<br />
<br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. ~ 23543
<br />@tOR%ALLMENBYTfIFSEPRESENTS:That Michael A. Ft etcher and Christine M. Fletcher, each in
<br />his and her own right and as spouse of each other
<br />- -- -- -- ------ - Mortgagor, wtxther one or mote, in txms~eration of the sum of
<br />Twenty-two Thousand and No/100-------__ --------------------------- ~~~
<br />loaned to said mortgagor by TFte Equitable Building and Lunn Association of Crand Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 22O shares of stock of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Certificate Na. L 23543 , do hereby grant, wnwy and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the follovmg
<br />dtxezibed teal estate, situated in Hall County, Nebraska:
<br />LOT EIGNT (8) IN BLOCK ONE (1)
<br />together with art the tenements, hercdi[arnents and appurterianca:s thereunto belonging, including attadxd floor coverings, aV window sxerss,
<br />window shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, heating, air conditioning, and plumbing and water equipment and accessories thettto, pumps,stoses,
<br />refrigerators, attd other futures and equipment now or hereafter at tac}ted [o nr used in ~ onneciion with raid real estate.
<br />Ana whereas the said mortgagor has agreed and does hereby agree that the mortgagor shall and will pay aB taxes and assns:oents retied w
<br />assessed upon said premises and utvn this rmsrgage and the bond securca thereby before the same shall bettrmt detingtxa[; to famish approvtd
<br />inwranct uprm the buildings on said premises situated in tl[e sum of S 22,DDD. DD payable to said ASSOCIATION and to deliver is said
<br />ASSOCIATION the policies f<x sate! insucance; and not to commit or pcemit any wa>te on or about saitt pretrtiaes;
<br />!n case of default in the performance of any of the terms and conditions of this mortgage or the bend secwed hereby, the mortgagee shalt,
<br />on detrtand, be entitled w immediate possession of the mrarigaged premises and the awrtgagor hereby astigns, traasfzrs amt sets over to the
<br />mortgagee al! the rents, revenuts and incotM to be derivtd from the mortgaged premises dutvtg such time as the rtrartgage indtbtedsxss Ghat! [emr.6r
<br />unpaid; and the rrtwtgagte shall have tht power to apgoiat soy ogre! or agents it neap desire fur the purpose cf tzpa said preasaars asd ~,tiag
<br />the eater and cotttcting the rents, revenues and intntrse„and it may pay auk of saint inconx all zxpettsts of teptsirirtg said pmmi]Ea and rttCCSSfrY
<br />-caamtritts and expanses ineuned in ranting sad managing the same and oC collecting rentals tlxrzfmm: the balaoet ratttaiaitsg, if my, to be
<br />applied toward tht drsthargr of said ttrorigagt inatbieaness; these rights of the mortgagee may be exercised at sap tithe daring the eadstmx of such
<br />dtiaut[, irrespective oCany temporary waiver of the satttt.
<br />Tfx„sc Presents, huwev~r, are upon iht Canaitian,'I~hat if the said Mortgagor shall repay said town nn or bzCore the maturity of Bahl shoes L+y
<br />payment; oay munehiv to said ~LSt]t:IATION oC the sum spe~fttd in the th,::d ~curt~? lsirtby xs tercets! arty p.-in-mil an said 2~, na ar i}zCarz
<br />the Twrntlet![ day of tech anC every month, anti! said loan is fully paid; pay art taxes and assessments levied sgahtst said pretntses and can this Mortgage
<br />amt rlx &md :ti~ured rlrereb---, brfrue dtiusqutney; fwnish approved terser-aaar upon tht burldittgs thereon in the sum of S 22 ,OOO, OO payable
<br />to ~iit AvSflt:tATtO,"ti: reps: to sad AS:€h'tATION apart demand all mrrncy 6y° it paid far surlt taxes, asxsstrtents and utattrastee vui3lf intttrmt at
<br />the maximum legs! rate there; err 1 nrrtt dote of paynxnt al! of which Mortgagor hereby agrtes to pay; (tetrnit Ito waste on said prenuoes;kroP and t~rmply
<br />wieh a!I the agreentenrs and eurtditiw[s of the Fkrnd for S 22 ,OOO OQhis day given by tlx said Mortgagor w ssid ASSOCtAT10N, and wmpty
<br />with alt tht requittrnents of tht Cunstitutirm and By~Laws of said ASSOCIATION; thin these prestnts xhatl became null and void, otherwise ttrey
<br />shall remain in full force and tray hr foreciuard at the option u( the Baia ASSOCIATION after failure for thra tttuntbe to ttsake any of said
<br />pay runts ur he thret nxrn[hs in arrears m nruking said monthly payments, or to ktep and wmply with tht agreetrsettts and conditions of said Boca;
<br />anil Mortgagor agrees u; h,.~..3 rr~eivc-r apparnttd for[hwtth in sw:h foreciusure proceedings.
