STATE OF NEBRAS1iA, County of ............................
<br />Filed for record on ..............................., 19........x.
<br />and recorded in the Deed Record ................................. Page
<br />"„ _ ,
<br />.............. o'clock ........................ ;ll.
<br />.................................................................................... By .............................................
<br />Register of Deeds Deputy Registe tf•KA OQCUMEPiTARY.
<br />Si'ANlP TAX
<br />~g,,._ t1`~3~8~2 SURVIV~RSfIIP Vf~A.RF<ANTY DE D sip 7 ~l~
<br />Frank J. Hughes, a widower and unremarried ~~ ' j
<br />,herein called the grantor whether one or more,
<br />, in consideration of -' -TWO THOUSAND AND NO/100- - - - - - - - - ($2,000.00) DOLLARS - - -
<br />received from grantees, does grant, bargain, sell convey and confirm unto
<br />KARL A. and SAIRLEY A. HUt:FiF.S, Husband and Wife,
<br />as joint tenants with right of survivorship, and not as tenants in common, the following deaaribed real
<br />property in .......... Hal1 ........................................... County, Nebraska: A Erect" of 3ntid eorflprisiag
<br />a part of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quartez (SEtcNEtC) of Section Tlhirtw One (31),
<br />Township Eleven (11) North, Range Eleven (11) West of the 6th P.M., in Hall Countw, Nebzaake,
<br />more garticularly described as follows:
<br />8egianing at a paint on the east line of said Northeast Quarter (ffiAs), said point
<br />being Three Hundred Seventh Three and Fifty Five Hundredths (373.55) feet north of
<br />the Sattheast corset of said Northeast Quarter (NE'la); thence northerlq slang the east line
<br />of said Northeast $uarter <NFfc), a distance of Two Hundred Twenty (22(1.0) feet; thence
<br />deflecting left 60 00' and running westerly, a distance of One Hundred Eightq (180.0)
<br />fast, thence deflecting left 9O° 00` and running southerly, a diata°ce of Two Hundred
<br />Twenty (220.0) €eet; thence deflecting left 90°00' and running easterly, a diataace °f
<br />Ohs Hundred Elghty (18Q.0) feat to the place of 4eRinning and containing 0.909 scree
<br />mots or less.
<br />To have and to hold tine abore deson'l;ed premises together with alt tenements, hereditameats
<br />sad appurtenances thereto belonging Hato the grantees and to their assigns, or to the 'heirs cad asaigtsa
<br />of-the sturoivor of them forever.
<br />And granter does hereby covenant with the grantees and with their assi~ps sad s~ith the hairs
<br />ahd ta~$ns of-the survivor cf them that grantor is lawfrzll_r seised. of said gremises; that that' era free from
<br />----_ ~anmbpance
<br />that grantor hay good right and lawfnl authority to convey the same; sad that grantor warrants and a•il!
<br />defond the title to said premises against the lawfnl claims of alt persons whomsoever.
<br />It is the intention of all parties hereto that in the event of the death of either of the grantees,
<br />the entire fee title to this real property shall vest in the surviving grantee.
<br />Dated September 5, 19 79
<br />
<br />8TATFl QF .....................Nebraska................ County af ........,..............Ra11...........,......,,,.......
<br />...,
<br />Refare me, a notary pubtio qualified far said county, personally came
<br />Frank J~ Zlgths, a widower and unresaxxiad,
<br />;~,
<br />knnxn to me to bs the %dentiaal perana qr persona who signed the foregoing instrument and an~lowledged
<br />the ereautiou tiRereof tti„ba his, her or their voluntary set and deed.
<br />With o. 'sl seal ott .........~a~r~...~..~'•':"...~a........., 18..~..~......
<br />' 111E 1
<br />OEPiERAi, h4t?iARI'---- - ~~~~'L'~"'{"` ~ ~~,.c~l`7GCf~ tgry
<br />., _ ~ - ..... ........., ....... .. ............ ............. No Pc blic
<br />G.a a tr
<br />1,,,,.....~., t
<br />- ~ - (l~atn4A~sss m ExF[t~s may. aommi~ion eapites ~ rEcs°.~.1..:~'Y ................ 1..~.. ~.'.........
<br />- - - .lane 2. 14i~ ....,~ ..~~
<br />1~'orm 1.8 To be app tats Bar Asaooiation P.>L~ d wdr a... x.e~.
<br />