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<br />79- ~i~~9fi~ <br />REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE <br />MOR NGAGOR(S): r~.s.soj „i•.,'x4 tea ~o-x.,. <br />c`i: i?iil3l)"' r. ti-,'!OR I ~'x i."7F^' <br />MORTGAGEE: <br />AVCO FINANCIAL SERVICES i"Tr:?t',4~,',~^"! <br />'~c,~~ , rim JFI Pi ~T~ <br />NEBRASKA <br />AGREED RATE OF' CHARGE ON PROMtCCnRY NOTE EXECTITED CONC7JRRENTLY HEREWITH: <br />AGREED RATE OF CHARGES: 2% per month on that part of the unpaid Wlance of the Amount Financed not exceeding St,D00; 1 Yi% per month on an <br />part thereof exueding 57()(30 but oat excterling 55 (Jft(J~ t Y. n par month nn the remainder <br />wt t rvtSStt M, roar Mo agor(sJ. does mortgage, grant, bargsin, sell, and convey, onto Mortgagee, its successor or assigns Ne following described Real Estate <br />in the county of "-:.L _, State of Nebraska, to wit: <br />Lt.•,- r.i4u' (`; St !':.t .. (t;;lc ,.. ,ice .'s `.',f1i It„' iC :~(= L"='rY L`,':' GR"C ~T3LAP1n. <br />emu. Ct,!!:.rY, p,'F' ft~. r. <br />tog<ittrr with Wh~ W cots row or hereafter erected Hereon and all screens, awnings, shades, dorm sash and blirMs, and heaAing, lighting, <br />T~tumbing. gas, Ater 'L ;a-', van --~ ; ~tNtg:hpd air-conditioning equipment used in rnnnection tharewiN, utl of whi<If, for Ne putpou of this mortgage; <br />sha}I nr dzemed fix,ies and t~'tbiF tMtt hereof, and Ne hercditaments and appurtenances pertaining io Ne property above described, affil all stteeu, <br />lanes, alleys, pasxagr3, -xbys?Ragg(g ayater ~awyf~tea, rights, liberiks and privileger., whatsoever thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining and tlye[eversions <br />and remainder, all oC which is refened fo hereinafter as the "premises". <br />i"O }PAVE AND TO HOLA the abovcdeuribed premises, with the cepppurlenances and Futures, unto Ne said Mortgagee, its tuceessor and assigni,,fartver, for <br />the purposes and uses herein set forth, free from all rights and bena0ts under and by virtue of any Homestead Exemption Laws of Ne State~.'of Nebraska <br />•~tuch may bt enacted, which said rights and 6cnefits Ne said Mortgagor does hereby ezpressty release and waive. <br />Mortgu~or slsa assigns to Mortgagee a17 rents, iswes and profits of said premises, reserving the right to collect and use the same, wiN or without taking <br />possessor of the premises, dwing rontirtuance of default hereunder, and during continuance of such defeat! authorizing Mortgagor to enter upoa said pmmisrs <br />andJue :a collect and enforce the ume without regard to: adequacy of any security for the indebtedness hereby secured by any lawful means including <br />appointment of a recxiver in the name of any party hereto, sod to apply she same kss coats and <zpenses oC op<ratinn std mlketion, fnclud(ag rcasanabk <br />attome}•'s fees, upon any indebtedness secured hereby, in such order as Mortgagee may determine. <br />FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING. (1) Performance of each agreement of Mortgagor conuined herein; (2) Payment of the principal sum write interest, <br />as provided to accordance wish Ne terms and provisions of a Promissory Note /Loan Agreement (hercittaftet rof<rred to as "promissasv rove") <br />datnd ~ =:.v i e.T°j • ~-«, i <!'r ` ,herewith rxe7t[cd by Mortgagor and payabk W the ardor at Mortgagee, <br />in the princspat wrs at 3 = ,and raving the date of its float paym<nt due on - - - --.- _„ ~ , <br />at as e;xl<rdtd, defzrrrd or rescheduled bJ' renewal cr ~vttfinaru-r; 43J Payment of any additional advatwes, wiih mteresi thetvaa, as Wray httraftat tae <br />!Waned br Mortgagee to Mo;taagar in a maximum sum e~]4QQ~~ within }0 years from the data of this Mortesgr; id: The payrnartt a€ a.:y <br />maaey Nat may b advanr>?d 6y Nt Mortgagtt [o Mortgagor tar any remwn a[ to lhhd patties, wrth inte;tst Ntrean, whore the .rtrannes art ~ tg <br />nmtrit fht security or ir. accordanu wnh the carrnxnta of Nis Mattgaaa; (3t Any renrwat. etl;nan<itv~ at extaasinn of taram~Y ~, a=y zrs~x <br />agnYtnant to pay which may nr xut?stituted Nercfor- - - - <br />..L' :m°- ,y rttad= ,.rtaag:., rzr. t.~ ub~aztn sraur-d -- this M rtgsge msti ~ apput3 in the foRawttrg std<r- <br />tCIRST: Ta N< p yment of taxes and asarssarer. is N t ma? na kv_iw and a_saex~d againrt sa;sf peemLc: lss~an.=: ~-,. rap-attr, 3i i.ay <br />- -cltarge• sad eaprnsta ogre-ed to b< gold by thz Mo.