to lands:sc peti•+�in Covsnent of tMs dNd ot �
<br /> uwt. • z
<br /> 0.p�br zKUrlty Y�aq. Unt�cs Borrowx fvat oEt�1n� L�ndw's writt�n cons�nt.Borrowu will nai m�k�or pumit a�y ah�n,�ar to anY►✓kw --�
<br /> a�curity int�rNts.Borrow�r will p�rtam �ll of Barow+u'o ohLpatlona urxl�►any pkK mwtp�W�. d+sd o} trwt or ott►a+N�wity �pras�nM�Y,
<br /> inck�dinp Borrow�r'�oownanta m mak�paynw'►i�wMn dw.
<br /> 7.Asii�q ot.R�at�w►.i F'rolib.Bcxrcwu��+34na ta L�r�«L�`a r::�ts and p!ofile u!tM prop�rtY. Ut�M�a Borrowar a�nd l�nda+h�w�g�t�d =-
<br /> othewJs�in wr+t�rq, Borrowu may coA+ct�nd r�tsin tM nnt� aa bny u Barowa 3�rwt In d�fautt. II Barrow+K darpuhc. L��u�, ir.��3R s __
<br /> �pent, oc a court�ppolnt�d r�cNvw m� ak� poss�ab�and msn�Qa th�prop�rry and coltact tM nnU. Any rento L•tndrr cal,�nrtF shNi p*
<br /> � �ppli�d ikat to tM cactc a1 manap c�`w aownv. �1�,��court co�t�and attan�y�' tNS. commtssbns to�ontel s�ente. a�d�n� ott►a � �
<br /> � nsc�aaary ralatsd�xp�+uat.TM r�ninp amount of nnta w�l tlNn�ppty to paym�nta on th�s�au�d daht u qovklW �n Cuv�n�nt 1. —
<br /> r•.
<br /> a.L�asN�oldr Ca�do+r�r�iurn�:P1+t�wd UNt D�vNoWnw►t�•BorrowW�flna�to compN w�th tt»pravisiam ot any 11��if th4 dt�d of tn�st N o� �°
<br /> u�f���covruwnU�6y lawc ort npunlattona of ttu con�dam�l�um w plac+�i�d utit d�d+�'+p�t nt. Bwrowa►w�t1 pKfarm sU of Flurrawar's duti�n _-
<br /> !.AuN+a�itr of Lwid�r to P�rform for Yort�ww. I}Borrow�r tsits to pKiorm anY ot BorrowW'o duti�a uncla�c thi.s�dwd ot[n�tt, G�nd�r may �
<br /> p�rfo�m tt�e duti��or cwu�th�m to M p�rfam�d.lmd�rtMy sifln BtxrowK'r nam�or p�y s�y smaunt it MaswY 4cN PMtormMO�. If ury --
<br /> a�i't��t�irat�ttx�pto�P«N�TAk rtkY�dinckut�Co r►pl�iinO tha conctr�t�ion���LWxiM rtury du wh�tavsr It n�cntsarV tc�Prpttr:t L�nd�►'a �-
<br /> 4sndN'�faikx�to p�rtorm wiU not praclud�lMda f�wn�x�rcW�W�ny of ito othK rlphta ur►dK tM law or tt►is dwd ol truct. �
<br /> .�'� and w�ul�art�In�t�t�uL fiom�h�itdatv�ct�F►�DaYrtwnt�un�2ilt�in tult W th�i u�it�i�iat�r U iff��ot onlu ussia r�d�baunta w'A W dus o+�d�und ``
<br /> � 10. Q�tauit�nd Acc��don. �t eorrowK tail�to m�k� �ny paymw�t wMn dw or br�aks a�y cawenmts uncier tti� dted of trurt or u►y
<br /> �du���d'uru��a P Y���maY i�vo i�thi p wK ott��and ny othw r si��Drmit�t�d batKata�i e tab�t���ot.the sacur�d d�hi and
<br />'-` hiriw.�Uw addr�iss cfaryct►�vKAOn,u sit ta���.��ot ttw noticu of d�fsutt and sato W cacit ta wc>P�+son who is a puty -
<br /> - 12.Pawrr ot SaN.It tM L�invnic�ttrr poww of saN,th�Truttp sh�11 firat ncord in tht oHl:�of tt►i ag:eta ot d�af NCh county
<br />- wMnin�x uuct propwty a wrrta�xt rx pa►c�l thsrwf i�tituate+d� n�ik�of d�twlt cont�inlr��thr iMMmr.tin-Apuirsd 6y law.Th�TnutM
<br />- cRall alw m�l coplas of th�natic�zt cfn`,a�:1t to th�Rorrow�r. to aach pacon who is a pvt��htrMO,u►i in ati�M p�rwns�c p:rsci�b�d hy
<br />_� applic�bb law,- tVot t�cs sf�n onr n�3t*e.`ar t1w TnuiM ncord�tM notic� ot A�twlt, o� twc+ �ry+�ht i4 ths uu�t propaity;ti�not in any
<br /> incorporat�d aty a vitFs�pa a�xi is us�.i x��a-�:eKrg o'�aatinw cu�i�d on by tht tn�ttnr, Uk Trustov 4i�iu��r�Fr,Rlz nadc�of sa'a ta tM pasons
<br /> uwi in tt+�m�rx�sr prYSV+t�eci bY�ie aN.fi�iit:�.^,�vithout d�muxl on BOnawer, ihfll r�Y tM itn;�tY�t pu�:ic wcti�x�ia tha hlpMst _.
