<br />etoltrc,ACE:E:.
<br />7~"a yV~~[7S INTERNATIONAL INC.
<br />MORTGAGOR(S1:141}90$029 1212 WEST °2ND ST.
<br />~. s, H.Mr -r,»5. ~x,., ..,r -
<br />AGREED RATE OF CHARGE ON PROMISSORI' NOTE EXECUTED CONCURRERTLI HEREWITIt: 296 pet month on that put of the unpaid balance of '.
<br />the Amount Financed not exceeding E 1,000; lYa'~ pet month on any part thereof exceeding 51,000 but not exceeding SS,000; 1r/.`~ per month on the remainder, '.
<br />I
<br />v49TNESSLTH, that Mortgag~isl, aces mortgage, grant, bargain, yen, and convey, unto Mortgagee, tie successors or assigns [he tottoxvmg descnbed Kent tstace
<br />in the anunty of _ iH'iAA _, State of Nebraska, to wit:
<br />together with all taaiidtngs and jmprovemenes now or heteufter erected thereon and all screens, awnings, shades, storm sash and blinds, and heating, lighting, -
<br />ptu;nbing, gas, electric, ventilating, eefrigemting and au•rortditianing equipment used in connection therewith, all of which, for thz purpose of this mortgage.
<br />steal! be deemed fixtures and subject to the lien hereof, and the hereditaments and appurtenances pertaining w the properly above dasrxibad, and all stxtts, .
<br />lanes, alSeys, passa})es, ways, waters, water awurses, rights, liixrte_s and privileges, whatsoever thereunto betoaging or in anywise appertaining and the aversions -
<br />and remainders, all of which ti referred to fietalnafter as the "premises". '~.
<br />'CO k1A1'E AND TO HOLD the abovedescr#bed premises, with [hr appuncnances and futures, only the said Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, forever, fat
<br />tkir purposes and uses herein set forth, free from all rights and benefits under and by virtue of any Homestead Exemption laws oC Ute State of Nebraska
<br />which may be enacted, which said rights and benefits the sad Moagagvr dots hereby rspressty release and waive. -
<br />Mortga~or also assigns to Mortgagee aR rents, issues and pmfits of said premises, reserving the right to coital and use the same, with ar without rakutg
<br />passesston of -the premises, during continuance oC default hereunder, and during continuance of such default authorizing Mortgages to enter upon said prrntisrs -
<br />andlor to collect and enforce the same without regazd t4 adequacy of any security for the indebtedness hemby secured by any 1aw[ut means including
<br />appointment of s receiver N the name of any poly hereto, and to apply the carne less csssts and expenses of operation end trolketion, including reasonahk
<br />attorney's fees, upon any indebtedness secured hereby, in such order as Mortgagee may determine.
<br />FOR THE: PU RP05E OF SEi'URING: (1) Performance of each agreement of Mortgagor contained herein: t2) Payment of the principal sum with interest,
<br />as provided in asxvrdance with the tezms and psavisieas of a Promissory Nate ([,oar[ Agreement theteinaftrr ral'emxl la as "pram~y naie''t
<br />dated _.. ;SEPTEHBER 11, 1979 . hzrewith executzd by Mortgagor and av to the order of Mortaaltee,
<br />in the principal sum of 5_..999.5 ,and having the date of its final payment due an SEPT~FfBEff lA, 1~~f6
<br />or as extended, drl'erreA yr rescheduled by renewal sir refinance; (1) Payment of any :ulditivnal advance>, with interest thereon, ss may hereafter be
<br />t:>aned try Mortgagor w M ongsgor in a maximum sum ut..~',..~•00 within 10 yeas from the data of this Mortgage; (3) The':. payment of any
<br />money that may to odvan:-a} by t?te M.srfgagee to A4artg2ar far ar+y :awn yr tv Urud parties, with int-text thereon, witerr thu atnoanta. ate ~va~a=~i tr-'
<br />protect [he ssc;.uri#y sir trx au:urdance wish thz covznants of this 'utnrigagz; tS) Any tr-nswut, taftnurtcirtg of txt€tui 7n ai raid pramt~n~ m7ti',. yr xn}- ether
<br />~;eemer;# tv pay which may + wbstit:.-.....,._re.fvr. ~ -
<br />- - -Alt paymznts madz by MartCragvr on the obhgauon se--sited ry thts S.tor#g-agt .hail ire apyrfrcd ttt th-r faRsvmirta ar3er. - - -
<br />fIRST: Ta the payment of taxes and asseaunents the[ may hr levied and assessed against said prrmisrs, insurance premiums, repairs, acrd aU ocher -
<br />chargcs and expenses agreed to br paid by thz Mortgagor.
<br />SECOND: To the payment at interest due un said loan.
<br />'tHiRD: To iha payment of principal.
<br />'CO PROTEC9' 'CHE SECURITY HEREOF, MORTGAGOR(S) CUV`ENANTS ANU AGREES: (t) iv Cerp said premises insured against t_,.~ by rue attd
<br />other hazards, easualry and contingencies up to the Cui! value of aU improve naen[s fur the ptatectivn of Nartgagre in such manner, in such amount:, and
<br />in such campunies as Mortgagoz may from time to time agprovr, and that loxs prw:erds thss expense of catkctian) shalt, a[ Mortgagoe(s aptian, br
<br />applied sin said indebtedness, whe!hrr due or nut or iv the resu,ratiw+ of xuid tmprovzmrntx. Ile event of Iw. SlortaaFor will give rmmeslia0.~ nonce by
<br />moil to the Mortgagee, who may make proof of toss if not made promptly by Mortgagor, amt each insurance company con •zrned "ts hereby wthoritad acid
<br />directed to make payment Eor such toss d'urcily In the Mortgagee instead of to the Noitgagor. (?) To pay aR texas and special asxasmeats of any kind
<br />that have burn or rnsy hr levied ar assessed open snid prrntisas, amt to deliver tv Nortgagar, upon request ot` the Mortgagee. the vttkiai receipt shWVtttg
<br />payment of all wrh taxes and assesmtents. (3) in the event of drfnult by Mortgagor under Paragraphs i or ?above, Mvrigager, at its option. say lal
<br />plea and keep each insutancr ahoy pN,vidrd far in Curer throughout the lire vt this Mortgage and pay` the rrawnahk premums and cltxrge3 therefor. (b?
