<br />MORTGAGOR(S): ''i~C=r•~lt nlr. ~: r,r - cc~r
<br />~,c;iALt'° C`I«j~. "C. •.NI`r..IFA " °=- °,LE" :r'?' T"..4';n .NEBRASY.A
<br />AGREED RAFE Oi` CHARGES: 2 o per month on that part of the unpaid balance of the Amount Financed not exceeding $1,000; 1 X%per month on an
<br />Hart thereof exceeding $K006 bur not exceeriing Sfi 00(1: t', s;, rwr month nn the remainder.
<br />sV1TNESSF.TH, that Mortgagor(s), does mortgage, grant, bargain, sell. and convey, unto Mortgagee, its successors or assigns the fwliowirtg described Real Estate
<br />in the county of `` t , State of Nebzaaka, to wit:
<br />.. `t , JC;-),'~t ., .. .,°i'~1 ., -, ~ICC~„ ,.r .r.,..r .. t, T~i.~" ,
<br />together with all buildings artd improvcmtnts now or hereafter erected thereon and all xteens, awnings. shades, storm sash and 6tinds, and heating, lighting,
<br />plumbing, gas, electric, ventilating, refria,erating and air-wnditioning equipment used in constection therewith, all of which, for the purpose of this mortgage,
<br />shall Be deemed futures and wbjec[ to the lice hereof, and L'1e hereditaments and spPUrtenancas pariaining to the p[oparty above described, and art sateets,
<br />lanes, alleys, passsgis, ways, waters, water courses, rights, hMzttes and privileges. whatsoever thtretento belozrgirtg or in anywise appettatrting and the tavatsians
<br />xn4 remaindrn, aR of which is referred to hereinafter as the "promises".
<br />TO HAVE AND TO 60LD iht above-0exribed promises, with the appurtenances and [Ixtures, unto the said Mortgagee, its sucttason and assigns, forever, lac
<br />the punooxs and uses herein set forth, free From aU rights and benefits under and by virtue of any Homestead ExemptioA Laws of Wt Stare of Nebtaaka
<br />which may lace enacted, which said rights and benefits the said Mortgagor does hereby exprcss:y rclasse and waive.
<br />'Mortgagor atw assigns to Mortgagee art rents, issues and profits of said premises, reserving the tight to coReet and use tM same, with or without taking
<br />txesmssion of the premises, during continuance of default herunder, and during continuance of wch defeWt authociring Mortgagee to enter upon said premises
<br />amt/or to collect amt enforce thz lama withorn regud to adequacy of any security for the indebtedness hereby xcured Ay any taw ful means inciudirtg
<br />appointment oC a rettiver N the name of any party hereto, arA to apply the soma teas costs and expanses qi operatioa sod colkctton, including reasonable
<br />a[Forncy's fees, upon any indebtedness secured hereby, in such order u Mortgagee may detarminr.
<br />POR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING: (I) Performance of euh agreement of Mortgagor contained heroin; (2) Payment of the prtneipai sum with intemn,
<br />as provided in accordance with the Berms and provisions oC a Promissory Nou J Laan Agraament (he:einattrr referred to as "promissory Anie"}
<br />dated --~1`)`' _, herewith executed by Mortgagor and payahk to the ceder aC Maagagee,
<br />- in tht prinetpal sum of 5 - , artd having tot date nC its Croat psymant duo on - } ; ~ ,
<br />+ar as axftnded, daferrid nr [isclaadp~i by renewal o[ [afi[isnt`i: (3) PaYmtnt of any alditignai advamxs, with interest ihatenn, ~ may L,ax-~r+t°: tx.
<br />loaned by Mortgagee W Mortgagor in a maximum wm q~~.Q4 within 10 yeas from the data of this Mortgage; (0) Tha payment of any
<br />mnnay that may bu advanced by the Mortgagee to Mortgagor Cor any reason ae to third ponies, with :nitreti thereon, where tnC ampuntz arc advanced h+
<br />prutYCt the tasurity nt an acw[ds2~~ with the cnvanants of Chas Mortgage; t5} Any [r-niwal, raCmanciatg ~:: sttinsion of slid promissesp nwtc, pr any at)xcr
<br />agreement to pa}' wfii+:h ;:ray tri wt,stltuted therafgr-
<br />:4it pay manta' made fay Mortgagor an the nbbgntiwn rrcurrd by thu Mortgage shah t>t applied in the fottnwing grdar:
<br />' FIRST:. To the payment of taxes and assessments that may be levied and aseexsd! against raid premKes, trswrancc Premiums. repute, ttrd fll gtt'ar -
<br />cta~s,, and expen~s a~~t t y !~ t#=fir-
<br />_ SECONI?: 'f~ the PaYm. ot` antatert due nn sai;i }exn-
<br />"[111RU: 'fe ahc pxYrntnt _f Princi~a~-
<br />TO YROTELT THE SECURITY HEREOF, MORTGAGORtSa COVENANTS AND AGREES' (11 to keepp safd premttas insured against loss by fire and
<br />other ha2anls, :asualty and COAbM1gaACiCR up to the (all valor u: ate improvements for the protection of Idnrtgaga in such mataer, in such amaunia, aed
<br />in such companks as Mortgagee may frr}sn tirtae tq lima approve, and that toss prsxrsds (less expense n( calkctign) shalt, :t Mwrtgagrr's gptism. tw<-
<br />appliad an Bud indebtedness, whether due or not or to the raxtarauon of said emprovements. in event of loxr Mortgagor wi!I give unmedute nptka b)
<br />mail to the Mortgaguc, who may make peon( oC bss iE not made promptly by MortgagvG and each insurance company concerned is haeby autharttad ^Ad
<br />direcfad to matte payment Cor suxh tau directly to the Mgrtgxgur instaas) of to the Mortgagor. (3) To pay ail tares and special assessm<ntx of any ksta!
