<br />
<br />MORTGAGE ___ _
<br />Moxrtaacc LOAN No. L 23542
<br />Itr!owALtMENev'rtiislpx~seNTS:Tnat Rudolf F. Plate and Ueannice R. Plate, his wife and
<br />timothy C. Plate, a single person
<br />Thirt -five Thousand Six hundred and No/100-----___Mortgagor,whethtroneorrrtore,inconsideration of the sum of
<br />--.---- iJOLLAltS
<br />loaned to said mortgagor by The Equitahte Building and Loart Assceiation of Grazed Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 356 shares of stock of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Certificate No. L 23542 , do hereby door, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the following
<br />described real estate, situated in Hall County, Nebraska.:
<br />iogelhcr with all the tenements, hercditaments and appurteranss L`rrreun[o belonging, including attached Moor ouveritrgs, all window ssxeetu,
<br />window shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, heating, air conditioning, and plumbipg and water eyuipmem and aatssorits [hereto„pumps, stoves,
<br />refrigerators, and other fixtures and ryuipment now ur hereafter attacFRd to or used irr n,nntction with said real estate.
<br />And whereas the said nrortgagor has agreed and dos hereby agrcr that the martgsgar shall and wilt pay aB taxes acrd asaesunenta levied ar
<br />assessed upon said premises and upon this mortgage and [hr hoed secured thggr byy' ¢efore the sanx sttaB became delinquent; to Curpish approved
<br />insurance upon the buildings ors said prrnrisrs situated in thr sum aft 35 , OI~U. t.10 pay~abk to said ASSOC[ATIUN and to 3tliver to said
<br />ASSOCIATION the poEcies fur said irtsur-+ce: and not to commit or permit any wzstt on or about said premiss;
<br />In pse oC dtfaWt in the performance of any of the term and conditions of this tnortgagt o[ the bond secured hereby, the raortgaga dull,
<br />on demand, be entitled to immedute possessktn of the aturtgaged premise and the mortgagor hereby assigns, traasfrn amf sets over io the
<br />rtwrtgagee all the :cots, revenus and inWme to be derived frem il,e mortgaged prcarix^s durbtg such tittle L the mortgage !ndebtalnest shag mmain
<br />unpaid; and the mortgagee salt hares the power to appoint stay agrnt er agi'nis it rr~y tksirc f=3r the purpose of tepairirtg said preutiset aced rr:pistg
<br />rtre sarrr€ and coileciing the rents, mvenues and income, and it rosy pay out ut said income all expenses of repairing said lrtetniaes and rttwssuv
<br />rxrmnussivns and expenses incurred in renting and nsanagutg ttu same and of collecting rentals thtrcfrum; the balance ramsiaitsg, iC any, to bz
<br />applied toward ttu discharg€ of said ttxutgage indebtednes:; thex rights of th€ mortgagor may be txerustd at any tithe duri~ the esest+tntn of weh
<br />default, irrespective of any temporary waiver of thr same.
<br />These preunts, hawtvee, are upon the Corufiea,n,-l teat d test said Mautgagrx sha!3 repay said loan oft or txfore tEu tmtwity nF said shares by
<br />payr~nt; pay trxxn~rtly t:. ~_t ncg2CIA?TO!4 of test errs s~tift~t in t!x ~:.:1 w-cured berth. as tuttrest ate pz~a! em k~t.,?I tt; _~
<br />fist Tw€trtirih day of cazh ant rxery :ttonih, ante! saK# loan is fWly yard; pap all taxis and asstssttxnts kv4ed against said pttmises and oothis Mortgage
<br />amt tie Band a~-~rrzd [ttrrrby, before deiinyuin~; furnish appra~d insurances upon th€ bui!dingi thereon in the sum of 3 ~~,~Y~«^OO payab~
<br />-ta satii ASSC7CIATtU;; rrpa ,t, said ASSr'3Cf,~'C#ti;~-dun drriand sf! rnw~:y $y iz paid i~r ~ueh tames, sss2mtvt`nis scut ipsvrattr~ ~ritir inta,eat ar
<br />the maximum legs! rate thenr:m from date of payment all of which Mortg~ur her€by agr€cs to pay; pemtit nn waste op said promises;keep and Wmply
<br />with ail the agreements and amditions of the llond far S 35 , 6O0 OOthis day divert by the said Mortgagor to said ASSt)CtATiON, aced comply
<br />with all the requirements of the Constitution and By taws of said ASStx1ATlUN: than these prtseats shall betxatne puB and void, othtrwiae they
<br />shall rtnuin in CuB force azrd troy be fureclustd at the option of the said ASSOCIATION afttt f'ailurt fur three ttroaths to anltt spy of said
<br />payerrtms or be three rnanths in arreazs irr rrrakirtg said ttxintAly payrttents, or w keep and asmpty with the agrttmerts and ~tdifiotu of said Bald;
<br />and Mortgagor agrees rte parr a rrceirtr appointed furthweth in zirch fortciustue proceedings.
