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Ky. .i, 'li . . iwi7L,:- <br /> . �a.. " ��t. . �� '�� :r�.�y'L�".,,_: <br /> • . ... <br /> _ '.:L�— - � <br /> *�' . ..-�,.. r'*rz-__... <br /> { '.4.::.. ...y.ti;:- <br /> l .- <br /> . -�1 ���M^.n ' ° :— <br /> , ' o - <br /> . ,� .:� j.. �. � 92� �oo4s8 <br /> � TO(iETHF.R W ITH all �hc impmvcmcma now on c�rcAf�er entitcd�M��hc�x�qx�nX,und af�e�sement�,�ppuncnortceg, <br /> • and fizwres now ar hereuf�er u p�n oP the property. All nplacementx WrJ uJQhi��n.r+h��R alx��b�r roverai by thlt 3ecudly <br /> = � Instrument. All of Ihe faregaing is referted�o in ihiH S��curi�y inxlrumc�t�n�hc„Pt��nny.' <br /> " �' HORROWBR COVENANTS thul Borrower i�Inwfuliy+clrrd of Ihd,c�tW�:hrrohy c��nvvyv�wx1 ha�the righl lo grant <br /> �,� and convey ttie Property and�hat ihc Property is uncix:umb�:rcJ,except Gn uMUmbranc�h uf rt�cal, s�xruwcr warrunlr and <br /> Y,,, " wfll defend generally �he tiUe�a�he Pmpeny againh�uU claimx wKi demwrJ+�.auhjer�w uny e�u:unrt+rww:e���f rocurd. <br /> THIS SECUR!'I'Y INSTRUMENT combiner uniform coven�nt.r f��r na�iunul uw anJ nr.p-unifixm c�vznwmr with <br /> - limited variations by judsdiction ta conc�itu�c a unifortn sccurily inzl�umcnl«�vc�inp mul pa�rh;►, r , _ <br /> UNIFORM QUVENAtJTS. BQrrower und Lendcr cavenant wKl u�m•r�fidt�>wa: <br /> � '' I. P�yment of P�incip�l And Intercst;Prepayment aad LAIc(:bwrQex. B�xn►w�r�hnll:�romptly pay w�hen due�he <br /> �?�•• ¢ principaI of nnd interest on the debt evidenced by the Nae and any prep,-�y�n�nt and lul�s charga�d+i�t umler�he Note. <br /> ����., 2. Fiunds for T�uces Aad Insurance. Subject to upplicubie law oi to o written wuiver by Lx�xier.Botrower shal)pay to <br /> '��' � ��':'?;�-^��' Lender on the day manthly payments arr due under the Nae,until ihn NcNC iti p:iiJ in full,u vum 1"Punds") <br /> — �'�' `-" taxes and assessments which muy uttuin priority aver thi.r S��curity lnrtaumenl as u IiQn on�hu Rn+pedy:lb1 ycarly IeASehold <br /> .:.,...:.:,..-..• <br />- �,t pnymcnts or ground rents on thc Pmpeny, if uny; (c1 ycurly hazard or praprny inxunncr �miums; ld► yearly fload �-- <br /> �"'°'�''��" ' ` insurance remiums. ii an , (e)yearl mort a e lnsurrnce rcmiumv,if an unJ Itl an wure �ble b Borrower to <br /> - � P Y' Y 8 8 P Y� Y •' P�Y Y <br /> — �• • Lender,in accordance with�he provisions of purngrnpb 8, in lieu of the payment oP mungu@e uavurance premiums. These <br />— :� , . . ,,;, � : items ar�e called "Escrow Items." l.cnckr any tinie.coU�tit and hold Fandti in an amnunt.r�at to exceed the m�ximum <br /> � � � ?�'���= '• .� amount a lender for a fedcrally related mortguge lov� m�y require far B��rrawcr!c cscraw ucrcunt under Ihe federnl Real <br /> - `"s"""''"x�`"'•'�� Estate Settlement Pmcedures Act of 1974 As amended from time to Nme,I�U.S.C.$ZM1��Pf tPy ("RESPA"),unless suwther _ <br /> "' �" law[hat applies to the Iimds sets u lesser amount. If so,l.ender may,+at any�ime,coll�sct and h��t�A Fi�nds in un umount not to <br />- ��=�"�'''' ezceed the lesser amount. Lender mu estimute the amount of Ponds due on lha busix of current data wnd rcasomble <br /> =���-�;:.,,_., ,,, y — - - <br />--�;�. '" ectimates of expenditures of tuture Escrow Items or ahenvise in accoadance wi�h npplicabfu luw. =- <br /> �''� The FLnds st�all be held in an instltution whose deposits are insurod by u federal agcncy. inswmenwlity,or entity — <br /> � •v ., <br /> ;�;.