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<br /> 7'UGkiT�IC4t�'IT11 dl tl�t iu�pr�nen�encs tx�w cu hae.uRer eiactod w�tluo pt.�k c�}.++rxl all rxsenxnt�. :Mpurten�r�t�s,s�w!
<br /> fixtur� now� �r hrrc�Rer � iau4 of' the pn�:rty. All rcplaatmcnts uxf rcl�fitiu�u �haii als�� bz ro��rcc1 by tl�:s 5�arriy.
<br /> uwi�u :�1 �c ►• f.;� :sis: ::::;:',:!S^:R:w}.�..���.,��..��..ww��iu+"Pu�.�e.:c�.�
<br /> 1ki�I2�fJ�i'E}t CU�`EN�INTS�;ut G.��r.►a�r iL I.rwfbll}.s..isxt t�f thc c�t:�ic hcn�b��c�,m•cyaJ�tii�.l I►ac ihe right tn�ri�u a+x3 _
<br /> tv�nvey thr �'n�Qeriy u�J lh�tl tAc Pr+►yxMy' is une�umbcnxl, cx��t for e�kumbr�cs oi ra�ni. �.uruw�r wwicu� uu�1 �i11
<br /> deftr�J lencrally the iitie ta thr F'n►peny�xlrot�f l cl,un�nxt�kman.ls,whj�x�t tu wiy en.:�:mbra�i;:c�s��f ntivrJ.
<br /> THlS StCUKII� iN��RlihM1�lVl'aunMnes unifumi cu�a�us fur nationa) use atui ncu►•uc►iii���u�u�:rir�,u wi.: l'u:::::1
<br /> vrriatiw�.e hy juriaJi�ikw�t.�c�.�uitute a wuf�um re��rity�inurumcnt�w�•ering rcal�ropertw.
<br /> t!NEFURM Ct�VENANTi S. BvFi,�wee w�l t.uxler���•.na:u.:;x�:�rc:�:fullu�t s:
<br /> 1. i'1�ywent uf Ptrla.'fp�l wid Ini�re►t: Prr'P��u�nt �ad LYte Clwr�e�. Bo�owzr sttuU pr.u��ptl�• p�}• whcu �iue th�
<br /> p�-��ki�:l oF s��ir:cress eui th:deflt evidctxct�t l+y the Noto�xnY P�Ynxnt�rid luic ch:►rges duu u�xicr the�ote. _
<br /> 2. 1��►odc[or Twes�ad Iou+r+enc�. Subjat to a}�lirabic law� or w a written w�iu�r b�� Lci�.kr. fbrmwer sAx11 pay ta
<br /> i,encier on the day nwntNY WY����d�u�r thc Note.uutil the Nac is paid in full. a sum('Fwsde'► fur:(a?yeuly tarts
<br /> aac!assc�nents w�hich may attain pt�io�ity o�•cr this Saurity Instrument as w licn on the Ptv�rty;Ib1 y'cw'ly Itas�hald�}�mcrw
<br /> or guwnJ ruus oa the f�ropeny,if any;lc)ye.�rly hazard or praperty insurance prcmiums; (dD)'carl.r ilood inwrxncc prenuums,
<br /> if any: lcl yearty mortgage insuranc.�prcmiun�s. if any:and(fl any wnu p�yahl�by tG�rcowcr tc� i.ender. in acca�e wicn
<br /> the provi�ia�s oF paragraph 8. in lieu of che p�yment of martgage in�ur�u�ce premium�. These items are calla!'Fis�row Ite+��s."
<br /> Lend;r nuy. �t any tirue. colkct and hold Fut�ds in sn uraunt nat to exc�cl thc mwcimum wncuint a lcnder for a ftdu~ill�.
<br /> rel:ua! nu�rtgagc lczn may r�quire for Borrow�cr's acrow account undcr the falcral Rcal Estate S�tticment Prxodures Act of
<br /> 1974 as mnendal frotu time to time. 12 U.S.C. Scctia� T601 er srq. ("RESPA"). unluss anntltar luw•th�t applits ta tLe Funds
<br /> stts a lesser anwunt. If so. Lender n�ay, �t any tir�tie, collext a�ut hold Funds in an amount not to exceed tht lesur amo+�nt.
<br /> L,cnder m�y estin�ate the amo�mt of Funds due on the basic of curreat duW and m,psoaabla estia�tes of expenditures of futuro
<br /> F.sctow Iterns or e�therwise in�ccor�i:uur with applicable law,
<br /> The FunJs shall be hetd in an insiitution whost deposits are insured by a falurnl s�gency, i�tisuuynenlality, �u eniity
<br /> (including Lencter, if l.e�xler is wch an institution)o�in su►y Fau:rsl Hwne Loan Bunk•Lend�rr shall apply the Funds to pay the
<br /> Escrow Items. Lendu may na charse Borrower far hnlding and qpplyin�tha Funds,annwzlly analyzing the escrow aoenutu.or
<br /> vtrifying the Fscrow Itcros,unless l,ender p�ys Bcxtowe�interest on tha Fund:;ru�d ay�Plicable law pertnits l,etxier to►nake such
<br /> a charge. However,Lender rrwy requi�Borrower to ps►y a cxu-time chnrge for uJt+ndependent real estate tax reporting sen�ice
<br /> usod by Lender in conrrection wi�h this loan, unless applicablo law pro�ides otherwise. Unless an agr�ement is aa�de or
<br /> �pplicable la��requires intcrcst to be paid.Lendcr shall not bc required to pay Bucrowet any iaterest or eamings on th�Fut�ds.