~ageu. <br />SECOND: To thz payment of interest due an said Wan. <br />THIRD: To the pxymant of Principal. <br />70 PROTECT TNF SECURITY HEREOF, MORTGAGOR(S) f'OYFNANTti .eNU AGREES: (ll to keep saW pramtses mwrcd sgatnst Lass 6y fire amt <br />other hazards, casualty std condngencks up to the fad value nC ail improrcmrnts fat the protection of Mortgagee in surA manner, in such amounts, and <br />in such comgani<s as Mortgagee may &mn time m time approve, std that Was pnaxexis (kss ezpensa of cailr<tion) shall, ai Mortgagee's ophan. In <br />applkd can saW irdzb[zdness. whether duz or not ur to the tas«nratian nC said rmprnvamrnts. In error of loss Mattgagar wdl glue immatut< notice by <br />mail to the Mortgage,:, who may make proof u( loo d nut made prunrptiy by Mortgagor, and rack insurance tympany concecned is hereby autharued atni <br />directed to make payment fur uch loo durctly to the Mortgagee instead a! to the Mangagor. (2) Ta Pay all taxes and special assessments of any lead <br />that have neon or may be kvkd or axsesaed upon sad prrmucs, and to Aelner N Mortgagee, upon request a1 the Mortgagee, the otLciai teceip! showhsg <br />Payment of all such taxes and assessments. (3) in the event o! dcl'auit by Mortgagor order Paragraphs 1 at ? atwrr, Mortgagee. at its aptnsn„ may is) <br />place and k<ap such insurance above provrsied fa: in farce Nruughaut Fnr bit of thtx Mmtgagz atxi pay the reasanabk pr_miums and char$ax thtrefar, tbJ <br />Pay alt said taxes and aasessm<ttts without determinitsg the valiattry thereof; and (c) Pay wch lions and aU wdt dlsburemants shalt br dermal a part of <br />the indtt,tadnras rz<urod by this Mar!.^age a:.d shat! be hnm<dtaiWy due and payabk by Marigagar to Martt(aitaa. (0.} Ta keep the $uiilirtga and other <br />improvements now cs faring or hereafter erected in good rond+tiat and repair, oat to commit or wttrr any waste or any use ut sad pramims contrary' to <br />restrictions of record or •onuary to law, and to permit Mortgage to antec at ail « ausnabk titres far the ppurpom of inapernng the premises, met to <br />remove or damni(sh any bwiding th<reon, to reanrrc premplly and m a good and wpekmentike manner any buildir+gs which may ba damaged or desucayrd <br />•heraon, std to pay, when due. sU claims Tot labor pzrfomtad a,ut matrriaid furnislrrd thrrc[or: tSJ That hr will paY. pramppt~y she mdrb[ednzss wurvd <br />heretrp, and petfurm alt other obligations in full camplsgttce with the taints of sad Promissory Nota and Nis Martgagr: Fn} T1tat Ne roar at payment W'. <br />the indebtedness hereby se,;urcd, oe of soy portiat. fhatrat, may bz tatetwrd or renewed, ind any {wnians oC ehc premises herein described mayy without <br />notice, ba rcietaed from Ne lien hereof, without releasing or affecting eha rsonal Wtdliry u( any pcrwn or eha priority of Nis Mortgage; (7j That hr <br />does htrcby torevar wamnt and will t`oeerrr defend eha title and possession thereof aiainct tha lawful claims of any sod aU persons whatscsevar- <br />11' IS MU'TUAI.I,Y AGRFHty 'THA'I`. tl) if the said Mangagnr shop Fad ar neglect to pay instakknents an said Pramixroty Kota as the soma may ht±tattpr <br />E>~-~ :c our, ar upon dxfauit in ptr:ormance o€` any agreement hereunder, ae upon seta ar aNar dnpositian-af the promises uy M• agar, tar shosdd any <br />actsan or pmr..,edeng !x files( L: a:sy axwrt to tnforcr any itttn on, daim against ar intaraet in the premises, than all aamc awl by tAr Martg~tor to tttr <br />?tartggaa under t}+is Mortg~ at a+dar the Pramtswry Note ascu[ed hereby attnii immatiattly become but amt payabk at the cpisan of the Martttagrt~ <br />an rho applicaGOn aF the Mor~g:~aa or agsti~nea, or any othee person who may be tntitlnd to eha moatts due thereon. In wrh aunt the Mar(gagss xshteaall <br />have Na Hg(tt immedutety to foreebxa thir mortgyt by can+pletnt fw that pttrpace, attd tuck complaint may be praatcotad to htdgmrnt and exacutusn <br />and sate for the mikction of the whole amouai of Na tade6tednass and intoraat Nerean, istcludirsg raesonabte sitortray's feaa. any atnaunu advanced <br />ptArsuant to Lhis mortgage, mats of wit. and cwta of sale, H paamitteil by ktw, <br />- i2} fn tits evME said psemius are sold at a faracpowra aala, A(arigagaHs} shag ha liable for aay defl<1aasY rettsainirt€ arks oak aI else psrmise. it prrnsttr,;d by <br />-law, mid application a Ne proceeds of said sale tp tha'indebtednen sc;ttred and to the expenus of tarecbwte, including Mort$aget's rrraassahk rttomcy `s <br />f'oae acid legal nXpenaea if stlavM by taw. <br />(3} Mortgagee shell be wbtogated to Ne (ben of any and s11 prior ettcantbraneea, liens or charge: paid and dicelretgad from eha proarotds of the loan <br />hemby eerurcd, and even Hough acid p»or liana dava bnotr mowed of mtwN, the repayment o said tndebtedrtru shat) w rerured 6y such liens on the <br />portions. of said premises affected Nrraby to tttn extent of ouch-paymanta, matwctively. <br />(1} Whenever, by Ne terms of this inctwaseat ar of-mid ihaunitaory Nomc Murt~gee w given anY option, such option may be rxeretud when Ne right <br />ecraues or at anY time lbeaeaRar, and rro acceptansx by Mortgagee of payment of IrMabtatntu 'vs debut( shag mttatimta a waiver of any default then <br />eziattng std aonti.uing ar t}srmattet ~ru tg. <br />ae-ease tnev. ~-:at rust <br /> <br />