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<br /> Zl~ iFY.We Advaac*S. vp6A , Rjut*t ;o f et" *&,r. art anWs Mott, prior to releun of this
<br /> tmn tgarge; znav n ake Futtur ►dva~n t try rr rx;: h Futurar ~1d `int*xea i a►lt
<br /> be xr.-urW,b-y xS Iart r" h a : n?i -r~ata"a' rtaw g that'+,Aid anotewt are tM ured hereby
<br /> excupt U*it tber uxttcrestt rats ,;,p. the _Cntiiu~ UPP*W- tu_W* kr~raa tlt* ~+r~i +r►t lnaa to tho extant
<br /> tsarmitu,,d' b Ljw, May br-adxujtcd aa1 the°~r#3ra;herata. tlwv s~rei+ At n~' finale shall the prindpa atttaatrnt
<br /> of ttse inodt'-4tK+e n -s *ecufted bra thin Martalm, not ins-tuc~a~~ aAv*=-dt rh wmkrdmx* hervmiuz to pro-
<br /> tact the becuritti of th" Mortgage, exxved'the ariginAl 4aia trrt- of the. Note IOU$ US :~-;~~,.~?Q,...GQ_.........
<br /> PROVIDED, HOWEVER. dua prepu; mtpts of ptincipal ax pravWed for it paregmph that follows are
<br /> returned to Bomrr or or .art;.rt►ade aboolrasx;non-%ithdrawv hk `ptinaifiagi p':* y`l watx'prior to,xdvutcin%
<br /> s+Unw as p+ TmitAvd 'A i thin th61' P& a gMPh_
<br /> . Savivvs FuP4 1knivarr may Mahe Pmp# "Wnts of principel on anya instalhne rt clue date or
<br /> inmvdiatriy prwv+eding acrid date to tea eff4p tivw one t d-Q* d rtK (ollawing and pv*pavtncnt shall bee npphtd i
<br /> t~) in-staltntetrta► lost to be oxnt dine under this vxing&&*, Upon req, of tbo 4tAersigned or eitber of
<br /> tens, provided a dvf*uit do" inert exist arrd;Ow~y or otw of them are th*-o"AarA of the mortgaW propsrey,
<br /> the inner agn" ?o furaiath to the u derai ad or aitim of them One Hundn4 t10pt patent at awh pr in-
<br /> 6l.ru.l prg*yrtreatA &nd * Wl pray .said Alnauuant ;"ra*"W ;b~y either part` to: tt, pearly eztakin sat t Mow
<br /> far ►d g n, pal i'ra~,pa►Yte~nt*. U060 Orah, aeznr % p6lulAtod F the itolAtim of chartering and suM.
<br /> vW ry nt CFrarrtratw tkten an eS t or unless + of the a ndatasigaed wquftted. in writing, that mid funds
<br /> not be disbw*v.d, in r~hich caar it wk°ill r+tqutre bath Aigtrai•tre# of then underigaed lwttarv, a diak►urlreantampt
<br /> can bo restate or until'-otherwiso ad,6mod in wrritintt by th)~.Patt~r, rraaltias thee:T+~uaat $or iurdiatrura~vm"t
<br /> of -,aid fwnds. hll;atwh 'jotdvancrmenta t~al1 be secured hy't this Martg W in t m SM? tmimeir and east 0
<br /> iI no Preppymetstat h&d.lows ems, "
<br /> 21 Rani*cme. Utwm po )=cnt of4 sums ur~_d kv tb % cxfmrgMt Lender sal) &-wha tge :h7tn
<br /> M!artgart*.'withorrt Char" to ~'_r-m'w r. alt6rMwer Sha u Pay ;411 tuAtx of rerarria,tiaaa, it &n .
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<br /> ,.IN ~4 iT.Kt: NV tetratVsr°. the EkwT wer has elmuted then . Y4 jortgt'ge, a1 ~ cy ,a 'A
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<br /> R+F
<br /> d Jo lly "Barrawe:-
<br /> Harr itt: X. Donne) --Borrower
<br /> M Prupexty Addr gate Avertsua,»-C.r~~tdLisal~►nd, Iteb~aaarka► 6$$Qtl.
<br /> $1rATk OF N'AAetX4;4 A
<br /> an thss day of" before+ met, the utters NoWy
<br /> Public in anrf for said Count} prr~a nxlly came Fly; itte~v A~td l9urti~t !f. is ellyr
<br /> ttsusban_ w. _
<br /> Penn sally; known to.aw to be the `udentacaSl*W aong _ _ . _,._M.
<br /> Pe wktoft naara are iced to 0.0 abo%v WW foregaiszg
<br /> instnuncsrt_`as moztgagors, and each aclcrwwiedged said *t td be his ar ber V ~aptary sct and deed
<br /> Sian my hand and no"rW S"I at . Grand Za ~ a Nebraska
<br /> tba>claie laat,ab>cvr wrxittxst,
<br /> f"x►trxnt. Ai&
<br /> Sion expires;
<br /> Wepul~ veteran-zt~..e
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<br /> t~ ev►t s NCotarry PU%
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<br /> 13TAI-E OF
<br /> Cowat} M
<br /> Ente" ain-xnumencal itxlex and filed fair" n--ord'in the Register oft 4ffisce of said County tha
<br /> a~r3 r~cor~3~chd in Book _ o ciuclc aril
<br /> . of Mai~~ at _ - xeaq rameaat N►u:
<br /> oft eM&
<br /> NUM rrr 0w&-A to beLi"m annd a tbre'
<br /> fi r,nEP.N Lo, 4,
<br /> .r~ax oC►r
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