<br /> Borrow•e�uid Lendcr may agree in writiag, howtver,ttwt intcrcu shall bc pui4•an ttu Funds.Lender shall give to Borr�vrer,
<br /> wit!►out charge, an annoal accoutuing of the Funds, showing crcdits nnd dc�i�a�tu �he Funds and the purpose for which errcb
<br /> debit to the Funds was rn�de. The Fu�x1s am plcdgod as additianal security fi�r qll sums sxuced by this Secoriry Iastiument.
<br /> If tha Funds heGi by Leader exce�d tho artwunts permi�ttxl tu bc hold by applicabl�lu�v. Lender shall acoouni to I3orrower
<br /> for the ezccss Funds in xcordsuue wi�h the nquinea�ents of appliczbla luw. If the �nt of d�e Fuuds held by Lretrier ai.aay
<br /> . dme is not sufficieru ta pay the�scrow Items whon duo.Lender mop so nod�j Borrower in writing.ud.in such case Bwrawcr
<br /> sha11 pa}r to i.ender d�o omcwnt neoessary to nu�ke up tha doficiency. Borrowcr shaU make up the deficicacy in no mone tls�n
<br /> �welve mon+tiilY payments,at LuxZar's solo discretion.
<br /> (lpoo payu�ent in full of all se�ms secural b}� tttis Socurity G�u�ument. L.ender shall P�Y*�� ���� �y
<br /> P!,�!�.��e�Id s�y ir��der. If,u�er narnaraah 21.l.cadcr shall acauire or sell the Property,l.ender,prior w the�cquisitioo or sale
<br /> of the Fn��x�riy,s,'Yatl�piy any Tun�s h.ld b}�Lrn3t:st tha tims af�uleition or sale as a crodit�gw�st the sutims socurad by
<br /> � Qus Security Itutrumc��t. �
<br /> 3.Applica�toa oi'A�+ycimtr.Unless applic�blu lsnv prnvides atherwise, �!!payments received by Lender under paragraphs
<br /> 1 �ud 2 shall be applied: first.to�nY P�Y�t c6ar�es duo undcr tho Nou::second,to fuuoiuus payablc undcr pant��ph 2;
<br /> third,to intenst due:fourth.w prinr.ipal due:and last.w any lsap ct�rges due ander the Note.
<br /> 4.Cl�ges; 1Jeus.&,rroK�r st�aJl pay all trues. �sscs.unu�ts, charBcx, fusss and impositians atuibutabic to the Pmg�rty
<br /> which may auain prlority ovcr this Sa.urity Inshv�xnt. and icasthold payux;cc¢9 or ground raus. if oay. Horcower shall pay
<br /> these obligations in the m�nnerprovided in pu�r,�{�•2.or if not paid ia that Tr�anner.Borrowu sh�ll pay GtAern on tia�e ditrctly
<br /> to tbe pasare owed piymant. Borrowez st�all prompdy fumish W I.ender all notices of�r�ounts to be ptid under this paryp�aph.
<br /> If Borrower m�fces shese paymenu di��sly.Borrower sisall pramptly furnish to Lender receipcs evideacing tlse paymeats.
<br /> Borrowu shall promptly dischazga any lien which has prio�iclr over this Sxurity Inurument unless Borrower:(a)agrees in
<br /> writing to the paymrnt of the obligation securod by the lien in a m�nner xcepmble to l�der: (b)conusts in good faith tbe liea
<br /> •by. or dtfends ag�last enfora�nr.nt of the lien in, legal procoedings which in tlx Lender's opin:oa o�exue w prvwt the
<br /> enforctmau of the lien:or(c)secures from the haldv of the lien an agreun�.�t satisfactary to l,ender su0rsc�r.�ting the liw w
<br /> this 5axc�i,"y Instrument. tf Lendcr dtsetimines that any part af�Pcopeity is subject to a Lien which tn�y�a:�iti pr�iri 3ver
<br /> this .�. Ir�strument.Lendcr rnasr�:ive Borrowu a notice ici�r,ri.fying the Ei�en.Bocrowa st�1l satisfy t�e 4ti'n or s�l'icems�e or
<br /> ns�,,�of tLe actions set forti�above t�:t�in 1Q days.of the�ivwg c.`aotice.
<br /> � Fosa�302� �lDO
<br /> r.o.swe
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