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<br />79°~ ~~~'~'~ IVI®F3~'G/#CaE <br />~,: <br />THIS INDENTURE, made this bch day of September 18 _~._, 6y and between <br />James A. Sehitltz and Mary A. Schultz, husband and wife, each in his and her own right <br />and as spouse of the o*_her, <br />of Hall Cflunty, Nebraska, ae mortgagor s ,and Grand Island Tmst Company of Grand Island, a corporation <br />organized end existing under the laws of Nebraska with its principal office and glace of business xt Grand Island, Nebraslu, a mortgagee: <br />WITNESSETH: That said mnrtgagor._S__ ,for and in consideration of the sum of <br />Seven Thousand Two Hundred Twenty Five and no/100 - - - - - DollareiS 7,225.00 I <br />rho receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do - by these presents mortgage and watraitt unto said rmrtgsgee, its auceesaora and assigns. <br />forever, all Lhe following described real estate, aitunted in the County of ~ Ile 71 <br />,, and State of Nebraska, to•wit: <br />Lot Eleven (11), Castle Estates Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />Tagetber with all heating, air conditioning, lighting, end plumbing equipment and factures, inetuding xreens, awnings, storm windows and s3. <br />_ doors, and window shades or blinds, usod an or is connection with said property, whether the samo are nqw looted on aid property or herettter <br />-ghced iltar~a. <br />- -- T~ IIAV E A1YD TQ HOi.D TI#E SAME, together with all and singuLrr the tsnemenis, hareditameata and sppttrtemaces thereunto be- <br />Elooging. os in anywise agpertaini~, forever, a~ warrant the tit}e tQ the same. Said eavernnt._._._with saki <br /> <br />ire t a that <br />g gas ._ -.i~.,-Its Y.._....-.a.L~.. __-_.._. , et the delivery horeof, the lawf•,c] owner-.~- of the p a6aVa t~vgyQd acid if~er~sd. ~.. <br />- P~4i .,_~r!' °ti~ at r! ~aOd and ux~tasalble PSCat° of 2 «t1.°l:tE;'~ ttlare:If. tt°...° and Cllr <}f aII ~1i~ tli~i_~h€~!"r€~1.. -.. ~ _-.' <br />- warrant and dsfond the title thereto forever against tha tleima and demands of all persona whomsoever. <br />_ <br />-- <br />I'Rt~VIFib:U ALW AY3, and this instrumaut is ezewted and delivered W secure the paYmnat of the sum of __~ ~. - <br />-----Sev;;a._lhQtt38n~-1_1~ulldresl'i'~enty Fiv_e_~Il~_IlaL_2g.~-_°._,.~._.DalSaratB-.~..___._....i.r'.F'~-~.._.._._.^.t;-- -~ -- <br />with interest thereon, together with each charges aril advances aR may 6e due and payable to said mortgagee under Che terms and aarxlitions <br />of the promissory note of oven date herewith and secured hereby, asecuted by acid mortgagor __S._..,. so avid mortgagee, pgvrbM a expressed <br />in said note, and to eecure the performance of all the terms s»d conditions contained therein. The terms of said note are bsceby incorpaeated $'. <br />herein by this reference. <br />IL is the intantioa and agreement of the parties hereto that this mortgage shall also secure any future advaa~nm coeds to acid murtKagm' _~,,. <br />- by nisi mortgagee, aril any and all indebtedreeae io addition to Lhe amount above elated which said mortgagors, err say of them, tnaY owe w - <br />afd mortgagee, howover nvidemeed, whether by wte, book account or otherwise. This mortgage ahal: remain In full terse sled atkcrt betseea <br />the parties hereto and thou hairs, personal representatives, surceesoro and assigns, until all amounts ~ecurxd hereunder, inrludie~ [uWre <br />advenws, ere paid ut full with interest. - <br />The mortgagor .._8. hereby assign _._ ___ to said awrtgagee all rontu end incocne arising at ar~v sad sU times from acid <br />property s~ i <br />hereby wthorize ak1 rm or its <br />rtgagee agent, ac ire option, upon dotautt, to take charge pt said property and collect all roots sad income - <br />-- tharstrom and apply the same to the ptymeet ~ interest. principal, innuratrce premiums, Cauca, aaaesamsnts, spars or baprovemattta {3 - <br />rsaceeary ~~ kaeg said praperiy in tenantable condition. or to other charges or payments provided far herein or is the rwte heeby sac-umd. Tills N <br />rasa. aselgmoent shall continue in force until thn unpakl balance of said note ie h~Uy paid. Thn takbrg of postwsaian hereurrdta absU is m manner ~ - <br />~e++ent m retard Bald moetgtµea is the cdlantiort of said soma by tocecioaura err otherwise. <br />The tailors of the eanrt guru w assert arty of it_a rights hereunder at any t~ shall net be ton-atr!~d as a Y~ st ire z~ to rz- tl~ <br />- - . <br />_ - <br />- <br />acne at aaY Inter time, and to hferat tappa sad antarce atrlrL complraace with oli rile tarim} and proVlaians nt aai cote and n[ this laar't~it$e. ~ <br /> <br />Ifsaid rawtgegcir s shall cause to ba paid W xald mortgagee the satin amount due {t hereundef. and under the fsraM sad provfaioaa <br />of said ante hereby ascarad, Inchrding future advances, oral any exteaaions m renewals thereof in soroniema with the term and provkrfana - <br />-. -thereof, a~ i[ aid moth _..s_ rhaU comply with elf the pmvkioru of aW Hats end of fhb mortgage, Clfaa these presents shall be vokl: ~ - <br />otharwLe Wremain infall force sad effect, opal said aaatgagea shall be entiClad w the poaasaina of all o[ aid property. sad max. at tG o~ptbn, <br /> <br />-- declass the wtwie of add note and all ~ reptasnted tharoby to be imamdLrtsly due sad payable. >utd troy foreeloae f~fi a mortgage _ <br />5f <br />~, ._-.or Wce any arthel ktgst action 6o peotxt lta right. Appraiameat wdvad. - j <br />This nortgage shall i» bintling upma end shall eattro to C3as benefit of the heirs, asecutoro, adminiatratora, amrxsson sad alagna of the <br />-.~ <br />teepactiva pectic hereto. 1 , <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, saki Moetg+aga $ have IrsreunW ~ their heads d1d ~, and year first shave <br />:written. <br />