~C1-A s~E Niit~~ l1EN
<br />i~ ~~~
<br />Huffman and Fettcn y Wolf. Walton, Ne- o&46i
<br />Lie„ rieimed bY~ ----- .....September. -'°-s...1-9-7-9 .....................r9..°------
<br />_Gxan-cl..-Ialaaci...Ixra.gatir~m...tK...Constructiozrlgainst:..,Iack...n._...&...Fh~rl1 i.s-.-a_.--Gxeezawaa
<br />ffddress__..Ii._Q.,__~t?~t._.213.,.---Gxand._SS1anLl,--.NE ._....-------Soio4d..Biver,...NE..b88fl3...--•°-----°°----.....
<br />.,, Dr. Cr.
<br />------ ~~--1.2--~
<br />n
<br />------~C-1--$----
<br />------:L.T~-- -
<br />__-_-- ~~ _ Labor
<br />__---- ~'--Ellin
<br />3r--1~A5----------------------
<br />
<br />2 i66
<br />---------------------------------------------------------------------------i ------------r------~----------~---------
<br />------•-----------•--°------°---------------------°-----------------------i~------------ ~------ ---------~-------
<br />---
<br />-------------------------------------------------------------------------I~-------------~------ ------------ ------
<br />-
<br />___.-_...__ I~_____________f_____-~.__.._...._r-.--.-.-_
<br />--~i ~ i
<br />,:
<br />.: _._it-._ ---F-----i--- t---------
<br />i
<br />.y late Of....J.'~.QcMXfj.~M.Rt3 ............... ..
<br />ss.
<br />.Hall ....---.. County
<br />A;~anti, .~hn.-.Ps~isendorf.....Sr.-*---d/b~a---Gland...Island...Irrigatian_~...Lstnstbsing f-st j
<br />t ,,
<br />dnly sterosn, on his oath says that the foregoing itemized account of work, labor, sk4di....,and ............................._......_...-,. - ~ :.
<br />nu#erials, and improvements is true and correct: that same were done and perfarmed and furnished by the undersigntd
<br />for the said---Jack...p....-&---P.h~1.1.i-s--.A..-••-Gs-sestwood ........................................................................°°..._..-----•-•--.._. t
<br />i under a' ................QZd,~..-----•------°--.._.......:..... contract....°.-°....--°--°-----°---------.............-.................°.................................°......
<br />I for thc'.....RUxchase...ansl...installat,is~n...._.........of a .-Bestial..isrigatinu...s~rstear_.........._.........
<br />t
<br />• •-a a- Section Fifteen '!
<br />i an the following tot, bsece or parcel of Jand, va:,...-IQQ7~G)llW.~S.~..9.B...F~~~...(.~~2 ............................._..,.,._........._.._ _ _,
<br />(15), Townsti~i~ Ten (10)-, Range-Eleven ill), .Hall County,_Nebrat?ka ~ ~ `
<br />- ... ..............._...,.-._~......_~~-. t
<br />t f ...
<br />f'hat at the #irx€ said tonhact tt~s madE and ksbor and materials furnished and deli~~ErEd th€rEtrSr Ta
<br />' D and Fh Ills A Greenwood
<br />,,.. ~....,.................5'......_........._.z..•° ......................................._.............°.._-..............---..................sat the owner of said prssss°'
<br />-; -- .
<br />~ That the date of the fast itsm furnished uad dslivered uas._...du1-g...21y°-.13.Z~ .............°--°-- . .-.....-. and tlts .'
<br />I date of the last item was......:~u~Y.._21-c--.~~~.~........._.
<br />A~iant fwthsr states the! said labor was performed on, and materials wars furnished for, dstivered ot, and ttsed in
<br />Srdd building ar prsndres on and betwetn the dells speri(~rd.
<br />Thai the prtirrs charged therefor are fair and reasonable, and that (hers is now due on said account the srmt of
<br />,k~i~~t~en_•~tundrt~d l1Ety-seven.,and 16~1Od-_-.-.,--------.-_---.-------°.-;...1?altars, tJ4at s+dd'
<br />............................._.._..................._.....,.............................._............claims a Ilea on fhe said prantises far the full anwunt of j
<br />solid account, to-wit: Ths su+n of Sr..,1, 557.16 ..........._._. g her with interest thErson of the ttgat slits
<br />3 from tha........_. .....day of........... :~ if .;. .~.. *..,.....,~~1: tQ..~~...., tg..........., axd fwthsr afjusxt says not# i ;I
<br />9 -i.. """"`-^'°"` t ." to ;s'-nr,?nm+w aavar. ..... ....................
<br />+. N i~iitilN jb~a Grand IsF and lrra`gat~.an & G~ttratliutrtio~i
<br />?`, f SubscribEd in my prsssncs and sworn to beforE me thu..,...lR.fh .... ...... .........
<br />- 1~ { day of ..... Se~tember._ ........................._.~..~6~~~~~~~7 {. .
<br />(sec-reverse side fcvt iastruettaErs~ lYatary Prbtic.
<br />~,
<br />!i i 87'ATE t'}F .•- .••- _.:. ~ ~ Entered an numerical rode: and tiled far earned
<br />4~ - ~ Cauaty..y.~ ....._ ...._. ..~., ip the Register of Deeds Office of aaici County the
<br />j .dsy ot......_.r........_.__..___. 18..._..__., at.........._.__........._....ocloc$ and.........._..........._....minutea ...._..._...,,......AS.,
<br />i ............ .... -»
<br />~x
<br />1 i and ~x.asde8 to Booh, ».._.....:.. _:.._..,...,....ad....~..... ...~ ..................at page-----.._._...------------........--- -
<br />=f
<br />..._._ ..........................................................................ReB. of Daeda j ;;
<br />~~ i
<br />,: ,
<br />i~ ~ - i
<br />E - Ry......._.._.._ :.......... .........................................................DePutg i r
<br />I r
<br />i I ,
<br />