<br />!f iltere is arty zt~ngc us uwnrrshrp oi'ttte real €stat€ rnx.rtgaged hercm, by sale err nthtiwite, rhea the entire rema`++: a ~ httoby
<br />secured sludl, at the oprYUn aC Tex Equilsbk BttiMirrg arW Laan Astuciation of Gratxl Islattd, Nehraska,btawmt irmtrediately doe and pay°abla vsiihout
<br />further notice, and the stream! r€maining dtx under said bored, and any other bored fur any additional advantss toads thtrtundae, slug, Cts~tt the
<br />dale u( excrete of said uptiurr, bear initret at the maxunrtm legal rate, and this ttwrtgage may then bt farexdostd to satisfy {ha atrrouo! dot to Yid
<br />band, and any otlter bend frr addilitera! sdva^~ts, tesgt:her with aB a::ras paid T.y said T'N Eq:riisl,lt >Ittildirsg sad Leap AsCiup of Grapd Istaad,
<br />Nebraska for insurancr, taxes arpi assessrrrents, and ahstrachng extension i-lurgrs, with intarost thereon, from daU oC payment at du maximum
<br />legal rate.
<br />As raxtidtd in i!,t Bond srzured trcreby, while thrs rntu'tgage remains in effr_t the mtmgagx may hereafter 8dviriet idditlortal sutra to the
<br />rrwlters of said Bond, their as>igru ue aw•caswrx itt int€resr, whwh sums shaft be withfp the s€eurity u( this p>tpigagt [bo Yafe as flu fupda originally
<br />tewred tharthy, the toast annwnt of pruseipal debt rxn w ex«xtd at any time t!u urigtnal amount pf thin rauripgr.
<br />tea the 7 day of .-.,,$eptember A. o., w74
<br />~ ~~
<br />if F, i to ~, ~ ~ ~.~~
<br />Jeannice R. Plate mot ate
<br />STATE OF NEBRASKA, sx. onehis 7th daynf Septattber I97g .beforotrra,
<br />_ . - £flJNTY (~ifiAi.L -
<br />the ttadataigtted, a Notary public io avd for said County, perxxnsly came
<br />Rudolf F. Plate and xleannice R. Plate, his wife and Timothy C'. y
<br />Plate, a stogie person /~ wb° are ~°OiNOiO
<br />tpa4o ba the itbmiml ptrsrm$ whisse rtamc S dre afftud to eht above imtrument as rpactgagor S sad they ,ttQt,By
<br />adtnowkdged the said instrurtxpt to be their tduatary set apd deal. ~
<br />VNNiTNESS r=.ty bapd sad Nufarrai Scat the daft aforesaid.
<br />M ' _ t ~ ~,.
<br />y `.
<br />iEtiEaAt IiCTR'Y - 9tatt at katiraaka ~ .- l = ~ f ~ = - -~ C
<br />[aratat pt ` ~ JOY M. B€A2t.EY / r Wary I~ro'
<br />fad My Comm, Exp. Sept. 1, 1481 (~ _. '/ ~ r
<br />