79~ ~~3~9~6
<br />MORTGAGE __ _
<br />MORTGAGE tAAN NO 23544
<br />fatowaLl.MeNBYTHS:s~PRESeNTS:That Quintin J. Brumbaugh and Edna C. Brumbaugh, each in his
<br />and her own right and as spouse of each other
<br />. Mortgagor, whether one or more, in consideration of the sum of
<br />Eighteen Thousand Five Hundred and No/}00---------------------------------------- ~u.ARs
<br />kraned to said rttortgaga by The Equitable Bolding and Lear[ Association of Grand island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon~gS shares of stock of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Certificate No. L 23544 , do hereby grant, mnvey and mortgage unto ttte said ASSOCIATION the foHowtog
<br />described real estate, situated in Flab County, Nebraska:
<br />i[rgether with ail the cenements, hereditaments and appurtenarxs thereunto belonging, includvtg attached noor tpvaings, all window weans,
<br />wvtdow shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, heating, atr amditKming, a»d plumbing and water equipment and accessories thereto, pumps, atoms,
<br />rsfrigeralors, and other fixtures and eyuiprnent now or hereafter attaeJted w or used o rvnnection with said real estate.
<br />Amt whereas the slid mortgagor has agreed and does hereby agree ittat the mortgagor shall and will pay ati taxes and assesarnents levied or
<br />assessed upon said premises and upon this mortgage and the ixrnd secwed thereby befare the same shad become delinquent, to famish approved
<br />insurance upon the 6uiidiergs on said premises situated in the sung of 3 } B , SDD. ~~ payable to said ASSOCIATION and to deliver to said
<br />ASSOCIATION the policies for said inswance; and not to [rommit or permit any wane on ar about said prcrtuses;
<br />in case of default in tbe performanx o(any of the terms and conditions of this mortgage or the land xcured he-reby, the taottgaegoe Maki,
<br />on der[wrd, be entitled io irrurrediatc possession of the mortgaged prcn[ises acrd the mortgagor hereby assigns, transfers and xts over to the
<br />tttortgagee all the rents, revenues and income to be derived from the mortpagad premises during such time u the mortgage indcbtedrtess shall rerrtain
<br />unpaid: and the mortgagee shall have tfie power to appoint any agent or agrnts it may desire for the pwpox of rcpaviug said preritises and reatitrg
<br />the samr and colleuing the rents, revenues and income, and it may pay out of said income alt expenxs u( repaving said prcmixa and csoaasry
<br />commissions a+ad expenses incttrzed in renting and m~[[ragittg the sa[na and oC eo!!ecting rentals ttrerefrnxn; i!~ ba}artx rernainiag, if soy, to Fe
<br />applied toward the discharge of said mortgage indebtedness; these rights of the mortgagee nray br ex¢rcixsi at any time dtuirtg the existence of steeh
<br />default, irrespective o f any temporary waiver of the same.
<br />'f hex Prasents, tr-rwzret are upon the C'ondit[on, Thai if the aid Mearzgagor shall repay said Loan on a before tht maturity of sakl shams by
<br />payrrrant; pay mrrnrhiy [+ sai:t' ASSO('tATION of the y m spezified in the La:rKS +esuted ttcreby as intcresr a.~ ,~.i>~ipa! a: as -: Ecss:. os ar l~f~
<br />tkta Twentitth daY o{Bach and every rrwnth, until said loan is fully paid: pay a6 ts>;zs and ae~•+~+*cnts kviedaeainst said prasn#~ atui tss tlt~ Murlga~
<br />and the Brmd sccwed titerebv, before detirsyueney; fnrrtish approved insurance [:port ihr btstEdiregs ttrrrun in the stun of 1 } B , 500, ~ payaltie
<br />to acid AS$t~['IATION; [epay to said ACCYY,tATtuN w+r , rter.~mt all nyrY by .r rid t v .,~.,.t, to a,a,•••rs~ots ate.. -°-~°a,~ ~t~~ at
<br />t"sse maximum te~I ratz [he,..,n f,xtm Batt of payment all of which Mortgagor txreby agrees to pay;perrrut ew waste on said prcmiaes:keep and a+nrgly
<br />with a!! the agtxentes¢ts and a..,ditis5ns of the Bond for $ } 8, 500 DQthis day grven by Itte aid Mortgagor to mid ASSOG'lAT1ON, and ampb`
<br />with al! the requirements of the Constitution and By-Laws of said ASSOCIATION; than these p:rsants xtuU bewrtte nun and void, otturwix [hey
<br />shah remain o full forcr and nay be faech~sed at the option of the said ASSOClAT1ON attar failure for three months m make any of said
<br />payrmnts or be three nwnths in arrears in nsaking ra[d ntanthiy paymems, ur to keep xrtti wmply with the sgraemanis and cooditions of sail! Bald;
<br />and Mortgagor agrees to have a rcttiver appointed forthwith m such foreckxure protredvtgs.
<br />If theca is any cltangc u. ownership of the ran! elute tewrtgaged herein, by sale a otlrcrxise, tt[en itu entire retttarnv[g ind+tbtednesa hereby
<br />sacurcd shall, at the option of TM F,yuttable Building and loan Association of Grand tsiand,Nebrasica, becottx irrumdiatclp due sail payable wiibout
<br />fwthar notice, and thr, snruun[ remaining dw wider said Mmd, and any other 6wtd fur any additional advantxs made thereunder, shah, from the
<br />data of exercix of said opzitnt, Mar in¢aeu at thx rnaximwn legal rata, and this r¢mrtgagc stay than be frreeloxd to satisfy the atuount dun m said
<br />bund,and any other hood for adthtionnl a[lvanccs, together with all sums paid 6v said Tha Equitable Building ate Loan Assuciatitm of Gnat islmd,
<br />Nebraska I'or insuru¢oe, taxes sod assessments, amt abstracting rxrension charges, with interest thereon, froth date [=f Imy[r+ent at the tnaaimum
<br />[ate.
<br />As provided in the Bond sreurcd ttzceby, while this mortgage remains in effect the mortgagee tray hereafter advance addttiunal sttm6 to the
<br />maltars of said Bund, their ass+gnx ur suc<esstus m interest, which sums xltall be within the xcurity of thix mortgage the carne u the funds originally
<br />eecured tharcby, the local amururt of principal dzbt not to exeeed at any [irr~ the original anu+unt of this trtrrrtga~.
<br />.Imted this }0th day of Sept~xtb`er A. n., lyJ9
<br />--___.
<br />Edna C. Brumbaugh
<br />~ACOvNTSt t~ FIALi_ ~ ~ an this } Oth day of September k4 7g . balsa nx,
<br />the undaraigned, a Notary Publie bt sad fa mid Cotmty, personally was
<br />Quintin J, Brialsbaugh and E3na C. Brumbaugh, each in his and her owQ,~ight and~spy~u~se~pf
<br />each other are
<br />toe to 0a the identical persrmS whox names are affixed to the above instrument as trtortgtgdr S std they xveraBy
<br />adutowiedged the said instrwrtent to be their vxrluntary act and deed. -
<br />WITNFSS my hand and Notarial Sea{ the data afotzmid. /
<br />My Canntissiun expves 1 -~ ~ r -- v.-r- l ~ :'
<br />-.. -_
<br />~._ Y L~ /r !/- _ !
<br />i1tiN€iAt NdTARY- Star: st gsi;ras.a ~ --- --
<br />ts~sas at f d~X M. 9k:A1l=;X, «~''" / --~~
<br />!ty CrKtm. fxp, a`pL !. kggr ~ ~ r -
<br />