<br />-� WddK.It nquir�d Cy d�F�.^e ti�r�:�er�Rota.K�:�::' TrustN thall oNK the trcPa�1'in Mro srAvate sa.N ao rpuiad hy spp{k�.sbl�law.
<br /> TruttN maY PostPon�sai�of op a.sn��.�aral of th�{frcPKN bY P���+xwunun�Yi u tM t'A�t and pt�of s�y p��viouaty sctwduUd sai�.
<br /> L.nd.r a ca d.slpn.•n+�v wxr.hse++1�e 5�rov.nv.e.ny s.U.
<br /> � Upon r�uiDt o-f p� nt ot ttw p�ic�bkl,TtustN shaN d�livK to th1 prxchstK TrwtM's dsad conveY�th�propwtY•TM rscitls3s contalrwd In -
<br /> � TruatN's We�f�prima facl��vidi�nc�ot ths Vuth of tM stat�m�nts conR�inld th�sin.Tnutea s apph�tM proe«ds ot tM ab In th�
<br /> , w.w.,.�. ..r,w- !.! *n a11 �Yern�s of th sal�. includiro. but not IimitW tp: rpYOniWs TnutM's /NS. r�ssonsbl��ttorn�y;t f�w atW
<br /> � nMiitaNmint fa�i;!b)w sG sireu wa,r�d by tNs dMd of tnu�en0{�tM Dusnco.».fcry,ta stN PanoM�qariv•�isi.o iv..w:..u. v
<br /> �- 19.Fonclaur�.A�L�r'4 oRt+o+�,tt�is d�ed ot uusi may M torec�osad in 2fie crwx�er Ptovide 4Y�PD��4w tu for�dosur�ot mortp+Q�.%
<br />—:� on risf PTOpartlh
<br />- i 14.kMpaetion. Under may u�tar U'►�Pc�tY��Pect it it LenNr pives Borroww notice befo�ePw.-�d.TM noti�w muat atat�the nasauDtt
<br /> — c+�uw tot urid�s'e Insprction.
<br /> �6,�pW�nr�lq�,Sr•owu: ta;��r th�fxoewds of any awxd a claim foe as comact�d with�eo�mn�t+on or othw tak'w�p
<br /> � of all w My D�►t of i�e tx+�eu��.Otacwds wi�k b►�aPWMd as proWd�d In Caw.�asrt 1. sesiqnnNnt is�u�jact to th�twma ot�r►Y D�
<br /> ._ srCU►itY aprwm�nt• • -.
<br /> 16.Wwse.By �xKCisk�p any rsne.°N avii(abl�to LendK,l.u�r do�s not plve uP a�Y riphts to ia:ee��an oy ther ramedy.Bll�t�c�rciskip -
<br /> � any nrtNdy upon BoRO�w�t'�dis:rz.'Lend�r dwa r►ot waiw any ripht to latar cons,dw th��wM�c�sault it it IwppNw ap�in.