<br />pay tvl said taxes and asaewnants wrthuut dztrrmuung the valWiry threat; and let Ray .ouch items and silk such disburszmrnt, shall br dxmrd a parr of
<br />[he indebtudness vn'uresi by this Mortgage and shall br uttmedtatrl) due oral pay able by ilfurigagor lu Mortgagee. (i} Tu krri~ the buildings oral veher
<br />imprnvenrrnC. now rxrs[ir[g sir 3trrraftrr zsr~trai sit goad ~ ~ tdiuun end tnpa[r, not to .wnmit ar xulfrr any waste yr mry cur sit ..ud ptr,tusrs sanitary to
<br />tesirictions of tCCUrst ar sooner}' ns law. and tw prtntn Mortgagor to rntzi st aU reasonable times for lhr putl+trse of urspr. utg thz premtsas: mtt W
<br />rrntovr m demolish any hutfding thereon: to rcstorr prgmpety and in a gustd and wurkmanhke manner ant buiktings whsc)r enay br damaged yr desnvvrd
<br />thereas, and ro pay, when due, all claims tar lobar performed and matznals iu[nished therclor, (SY "That he wilt l*ay, prcunptly the rmlabtrdtsrss sr.;uied
<br />hereby, and partvrm alt ether +sblfganans in full eompkiancz wuh eha teens of said Promissory Nate and this Mortgage; Ili) Thut the time of payment vP
<br />tlx Indebfadttaaa hereby saturad, ur vt' any par[fsyn thereof, may tar extended yr renewed, a»d app psntions of the pratnises herein drscrtbed ma}'. without
<br />notice, br released from the lien hexof, without reirawtg sir alfrctttrg the yarwnd lability sit any person sir Iha priaritY of this NL>rtgaga; (1) lies hz
<br />dsrc:s trFrcbp tees-vet c:arran- =;.ci ~tti :rrtar~t datz~.u iha tF~ls psi p-usacz~+r= kh~F[~a€ 3gaira# the iaw'.ul liaises of any a~ al# par~:rs what.~zs~r, -
<br />tf IS MLrt'UALLY AGItEED THAT. ill 3f rho mid ~arlgsrgar sludi Cal sir rmaiact tb pay installments air sett Pt+mrissvey Nata a+ iha rs.ma maY ~~~
<br />bnronm due, or upon default in parfantlanre oC any ttgtaomcnt Ixretrttdrr, or upon sale or utt,ar dispasttian of the premises by Nortyagvr, yr should any
<br />action yr proctrditl~ be fikxi iii anY court to enforcx: any Ike on, claim ageitrat ar urtarest in the premises, thin all somx owing by eha Moeigagar to the _
<br />Alortgagce under this Mnr[gage o: undo[ the Promissory Nota sactrrad hereby shat) immadiatety become due and payable at iha aptian of the Mortgagor,
<br />n the application of the 4Cortpgaggaae, or assigssae, at any athei parson who may br entitled to iha monies due thereon. in wrch event the Mortgagee shag
<br />have the iiglu ImmadiaYrly to tttreclose this rtwttgage by complaint fur that purpose, and such uumpinfnt may be praacrouted to judgment and axacurion
<br />acid sat for the cat{ec{ioa oC the ~w-hale am~3unt of ttrs•- tndabtrslr~~ and interest iha€raut. inr-lading reasanahie attarluy'a fats, say atnaunts advuur4
<br />pursuant to this mortgage, rnsts of salt, and costs of sat, If prnnisted lxy taw.
<br />{2) in rho event said p~emiser era sold at a fareGowre sale, Mortgagor(s) shaft bs liable for any deficiency remaining after sat of the premises ii' permitted by
<br />law, and apptirxtion of thu proceeds of said sat to the htdeblMness secured and to the exponxs of Cararlosurr, inciuditrg Mrxigagea's rcas<mable attorney's
<br />fans and ksgat expenses H allowed by law.
<br />(3) Morlgagce shall be subrogated to the lien of any and s!1 prior snctunbrastcss, liana or uhargns paid and dimharged front ihr prwamis of the loan
<br />hereby sxured, aad. avers tleougls saki Pdor lleas have heea eeleaaed of record, iha aepaymant vF said indebtedness xhs.0 ba sreurs'ai by such liana on the
<br />parEans of s?id prentyzs affected thereby to the extant lsf stlelt pnysttsrtts, teapa:tively.
<br />(4j Whamver, by iha terms of this instrument or of said Isromfawry Note, Mortgagor is given tiny option, such aptian may be exercised when the right
<br />au~.ues ar at ary fir.: &'t~"r~aftat, and.sto a~pt~.^a by 4~'otlce of ~;ta~: of indgbtess in default shaft canstitutr a waiver cC any default then
<br />exiaLng and eeatin_uing or thsrsaftzr aecnting.
<br />1a-tlala IRtr Y, a•'lf) NC
<br />
<br />