79-- {~~~~~fl M®EiTGA~;E
<br />THIS INDENTURE, maab this- 11th day of September 19 79 , by and betwaea
<br />John R. Tease and Patricia J: Tease, husband sail wife, each in his and her own right
<br />and as spouse of the other,
<br />of Hall County, Nebraska, as mortgagor & ,and Grand Island Tmat Company of Grand Island, a eoryoration
<br />organized and existing under the laws of Nebmska with its principal office and place of business et Grand Island, Nebraska, as mortgagee:
<br />WITNESSETH: That said mortgagor s , [or and in consideration of the sum of
<br />**Twelve Thousand Ten and No/100ths** ~parelEl2,O10.00 -- 7
<br />the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do _ by thaw presents mortgage and warrant unto said mortgages, its successors and assigns,
<br />forever, ail the following described real estate, situated in the CoLaty of -_ Hal I
<br />and State of Nebraska, w~wit:
<br />Lot Twenty-Eight (28) in hidden Lakes Subdivision Number Two (2}, being a Part of
<br />the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SE-I/4 NE-1/4) and a Part of the North
<br />Half of the Northeast Quarter of she Southeast Quarter (N-1/2 NE-1/4 5E-114) of Section
<br />Thirteen (13), Township Eleven (11} North, Range Nine (9}, West of the 6th P.M., Hall
<br />County, tdebraska.
<br />Together with elf boating, air Conditioning, lighting, and plumbing equipment end fixtures, including screeae; awnings, storm windows and
<br />doors, and window eharlea ar blinds. used on or in cennecsion with said property, whether [ha same are now located on said progaty or hereafter
<br />placed thereon.
<br />TO HAVE AND TO llOL6 THE SAME, wgether with ell and singular the tenements, hereditamenta and appurEnoaocee ¢hereunto 6e-
<br />tinging, or in anywise appertaining, forever, soil warrant the title w the same. Said rmegagor 9 _ hereby rnvanant -_-._ with said
<br />_ -mortgagee than --t he.~t era __ . at the delivery hereof, the lawful owaer_s of the pramiaea sLurve eonveyad ffid deacn'berl.
<br />- e;ed are.__-- ae;,od of a go?d atsl iadefa<aaiblo estate of iaheritanre therein, free artd Char of all e~urnbranCes, aas2 tltst_.,.~.ha~wla
<br />warrant and defend cha title Cheraw forever against the claims and demands of all Uraoae whomsoever.
<br />PROVIDED ALWAYS, and this itwtrument u executed end delivered w secure the payment of the sum of
<br />**Tw~irr~_Tttottaand Ten and No/100tha** ___ Batiaral;3.~12_t.?IQ.09 - _l.
<br />with ini s,_et th_~~a, v.~r ~_th 3,tzh zhargea a.~ advaacMa ea may f~ due sra3 payabfa w said trartgagez undue the tartar ami Ctsadltlaaa
<br />_ -_ d ~ **rT. .~,e~ of oven dew h _~ewith and ae<u.~:.+ hsrahy. ex~utsd 6y °a«&1 :nartgssor~_-to sad r~~a, ~v ~ -~: °
<br />in said mote, and w assure the performanoa of ell the wrens and canditioas cancained therein. The farms of said ante are hereby ieeorm_rated
<br />-_ _- by Chia rafrrcnce. - -- - - - _ - - -- - - _.
<br />It is the intention and agreement of the parties hereto that this mortgage shall alw secure any future advances ensile w said martgagvr_5~...
<br />by es;d mortgagee, acrd any and all indebtedness in addition w the amount above stated which said nuvtgagors, or any of thorn, mqv awe w
<br />said moKgsgee, however evidenced, whether by note, book account or otherwise. This nwrcgage shell remsin is full force amf dtart 6etwesa
<br />the parties herew and their heirs, persoml rapreaentaUves, succeasore and ensigns, until el! amounts secured hereunder, iaztuditrg tutors
<br />advances, ore paid in fuL' with interest.
<br />Tha mortgagor. a _ hereby eaeign __.__ w said morcgagme eli rents and income arising at any and all timaa from said property sad
<br />hereby nuthoriza said mortgagee or ire agent, et its option, upon default, to take charge of said property and cviln.°t aH rents roil income
<br />therefrom end apply the acme w the payment nt iawreat, Principal, ineunnre pmmiuma, sauces, aeseaemenre, ropaira ar impravenNnta
<br />taxessary to keep said property in tenantable maclitioa, w w otter charges or pivmenta provided for herein or fn tf~a leby served. Thin
<br />rent eseigrunrac shill continue [a force rmta7 the unpaid DalanCe of said mta u fully paid. Tha taking of poaseeefon haeeurair shall in m manner
<br />trawant or retard said ttwetgagee in the oolleetioa of said aurae by foreclosure or otbarwiea.
<br />The faifuaa of the mortgagee w aaeert any oI its rights haseundar at any time shell not 6e ranstrued sa a waivr of its right to assert tlm
<br />name at any later time, amt w irsalst upon and anfottxt strict compliance with atl the tettna end pmvfafoos of said mss soil of this tnortgaga.
<br />It said mortgagor s shalt sues w be paid w said mortgages the satire amount dun it hereunder, and under the terms and provisions
<br />of said mtA hseaby sewted, lrtotuding fuwts advamree. nail nay axtawiorre or rerrawrla thereof !n aocordeaca with the farms and provisions
<br />thereat, auvd a said mortgagor *~. shill oamply vrfth aiI the prov'teiono of mid note and of Chic mortgage, then, Chase pteeeata shell be void;
<br />Mlrr'+a^isa w romaia is fall iorea std affect, and aa1<i raortgagea ahat2 ~ sntitlad to tke ps~seealoa M a4l at t}roFtlrty. anti may, ~ ire option.
<br />dackrre the whale of said note and alt ~s repnmeated t}reaeby w be irmmdlately due apd payable, and mrty tozecleae 6his mongnga
<br />or take_sgy other legal action to prataet fta-;iglu. AppsadsamenC wafvad.
<br />Tfue nroMgage ehei8 be 6lndfag~t+pat std slult snots-W the 6enatlt of the bairn, e:acutors, admfatatratore, eucesaeore and akaiYna of the
<br />roelrectivepartiea,herew.
<br />written.
<br />sold 11ottgagar..$r $a _.Y~....haraunw net _._ ._.~ hand _.~5___tite day and year first above
<br />•' i •~ f
<br />area~, Te e
<br />r
<br />