<br />If there is any c:hangr .n ownership of the eta! estate mortgaged herein, by sale of othernise, tixa tbe entire rtlpaittittg itsde6tedeea taese6y
<br />toured stroll, at the option of The Eytitahle ttuitding ana Lunn Assoeisticm oC f:rxnd (startd,Nehos(ca,hzexsme itrtaKdiaiety duo sad payattk witlrrut
<br />further notice, and tree amount rtm:tinmg due under said bond, and arty outer Iwrtd for any additiwml ad»nuta tootle the;reuntYer, aAaH, from; ttsa
<br />date of exrrcitt of said option, bear attetast at t{te ntaximunr IegsF rate, utd this rmutgagt pray then he farcsdosed to satisfy tfx tttrtount due on said
<br />bond, and any other 6orrd tcir addiitanal advanrxs, tugr!ber with a!! suers psu! by said Tax Egttitabk Bui}ding and Luatt Aaaaeiatian of i;rarW Ialaad,
<br />Nebraska for inauanx, tuxes and asstisrnrnts, and abstracting exttnsinn charges, with intnest thettwn, from date of payment at Ehe ataximam
<br />legal earn.
<br />Ax rovided in the tku;d s<=currd hereby, witilt t#tis motfgags rtrnains in etfzct the ntortgagtt may {tzreafter advance additiuttal starts to lire
<br />makers of said Bona, their assigns +Se succ;ssr>rs in inftrtst, which aorta shad he within the aeaaritp of this tttortgype the rmas as rho fta~s oriynaBy
<br />secured thtrcby, the total anuwnt of principal debt rust a, rxca~td at soy tutu the original antt,unt of this mortgage.
<br />Iracea tttu 8th say of September A. 0.,1419
<br />heel At Flgt herd t` ~~
<br />Christine M. Fletcher
<br />sTarr: o~ NEBRASKA. ~ ~ ~ wiss 8th day nr September ly X9 , before tae,
<br />cotftrrr ~ HAt.L
<br />the ttndetsigeted, a Notary Puhlie in and for said Cotmty, peraottalty wttx
<br />Michael A. Fletcher and Christine M. Fletcher, each in his .and her t>~vn right and a5 5pouse
<br />of each other ~' w are peraottdly known tt
<br />too to be the identical perms S wttoac namtS are aft'txad to the above iastruttsettt asinortgttgor S sad they severalty
<br />ackntswbdgeri rho said instrument to be their voluntary act sett dta:d.: ...i
<br />WiTNEc„S my hand sad NcHarial Seat t}tz date ataresaid. Y
<br />"\
<br />MY t ~`~... ~ 1 - t '.
<br />$E$E$kl Yr$tA&Y - Statz er tt~tasa - ~ `v' •: __e
<br />I11 r 30Y M. a'cAZt'cY ~ --~ ~ -_.- ---f--~=,-----=:-
<br />Ia7AZM nt ! My Comm. Fxp, Sept. 1, 1981' ~ ~tatY Pitbt~c"-
<br />