<br />~_,-
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<br />j79~.. ~iU~9~4 ~ ~-_
<br />$ 74s4~0.00....._.,,..
<br />LOAN NO..._4549
<br />KNOW AIeL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That ..... M~=X..Kay,,,Qualsatt atv3 ,Orville .O. ~ttalsett wife
<br />and hu~band:...--.---.--.-.--.------------------°------°--------------------------°-°--------
<br />................ ............................................................................................................................................................................
<br />............................................................................................................................................................................. in consideration o2 the sum of
<br />Seventy Thousand Four Hundred and no/100-----°_________________________________
<br />................................................................................................................................................................................................................... DOLLARS
<br />in Rand paid da ............ hereby grant, sell and rnnvey unto the EQUITABLE SAVINGS ANB LOAN ASSOCIATION of
<br />Columbus, Nebraska, a eorparation, its successors and assigns, the following described real estate situated in ....................
<br />.............ila.ll................ County, Nebraska, to-wit:
<br />TRe West One-Half (W~) of Lote Two (2) and Four (4),
<br />Block $leven (11), College Addition to West Lawn, in
<br />the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />togetRer with alt the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, including attached floor cover-
<br />tngs, all window screens, window shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, heating and plumbing equipment and acres-
<br />sores thereto, pumps, stoves, refrigerators, and other fixtures and equipment now or hereafter attached to or used in j
<br />connection with said real estate. -
<br />Said mortgagor &...... hereby covenant ...._..._. thatt~?Qy...ar4awtuL'y seized of said premises, first the same art itvt
<br />tram encumb ~nz, and s:id mortgagor ~...... hereby covenant ............ to warrant and defend the title thereto against fife
<br />lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. -
<br />PIIOVIBEB, always, and these presents are upon the express condition: That, whereas. said mortgagor a as ''
<br />-•-- _ '-
<br />members of said Association ha~~.. executed and delivered to said AssociatiaR . .... their ..............._ Hatt is witting
<br />to t~palr saYd sum of nt~.Ay a~vR rnantiozeed, witR inters-==: as in acid nab ___vided a;xt i= t~atrnea:ta ~ sat to=t*. ~ s
<br />Hate. and all isles and asse~ments art said premises and rases on this mortgage belore ii:ey bzrtxne delin~utat and
<br />ng'.t° '^- kmp d pram ^.sured to rays * - .:.t P.s a..ar a' at l~ ~_ _ t.~ ar xttrdt v ~r--~. a~ u~ w-
<br />~Q 4~ ~ pa pa ce~rt_able !a martlEaxe~ >e~ a.
<br />- ~urancc. if rrqquzred, each to the amount of S =,.., in a cam tt1' cr <n**a nie~ ae
<br />]ass payable arouse naming the Association and .o deliver su:.h policy or pol,c is 'nd renewals tht:raaf to said Assot.auaat
<br />Now, if the said mortgagor.6. shall pay or cause to be paid the said sum a1 more}• when due, as set forth in said note and i
<br />in this instrument, and shall duly keep and perform all the other covenants and aKreements onthe,ir paM to be kepi and
<br />performed, then these presents shall be void, otherwise to be and mmain in full fom and effect. $ut i! dtfautt be I
<br />made in the payments when-due on-said note as therein agreed to be made, and such delinquency rtpraaenis more 1
<br />than two monthly payments, which delinquency shalt include delinquent real estate taxes, regular or special, irsrspect-
<br />ive of whether paid t?y the Association and charged to princippal ar unpaid and a pzior lien an the property, or in keep- ;
<br />ing the imprarvements on said premises insured as above prov:dtd for, or in the payment at taxes ar assessments at I
<br />nature fxt said premises or taxes on this mortgage before they become delinquent, or if the makers Rereot shall tRlt j
<br />or transfer the fee title to said mortgaged property then the whole indebtedness hereby secured aRall tmmediataly i
<br />become due and eol]ectable a± the option of sold Asaoeia4an and this mortgage may then be toreetased tar the amount
<br />due an said note, bgether with ell sums so paid by said Association for insurance, tags, assessment, upkcep and m- j
<br />p~ttr~, faith iniere;~i an the iota! amount tram daft: aS such ekeiian ai the highest rate theft ailvwed 6p the lawn ed ~
<br />State of NrRraakr.
<br />In case of a default in the peaformance of any o[ the t;rms and conditions of this mortgage or the note secured
<br />hereby, the mortgagee shaft, on demand, be untitled to imme.iiate possession of thr mortgaged premists and we hereby
<br />assign, transfer and set over to the mortgagee ail the rents, revenues and income: to ba derived tram the mortgaged
<br />premtaea during such time as the mortgage nedettedness shall remain unppaid; and the mortgagee shalt have power w
<br />appoint any agent or agents it may desire for the purport of rtl~alcing aald premises and of t+sntus>I the acme and arllsct-
<br />ing the rents, revenues, and income, and it may paX out of said Incomes all expenses oS repairing said prepntses and #
<br />naceaaary comtniasion9 and expanses incurred !n renting and managing, the saint and of calYeNing rentals therefrom; 1
<br />fire balatrce-~i, i£ airy, tit be appiiad ta*~vard the= discRarge of soot tnar$gag2 indaAtadnas-s.
<br />i
<br />Tha note aeetrretf hereby pravidas that while this mortgage remains in eflett this martgagaa ma hereafter ad-
<br />vance additional sums to the makers of said note, their asaigris or successors in interest, which sums shaft tie withiA the
<br />security of this mortgage the soma as the funds originally secured thereby, the rotor amount of principaY debt rat to f
<br />exceed at anytime the original amount of this mortgage.
<br />YN WITNESS WHP1tSOF, the said mortgagor.e.,... ha. ff.`s. set.,...their, hand... a.. the ......,~Q.K~L ................. day of I~
<br />In TRe Presence ot: •' ~ u~'i< .,..~... ...
<br />. Mary Kay ttalaett
<br />.....
<br />....................
<br />~.
<br />e ,• /` ~/
<br />................... ......................................................................................
<br />0 ills O. Qualsett
<br />
<br />