} 2pSyz•-•1~3;fi'd,E~I~~F M48TGAGE--Corpos8tiwn - - 19uffman antl Fettan & Woil`yiaftun. ke. 6846I ~
<br />IN CONSIDERATION of the payment of the debt rammed therein, the Commercial National Bank
<br />& Trust Company hereby reteases the mortgage made to
<br />National Bank & Trust Co.by Castle Estates Development Company
<br />A Partnership
<br />an the faUozving desrribed real estate, to-suit:
<br />(see attached)
<br />of Sertu,n in Tournship ,Range of the P. M., Hall
<br />County, State of Nebraska which is recorded in Book of Reat Estate Mortgages, page ,
<br />of Phe rc--cords of said County. Document # 78-003139
<br />IN TESTIMONY rVHEREO the said Commercial National Sanl: ~ Trust Co. kas caused
<br />these pre827teS to be execa~led by its pY~se~`cnt and its Corporate Seat to be affixed Isareto this 10th
<br />day of September , rp 79
<br />Witness: ..~r.a '!~ ...B.dri$--&..TYC~:t_..1
<br />....................._.. -------......_...--..._-.....- ....._...-..- ...-..........._ Sy l; y'~ /-- ~ -- - ..-..- -- -- -~VPlresident
<br />. .. . .
<br />...
<br />.....-°--- ._ - -- ---°......_._.........._......_ .............._.._.Attest ....~.~ ---~ Cashier, Secretary
<br />STATE OF . , ..... Nebraska, .. , , , - - , ,County of ....Hal
<br />The f =rrxgoing instrument was acknowledged before me .....September .1.0 ...............19.7.9.
<br />[ „'.
<br />' .,, ,.,
<br />,fl _..,
<br />lay .:lip '<:,..w4s==.r-G..... t72c;@. rZerS.•. of .C.orurercial.i3atianai.aanA..&..Trust..Ca
<br />_ 4? _ _ (};,y. el ~°, f Fame of e vrporanon) _
<br />.- 't
<br />~ .~:.... ; . Nebraska : : :.......... corporation, on behalf of the corporation. ~!
<br />s
<br />v}- ± ~ t! S-~, t.ie of }'erson 1. - :\cknux led~+rmenc e -
<br />`~ a'`~ ~f s ! Nabres!ca
<br />_ , , S~ ~ , rr-rss'on Ex7uw
<br />~" ~'~ + zz,-ipsi Notary Public ';
<br />l ic}
<br />. _~
<br />mm _,~~ ~.
<br />~.T._ - --- - ----- ___ -_. - - - _.. __- --__ - . - „
<br />:r
<br />Eleven (lt.astle Fst~it~St~division, Hail Cewnty, l~xaska:
<br />I~t
<br />lying irt:
<br />a tract taf land ot~rising a part of tl~ Fitat Half of the southeast
<br />" (~) of ~ Tr~ty Six (26) , 1sip E:levet? {ll)
<br />~, ) (lf3} 11~EUt trf the 6th P.M. 2r2 Hall Crscenty3 Neluaska.
<br />move partilariy det~ibetl as follof~t Heginninq at the ~iut#ast
<br />€ € -~i~ :qty sir (2~} i . ~t~r_y ~}.~ t~~
<br />- aim ~ ~_ - . - y Sir a dish of ~ir~ t~~ '3in~ty
<br />(4'90.0} feat: than~d ti rift 40° 16' 20" ant! running
<br />ea+atherly, a 3lstatrae of Three tAtr>idred Sixty 'lttree and Thirty Seven
<br />Eiurt~edt2rs (3b3.37) feet; thence deflecting right 430 58' 10" arr9 running
<br />beriy. a di.atarree of Qre twrdred Sixty {160.0) feet; thence
<br />deflectiarrg left 400 04' and running northr+esteriy a distance of Three
<br />Hid Tent {310.0) feet; thence deflecting right 400 00' ar+d runninc;
<br />riCS'thaasterly, a distance of Nine Hundred Forty Six and 'three T+t~sths
<br />{945.3) feet; theme defleCtitx! right d6o 14' !0" ani riuv~iny easterly,
<br />a diatat~ of Four Hut~r3red Forty Five {445.J) fast; to a point on the Mast
<br />lure of said Section Twenty Six (26); thence southerly along the east
<br />line of sand motion Twenty-Six E261; a distance of nrk 'tt~ou<s+w1 Thr~±e
<br />Hundred Sixty Sew arxl Ninety care Hundredths {1,36T.91) feet, to the
<br />plaoe of teginniny excepting tliu-efrom the northerly :,even {7.0) feet of th~#
<br />Southerly Forty id0.0} feet of the above described tract, leaving a
<br />rtet ac~eete of 27.442 acres more or less, all in Hall County, State of
<br />ta~ebarara:
<br />.. - -
<br />
<br />
<br />