� ;,;�;.ft �t. �•:� (i�luding I.ender,if Lender is such an in9titution)or in any Federsil Home Loan Bunk. Lend+rr Khall upply tNe Funds to pay �,� _._ <br /> ° ;��y ti�' i, � the Escrow ltems. Lender mny nat charge Horrawer far holding and applying the Flmdy, unrtually an�lyzing the escrow �� .` <br /> iy,c.i',f:f, .r ��...— <br /> - - W S - <br /> � �',e account, or veri f ying �he Escraw ltems, unless Lender pays Borrawer interest on tlw ELnd» und appUcable lu permit <br /> .';;;,r�i�r,.<�, ,, �?� �l;_ <br /> �.�.n. . �., ���1/ o���' l�i.. <br />.����;':�1�� (�.�i�a.,.-.-:,,,-.t,,..,, Lender to make such a cha�ge. However,Lender may requirc Bormwer to pAy u onc-timc ch:ugc for an independent reul ;;._. <br /> �1,� i•�;t;:t °n" �••`��;�- estate tax reporting service used by Lender in connecuon wi�h this Ic�n.unless upplicobl�s luw pnm�ides otherwise. Unless an �����° <br /> _. �; •,�,:;., , :f,:,J:1 U,� , <br /> S..'}.,���. f;:t/ ,:s t► <br /> �� greement is made or applicable law requires interest to be paid.Lender shall not be reyuircd to�y Borrower any interest ar �_,--` <br />:"��: ;�:'e:�.i�;�•','�'`!�,x�,��4 eamings on the Fl�nds. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing,hawever,thAt interest shutt kc pAid on the Funds. Lender <br />-�;;;.�i,,; ', .;.;��.t,' shall give ta Borrawer,withaut charge,an annual accounting of th�t Fundc,showing credia an,b debits to the Funds And the <br /> ,y�.,;�` ; „ .r�::. �t;,� • purpose for which each debit to�he Funds wns made. The Funds ara pledged os udditiumil securiey Far all sums secured by _ <br /> � :, ���; �q� this Security fasuumem, __ <br /> ��� =�:;�'v��:s...:�' If the �unds held bv Lender exceed Ihe amounts permiited l0 6e held by applic�bl�t luw, Lender shell account to _ <br /> • : � � Bomower for Ihe excess Funds in accordunce with the requirements of upplicubk:luw. If�h�s arnount of the Funds held by <br /> , ; . , Lender at any time is not sufficient to puy the Escrow Items when dur,Lender may s��rx►tify poROwer in writing, and,in --- <br /> such case Borrower shall pay to Lender Ihe umount necexxary to mako up �hr ckfici�sncy. Flnrrowrr�hLll make up Ihe <br />-' ,�,� :::'� � ' deficiency in no more thun twelvemonthly puyments,nt L.ender's xakdi�cr�sliun. -- _ <br /> � Upon payment in full of all sumx ticcured by thix S��urity Inruument,Lendur,hall pn�;�Mly rcl'und to Bortower uny --° <br /> . Fundr held by L.ender. If,under parugraph 21,Lender zhull acyuireor ull ihc F'ru�xny, I�a�Ltt,pdor Io�he ucyui�ilinn��r =- <br /> su� af the Propeny, �hull apply any Funds held by Lcr�ler ut thw� iimr�►f uryuislti�ai or�nht a+ u crcdi� ugoiml thr!�ums � <br />: • securcd by Ihis Security Inr+lrument. <br /> ;, ' � 3. Appllcadon �f Payments. Unless upplicublc luw pro�i�k. �Nhrrw��r, ull puym�tncr rcccivcd hy I.endc� under ��' <br /> ��� � paragraphs I und 2 shall be applieJ: firrt,to uny prrpuyment chargcs dur und��r�ha Niw�!; �ec�+rKl.�o vm�wmx payuble under <br />- , � purugraph 2;third,ro interest due;fouAh,to principul duc;rnd lug�,to uny lulc ch�irgax duu undar Ihe Notc. �rr <br /> _ •• ,, ,. 4. Charges;Lkns. Borrower shull puy ull taxc,, ussextin�nts,charge�, fin��: un�E�impoxilion+ uttnbutablr to the — <br />