<br />that hour bean nr may 6t Itvind or asxased upon said premises, aced to deirver to Mortgagee, upon request of the Mnrtgaeaz, the officul rrcrtpt shgwtryt
<br />payment of all such taxes and xa'lsunents (31 In the trent oC difxult h}' Mortgagor under Puag[aphs 1 or ? abom, Mortgggaa, at ns option, may (ya
<br />plas:e and keep such insurance above provided far to force throughout the rite of thix Mortgage xnd pay the roasonabk prcemam)s and charges theratbr, ibt
<br />pay all said taxis and asaissmrnts without determining Lhe valtdrty thereof. and (~) Pay such liens amt aR such disbursetrarnts shag be dermad a put ni
<br />the indvbtadnexa azcured by thin Martgaga and shag be insmidiataiY due amt pavabie by Mortgagor w Mwtgagie. {A) To trap the buildings arui other
<br />ineprovrmrnts now rxtsttng nr hereafter erected m good eondrtwn arui repair, nut to commit qc suffer any was[a or any use of Bois! premiss ronVUy t.s
<br />rcstei-tigrss +f record qs ~~e tsatY to Lew, an•1 to permit !+1esa9assi u: inter a! aU rtawnabli to:sus tut the p"sP>x 'C (ns«st:ng tht psamafes; :u}t +n
<br />rcmavi qr demolish any building thereon; to tcstWe promptly and in a gaud and wnrkmsnbke manteer any buK)dtngs whkh may be dpnagad ar diatroyxrf
<br />thereon, and to pay, when due, W clabms for Iabwc performed and materials furnished therefor; (5) Thu fro will pay, pr~mptl; the indebtadntss sttured
<br />hereby, and perform all other obligations m (uLL complrarsce wnh the tames of Bud PtomKasory Note and this Mortgage; (b) That the afore of payment of
<br />the indehkdrwss hirahy secured, m ar any portion thereof, may br axtarWad or trnawad, aAd any pwtinns o€ the: premisat heteirt described mav, wttbswt
<br />na[itx, 6t released from the Ike hesaat, without rckastrg nr aff'ectuyt the ppearsonal flabikity pf any parson or the prigdty of this Mwegagr; ('`) Thee hi
<br />daces hareby toravir warrant and watt forever defend tht title uul pasaisswn therinf against the htwful eiauna of any aAd atI parputs whatsnevar.
<br />1T iti MtITtlALLY ACREEP THAT: (l) 1C the saki Mortgages ilexll fail or neglec4 to pay installments on said Ramtssary Nute as the lama may hareattic
<br />hecppee dot, w upon default In perforrnanae wf any agreement hareundtr, w ugpn Bak w Mber disposition of the pmmisas by Mwtgagvr, ur should any
<br />action or prpceedlryt 6a filed in any court to anCotw aaX lien an, alaim against ar tntartat iA tht promtws, than aH soma ow ttyg by spa Mwxtga nt to she
<br />-Matt~g~ --order Ifiit Star --~e nr under fire ~rsArrtasory iipfa awed tterE6y shut tmmadtatafy baeoma dtte and payable at Kbe ,aptson pC t)sa . tgagiz.
<br />on the appllcatign of Eha Mat[gaga~ ar ast~naa, or any gthar gessnn who max bn intitkd to the mnptas duo thast~nat. In sw:h avant tlla Mprtgagta shaft
<br />Nava the tight igsmadiately tq farzeioy this mwtsaga by ewrrapiaint Far Utat purtrnsr, attd suv'ft c~eympfatnt maY b? prasaCUtad to judgAtaAt anti uxc+rution
<br />and sda for [ha cotkgpon of the whole amount of Ne hMebtadnea atW iAttnst thereon, tth:lud(ng reaxonabk aitwrtay `s C~a, any ampunis advanced
<br />pursuant to this mortgage, costs wf wit, aced wsta wf ask, if pamsitted by law.
<br />- - - (2) 3n the evont saki ptasesiaaa are sold at a foredotusa oak, Mwlgagsx(s) ahail be liable fw any deficiency ramainititt attar ufe of the promises if pannincN 6y
<br />-4w, and apPikaHOA of the proaeads of aid ask to the iadebtedsteas axured and to the auparsast of forecloNUr, Including Mortgagee's muwnabk attorney's
<br />_ - ..tees amt legal expaases if a9owal by law. -
<br />(}) Mortgagee shalt ba aubrogated to the Y:n of -aAY mid aG pror etrtumbtances, tkele pr chafes paid and dixharged [tom iha prw~eads of the taut
<br />hareby sacuted. arrd oven though said prior liana have bean ratasaed of record, the ropaymmt of aWd indabtednass sbW be xacured hY wch ikns un ~`sa
<br />portions of said psansises afftxted tharnby to the eateM of prat payments, reapectivaly.
<br />(4) Whanevez, by the tesnu of this hrurpntant w~of paid Promiuory Nate, Mortgagee is given any option. such option may be azarcised when the right
<br />acratuas of at any Kitts thuaafter, and no aceaRtanae by Mortgagee of pyymwt of indebkdAea k de4Wt shalt constitute a waiver of any default then
<br />azLstireg and cantinueng or ttcereafter atxrreirtg.
<br />21~0a]B tR6V. a•]al N•
<br />
<br />