... .
<br />N~~~~- o~~~~~
<br />.per Doaiphan United- Methodist Church ,r„,,r ,; of
<br />(R Grantor is no[ married, add words "a umnaeried person".)
<br />- Hall County, Nebraska, in consideration of 3 1"~~ , receip[ of which is hereby acknowledged, and the Eurtfier paymen[ of s
<br />sum to make total payment of 3 1•~~ foe 1 poles and ~ anchors and other neczssary <quipmem when se[ or. the toAowing described prop<cty,
<br />doeR hereby gran[ and convey unto [he Village of Doniphan and Nebraska Public Power District Lessee
<br />(hereinafter referred to as Cran[ee, whether one or more)
<br />ics (their! lessees, successors and assigns. the pp n n r gh[, privilege and ra emrnt of a right-of-.vay eo - munmt. operate, r ~ rain and remove all nee<ssuy -
<br />poles, , ,guys, underground electric faeiliriest and other nzccssary a uipment in conneaicn therewith, tut and across rhea following propxrty situated in
<br />rilall -count Nxbrskv, mo 0
<br />y, m particularly described as follows.
<br />A ten C10) foot wide easement lying within and adjacent to the north and east property
<br />lines of a 374.38[ x 330[ parcel of land, normally referred to as the "Methodist Church Property",
<br />in the NWT SW~C Section 5, TSN, RSW; more specifically described as follows: Beginning at the
<br />N$ corner of the above parcel which is a point located 952.54 feet S 0°20[32°' S from the Nfi
<br />corner of the W§ SSJ~ Section 5, TSN, RSW; thence continuing southerly in a straight line on the
<br />seat property line of above parcel a distance of 150 feet; thence west perpendicular t° the
<br />asst property line a distance of 10 feet; thence northerly parallel to the east property line a
<br />'6txat5t~tsiscNexxmisn[r~~¢x~ikx~cimfsxims~mcoa>Imms~c~itSwdit~~meaho~aesmcaFx
<br />distance of i40 feet; thence P: SO°18'35°t W parallel to the north property line a distance oP
<br />150 feet; thence north to the north property line, a distance of 10 feat; thence easterly on
<br />the north property line to the point of beginning, a distance of 160 feet.
<br />The electric line and underground electric facilities herein contemplated shall be located on
<br />the property approximately as follows:
<br />A pole with a street light is to be installed toward the south end of this easement, in line
<br />with existing poets, with an underground sable to feed it.
<br />It is understood between the parties that the Grantor shall have the right to
<br />hard surface the area described in this easement and that any repairs to re-
<br />placement of that hard surfacing caused by work in or use of the ea8ement by
<br />grantee will be the obligation of the grantee, Nebraska Public Power District.
<br />The Cramer shall else, have the privilege and ras<mene oI ingress and egress acres the property :v its (ehxir! officers and ertrpk,yres tin any purpau necessary
<br />in ,-.+.rnriti<,r. wuh she cote€ruc;i•±n, eprratian, main€enaacx. rsprcttan and rcm.~s°al of sax! hoe and urxlergrcvnd :,rctrir fa.3itia
<br />Tor [:ranter shah also have rite right a env time to trim oz remove such trees end underbrush as may in ana° way endanger oe iucerferv with the saf oprcatron of
<br />tltr liner. underground electric faeili[ics and~egmpmem used m ronnecaon therawah.
<br />'nee Graz - s! 1 ~ IF - sac^~r4• all due raze seed dtt~=_rc< .- av.,.d +njs^ :~t damgg; tr. h -. pa.:: - - - -.t - pc-r ., p r~~ rty f - ntor.
