containing ~ acres, more ar less, tagethsr wit:-^, all of Clio rkgFt, title, and fete^ast
<br />(now owned cr hereafter acquired) of the Mortgagrrs In said property, Iecluding all qulidings, improvewenis, fixtures,
<br />or appurtenances thereon or hereafter placed thereon; all water, irrigation, and drainage rights: L11e tznewer:GS,
<br />heredi foments, end appurtenances Cher@co anC the rents, Issues, .^,raps, and FI'oti is arls4ng Tram sail leads: and (it
<br />the Mortgagors rights In the public domain are required DY Mortgagee far security purpDSes' all le-.3s@a, p@z~r; ts,
<br />licenses, or privileges, appurtenant or noz+.appurtonant to said mortgaged premises, rowor hereafter iss;:zd, >x!eetded.
<br />or renewed Lo the mortgagors Dy the United States or the sta*.e in Mikch ttte aDOVe-d@sc.^iDed property is koca:M w,
<br />any department, Dureau, or agency ttcereot.
<br />1n4s mortgage Ss P,ivea to secure a promissory na to of even date .*.---revel ch, zxzcutzd ~° "k: r!~-xg::~ t~ '~"-e3, 1„
<br />the Principal sum of THIRTY-TWO THOUSAND FOUR HUNDREA A,'+D NO/I00 - - _ _ - - - - ,- It.%t:,Aw-~~
<br />p$YaDle with interest arcording to the caries ai said note, the final pa,Ymant I»!k Gig tie an' paira"=Se x~- first ?_ts
<br />June 2004 once shal_ be Ya_d upci + to
<br />of .3 :. 'flits conYey t s t_ }~mavt -' sa#-+ f^~:>u!g ^~"SS_
<br />This mortgage is su0,}ect to the prowl si ons of 12{6 FARM C.RaiIZT ACf a;td alt a^^t3 sm¢c^.a.!2ry +nzt~ai1 ar ~t
<br />thereto. 1ne proceeds o1 the loan secured hereby will De used tar Lns purposes specltY@~1 S^ thr ?-°egag'.ss= s~5;-.
<br />cation for said loan an6 au thcrised by said Act.
<br />121=_ Mariga~ars, aad each of them, hereby warrant that they era fee owners at the wertga3ed r@x- pr~t>€ v _;~aa -~
<br />will la.' t~ ti:.e akaisst ail ><lai~ants ~iaa~z-r. ~d t,~€ ~4d ~r~~r 'ra ~~s ~_.a~. r- -_ -
<br />they will Keap ail the Si~iravemeats, ..*lxtur@s. and agt+urtsgac:-z8 ,._eup_ed an<d is d- .~,;~ . z~.,- y- ~.:x~ya ,_
<br />watte• and thzy w113 ='e:inq+-'i3h 33 `s ^i;SSts at *,:^me s*_e8d t.^, said pPa~*.32s. 32 °.,vc ..,r .ar:~ ~s.-.mss a tp '~ wF:=sue.
<br />as tollaws:
<br />(£}~taG t @,~ ~i ~~ ~ti sii _ac i1dn3, mdi3-~h£s, ~ss3e3a: °.s ~:_ -~ ~r ~ ~= ear ~.y~ ~~~s.=
<br />tiie pPVparty herein ERi.'45'8. ~ - - - - -
<br />ors said-pr~i~zs~tc+theyss Ss/nr ioa of th€ M~e~+~sea. =~h e~ ~~ F.fYShal ^a• _ ~~€~ -- r
<br />iglt>; Elie 1~?ss th~i'ava^e^ to ne pz'y'hR is t- ..~_ ?is ~tg~~-.---~,^~{--. •~.,. -~f msy as ~ ~ a _
<br />of the destroyed im;~savaezents- or, 1f mat sa applied, amy, at .,h@ np.4wi f the Mtrt ~ ~
<br />any lnd@btedness, msturad or unataturzd, secure:, Dy ''-hi--= aortgak-. xwse*, .~ aLpl~;pi , •~~~' -.I
<br />(3) Ta p4y all rants, tees, or CDaf'8es aow 4u@ Dr t_a Daeaaa :"ae un~.e€ the tcrsc3 e€ ea.h iaas~, w~e`~ ~, .r
<br />privilege on the public dawaih w3:-ch Ss appurtenant br nanapurtaaant w the mertgergffl „r@a_s+s, ,~~ ~ ~. ,rt:,
<br />tssued, extended, ar renewed DY the Unit@d States or *,hB s-tats SK wh?^r. rte abaY~ ,.~..r,°e•3 „r.,~sr*.y .
<br />to partorm and alxsa^ra eve i ac ovesiaat ccnlitivn, arl -- -- - Sea ~tzs~;j -- xJa va:~ - Y :ua.~
<br />stan4ing: and t4 take .'very 4@cessary step to secure Cna C@isjua, 3*@newa .°-r »xtm4sl a. ,f Kr>k +~•"-r ssww, _,<„
<br />aa61gr1. waiv@. pledge, er endorse Go tits Mortgagee eaeb Iea3s, c~e: gilt., o -1+1°z~{a w=r ~„;,.ry.. <_y _~;
<br />in puDllc domain are raqulr@d by Mortgages for security purpnaas, F =
<br />(a} That fn the went the Fit€GgagBa is a party w any SStigat tor. affect ing thr sar~Yr `=ty a - - ~t:tz, ~ ;tz ~n ~=-
<br />gage, Secluding any suit ny Ghe MPrtgage@ W foreclose tnls wrtgry5a ar ally salt 1a wrieh !`+e >r ~-.~rg,s a roe r._j.. ,,,~:;
<br />a party defanda4G 34 wfiicri 16 is oDligatal i4 protect kts r a~;ts or ilea, le::lud~ ~ '^.*a~ x+r>r a - ..+~- .
<br />procseQings, the MortiSagea may incur expsnses and advance pal merit far abat:~act fee:., .~ttti ,e ., .s,~.,. ...t
<br />extant prohkDlted by law}, casts, @xpens@s, and other enar~as.
<br />(5} That Sn the 4Yan6 Che Martgagbrs tats tc pay when due any C=ucas, x_t_1-., ,}l~~r - of asx'. ~~r{-.t •~ _; l = .
<br />maintain ins urafice as h@reihD@IDra prdvid@d, or tail to pay raids, tea - etf's_ke .~.~fi ~ -ems __ u.~ s.~-
<br />pei'mSC, license, ar Arivilege; or Martkagee is r@quirtl to krtcur axpansan for a9sirwc,t t'as_.x, 3tto~ey less, <~.:a~a,
<br />axpensea, and OCR@r r:hargea In aoMeCtian with 11tlgatibp, !kx'Egagce way wake s+;,,b pwyaiait: •=tr ru i~ au ~a„. ~:e,
<br />or incur suoh obl3gaGton, and Gha amounts pnld therefor shah DeabAte a part of thx .ndeDtainass sacs ~aX „~-~* -_
<br />and pgyaDle immediately, and shall bear interest [ram the da Ge at pgyeeant at t8e 3aahN rate as prLv35~~ " ~ s,,.g.
<br />331 the note.
<br />r
<br />
<br />