<br /> � f�,�y
<br /> 17. Joint�b S�wnl ' : Co+i�n�n% SuccMSars �nd As�s Ra+�b. All Cutia undsr this dNd of tn►rt�r� pint u�d avKal. Ar►y
<br /> Borrow�r wAo co-si�ra Btis d�ed of trutt but do�a not casipn d�w�dK_ lyic�d�'�t insvum�ntfs) das so ontv to prmt Md caw��tfiat
<br />—� BorrowK'�Intentt in 14w�topwtY to:!w TrustN wxMr the t�rms of tNs aa a7 t�xi.!n additian,wch�Bortoww+prca tf�t tM Undw a�d
<br />__� sny otMr IBorrower urb�r thls dN6 uf Erust may�sct�nd.modifv a mak�any otflrc•�!4x�oes in L�t�rnu of tNs dwd ot truci or t1f�a�csr�d
<br />_� dWt wi�t that 8wrovrc�r'�ooru�rs aa.i wiMwut��M�sinp that BortowK fran th�trsas of tltiis c6�01 fiut.
<br /> TM dut�s snd bwfits of thls d�ed o6 q'uit st►W bitW and bewtit tlu succusors aal sts]pnc al�Lw�r�nd Bortow�r.
<br /> �� tt.Notle�.UN�sa athwwit�rpuind by Isw,a�y notla to Borrovwr shall�b��g1vRrt by defivvinq it a by mailinp k by cutifib msil sddn:sad to
<br /> �� m�ail io L ai�s�� �ss �pp�i 1 of this�d�i�d o�tr�ut,�u to�any otFw a�drus ad���1��h�dw yat�id.�otlwr nati�� bUYndx�afha�ll
<br /> _� b�s�t to Und�r9 addnsa ss stat�d on psps 1 of tho dMd of uua.
<br />��i
<br />.�.� MV twtka shstl W dMn»d to haw bsav fliw�to Borro�w�r a l�ndw wha►pive�r in tM manwr tt�!abow.
<br /> � 78.Traa�r of th�P►ap�rty a��k�nat N tM EaROwM. If tll or any prt of tM pro�rt�or any ir.tsnn i�it k told or uancf�rM
<br /> :`' witfiout i�nA�e's prie�:�!sittsn s:^�� l�ndw maY d�mand imm�diat� W,V�M ef ttw s�cureQ d�Dt L�nd�r nuy ako d�msnd Ms�diat�
<br /> �� �R�H�►�+�t Y�t�t abovi t'utur��H tt'�Is a�bY f fidK�l I�aw sito!tl»d��tt�'w d�wd�of vu�arr�d.How�v+r. L�►may not
<br />;:!►
<br /> � 20.R�+r�yr�o�.WfNn tAs oblip�tion aar�d by this d�M of trust has DNn DNd.�nd L�nd�r hss no turth�s ub49+tla�to mak�advanc�s
<br /> ut�far 11�incvunwnts orayr�nts secund by tlw dMd of trvtt�tM Trust»sh�N,upon vwiltM r�st b�th�L��d�r, aco�w+Y ths tiust
<br /> r� Drop�tY.jM L�nQar chalt daU�ar to ths Borrower,or to Borrower�sueeaseor in intet�ct,tha ttu�daad a+tid nom or oUur evidertce of the
<br />_�- oWlpatlon u sstitfie�.8ortow�r st�afl pay any r�corwtion coate. _,
<br /> -�, 21. SuccMwr Trusw. Ur�r, at L�ndw's tion, ma nrrwve Truste� sr� appoint a succ�ssor trustM by fwtt, msiUnO a,copy ot tM
<br /> �' substiiutan of tnxtM�s tpuind bY���W���by fifny th��ubstitution of uusts�tor r�cord in th�offics o1 th�rs�sUr uf d+�ds
<br /> of rach countl/in which tM vust prop�rty.or som�Dart Tn�istii e�rt�i �Uii d�iid of tr s�d of:�yrth0t:uo.uus�«oi th�prop�rty.shall -
<br /> � succMd to�lf tM Po�.dutiM,aud+orR1►wd titi�of th�
<br />-,�
<br />. y
<br />. `._ -..
<br /> w�.saZ =.
<br /> w�s sv�Ea�s.r+c..sr.c�ouo.wi eaw�n�ooas�•aaau rww ar-wnw�e�n�n+ _
<br /> s
<br />