<br />and die t rave<a sltali ndcnunfy and save harmless the Grantuc tiwx acv such dama~r .md I. .. ar.-tog o - utrucg , . su.h gr:.pr €y ~r;ely h~ eau-G .+t the
<br />tonsfrucn -t lot-akrcn, tnainkenancr stul removal of ar v head r4=trif hn3+, 1.v. . n :!~ e -, nr ±hat at _ ..,# ,~ -u~-- „i t~.€#t~ ~!;_=v
<br />a v be i!estall<d an savi caxmrnt right uF-wav becomrs~dr -t~ - .scrvt.aa6le as ihr s..tr ,udg r[ ! [I- f t tts ~ -, s sit ha r [t.r tight, wirfn:ut
<br />additional oavtnrnt of ~unstd<rattun to t6c ~rarttne oz th u , reel., i+ 4 .ta.t}a t . _ ~_~,1 t!n €.A~ ,. '°ce-_..
<br />t:rear~.tgr ,:: n ra -nrt<a; pr vHi u tt y men[ i the pea rty ma`.r rh in - i t - -f urh r p - - es ~ p neat t eh a a n cf hr s,ttgusa[ utrtttent
<br />_ rg~a t d-ham h}. he f_ .rte •:, tE~ -,. }r3~ ire xista atsall b: ar:. and ... 3^.e-r su c'r E.€ ~t~, €.,r ...r~.z ~a.nr ~.c ti-: - .a-rr~,r- -r--n'c k.r~n.i: -
<br />fveeher m- ^an n at a incannn on .atti proprrty which is nuttualiv uastaaury a+ ch p r is s. 1(the parses mi[ to agree uFa [ ny w ~h new 1 anon f< [hr under
<br />ground rlacme faciii[ies, the Grantee shall have thx right to detenuhtr [he must suuable Iv.a[in^ fur ihr vaumenr therctor and the U'tantur agree .a+:onvcy wch
<br />easement; and if the par[ies fail to agree upon any wch new loc:ttinn f r underground rteetrie faetlitics, ihr Grantee shael havx no ubligatiotr to tcpiaae a provide
<br />the underground rluctric Cacilirvs across or [o any such propec[y- In determhrutg ihr loca[ions for Eunher installuiun the Granter shall at all notes :.xrrrise due
<br />care and diligence to avoid injury ur damage to tlw property of rite Grantor or their sunross<ns,
<br />The Gratucr agues chat should the lines and underground eirctrir facilities ca=nstruc[ed hereunder he abandoned for a purisd oC Ere years, ihr rq[},t~.sf-way
<br />or caxment hereby secured shall then erase and terminate, and this contnc.t shall br of no further tx,rce and effect.
<br />7.~ e`R / ~ ~ yp
<br />Signed tha~~e--_-mday .+f ..._._.dSL~..__,.._.. ,A.tT., 19~L-__._.
<br />WITNk5S j)
<br />___
<br />_.___~__ _ _.._.,_..__ __.. _ ___..T.._._
<br />S1' TE tsE- `:Efz`~j.~:;K/.-'.),~ ~ ( t c ~:~. T+~ - i -~,,._,._-
<br />COUNTY" UF -..1~A_1L._,.. ._
<br />l~n this,~.~~day af___..~. l9 `~- ,before ore the undrrsigurd, a
<br />~- _ .
<br />Notary Pubic in and for -id Cow v,and Starr, ppr orally appruod
<br />sa
<br />ersonall to mz known to bn ihr identical arson a whti s 'd ihr fora otn {~
<br />P 1' P l) tgna g' ~ g ~,
<br />rnscrnme~u asGrantor and wha acknowledged the execution thereof m 6e i,
<br />,_„~:._. vahtntary act and decd for she purpose thrreie; espmssad. is
<br />W[TNESS nq• hand and notarial seal ohs darn abavr writ[<n.
<br />t#
<br />My Cmmnission expires a, khe f!~~ day of _~~.. lQ ~~_ .
<br />~FMt3yl IiOtWr-pgsal MMaY /~y/ @^,~
<br />M.i. ~---_.._ "-'-T~-'-__.
<br />My ~'w~td lR.Mp 14.tM Notary abbe
<br />