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<br /> <br />~_ _ ... <br />Fscery~a Fromm Ietereal Novepae Code <br />Sec. 6321. Lion For Taxes. <br />tt atry pe.5m IbtAa to pay sap 13a ntgixt{5 a revises tq <br />Day ate same aria deaand. as aaoaa IincmMns airy nla~ <br />esl xea'.ia:a) ameea, adddrm to Ua, a asbasbank penapy, <br />tagedta rirh awy vests maz clay accroe in atldaioa tbaaal <br />rasa be a Siea m ;fiat cl lea UnneO states span as praeeaY <br />aM rpets ro aapmly. rbedta mai a persanaL ~i-elatWtnq <br />tt ~cA pa+bon_ <br />Sec. 6322. Period ~f Lien. <br />i1Pat46 arrotlror date a spa¢kslly feed ay law, tae lien <br />:rp~ea bi s:rifiai 6321 sha3 arise at the ikaa tAo <br />aszasetnda ry made and snail caitArae uet6 tAe Ifaberty to <br />tac aabpW so xseessed (a a ia>r:neat zqa s[ rte L::~ <br />pare ads2*.; ~r d sste i>sAaeyl 5 satistted a bnccmes <br />8~erxa~a `-7 tpksm a (apse d i4Te. <br />Sec. 6323. Validly artl Pricrity <br />Against Certain Persons. <br />tai Purchasers, Noidars ~ Secsriry i>v <br />ter~is: `gashaalG's !;,"ears; Aed .Fa~jtner:! <br />flee Creditors. - Tire fan anp~sed er exctkt e321 <br />sMp ~ }e vaad as aja'a~ a+7 4'arenas=r, rtr ra - <br />aecany Waea. aetAank'3 IlLrtix. a ineamant Ibn <br />aadita utpP rasa Binds( eAkp meats me raanaamamb <br />d wbsectmn (U Ass been riled by the Secretary. <br />ms Proteet(oa for Certale loterests <br />Evep TAongh Pletke Filed.-Even mwgn nuke a <br />a sea ImDpaed try aCnlon 6321 vas (leap IAed, surn Ilen <br />eM• E Rd Ae Yand- <br />vl Place For Fklpq Notks: Fprm.- <br />Itl Pmce Fa Fianq.-The ndice retested It a sus <br />sxtim {a1 snap M faed- <br />fA! that sate laas.- <br />m neat P(apaty.-n iM case H teat Cropedy. In <br />Bee dike rithin [Ae Stete ~w ibe cw:[t. w abet <br />gw2:nmeAW! saaahrstml ax aesgnated br me mrs <br />d such Stare, N rnkn Ure awing -eclat to Me <br />IhA b nitrated: sad <br />{dl Pasanai Prewr[y.-n Ina rue a pdtsonal <br />aaPaCi, reaMa ta~aYe d mtaegink, n eve diiCd <br />edtat the Stara W pre cauriy. a and paanaanal <br />4ttD6iytabel, at destPnate¢ by the mrs d swA State. <br />N Rake dtB Dreenrr t'.tpett td Cta Ikn s stttmto4 <br />a <br />te) wsa clsi a asmd rapt,-m sae ante d In1 <br />elstt d Iat tf.-.tom" Paafee ~,5'.tt ts~t !',a too HrdkiaF <br />matrld fo btCa IM aet>atty baelep ro Ibn 6 eawtad, <br />er~rar ~ Stare ~ nd ay tae tNbipnata8 :1% -arke <br />e8kdl teMS tM aedeeeraeetr d mtbaaara9n Ut a <br /> <br />~, <br />O <br /> <br />~ I `: -= v <br />` <br />~ <br /> c <br />e <br />~ <br />' i <br />° <br />-* I <br />( ~ - _- ~ t l <br />' <br />~ I ° <br />~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i <br />i~ :~ Gn N i~ ~~ ~~ ~ <br />1 <br />m <br /> <br />x " ° ~ I ~.3 <br />C ~u ^ i ~N r. 'iro' m m ~ <br />>v a <br />n <br />r z~ ( `~~ c ~j <br />~ I J ~, o p, <br />n - <br />~ <br /> Y <br />teI wan eeeama a aeWS a Tee msakt d cams <br />bra.- m the dfke d me Hecaaa d petty a qe <br />Obhkt a Commda, a tM aepah aAfect b ue sea s <br />snuatea ea ma insect a edaaae. <br />i2) Sins a Prapaty Snriect Tp ales.-Fa sword <br />d. paapraphs n) and /s f. aepan snag m tluaed m ne <br />sanattd- <br />IAi Peal Ptmeary.-et tW cau d real yyelRaty. at ab <br />aryska kcatian; a <br />l61 PBibnna Pttpory.- a IM CY~e a Pasaml <br />awaty, arhetner tanpDle a miangkm, at ipa residake <br />a 7x taspaya a[ tna time the eke d uen t feed. <br />Fa WrPnses d paaaadr (211e). tiq realeara:e d a ea~ <br />Daatam a pKtnE+shk shad W dceaxd to as iM piw.e at <br />rnkn Ne prmckaz exetabe dtka d pre Ansa:ebb h <br />IccateQ sad the resalenca a a [ayeayer rAwe residence <br />u r®eout Um Uihed Statns shalt bP dmnred r4 ed p iW <br />d e6wsera_ <br />t31 fcrm - tAe tam sad caeenl d dte adlce <br />reretred 'U N 4444dtteM +al sas M aesadA~a Oy tM <br />SeCtetan. $acA ndke 50aa ne read oarhn5raadmg say <br />aAct ageaca d lea rxqu~+q eta tam a roe~j # a <br />ndcd ~ ~- <br />k! Rerilleq 6r NtHite.-- ra axposa a ttx, <br />aectlon- <br />niGepenl NeM.-unlab:.dke d w s :dsed <br />m IM nainw aesaeed n pardk^dpa l27 ¢aF...] te4 re' <br />aeied tdidmyry aa;pd, sec11 sire a itra 4haB 6e '~~N <br />as riled rn am dare on eemn a is f¢ae ca ac;taaance eR <br />44ASetrl4n pll 3rkt tM eaphat~ d 44[0 eellbd ptlted <br />tz1 Place Fat FHHq.-A dace d tip tNhrB <br />danp tM reuokeA tastes Bafod ahae ea snett4e eat~- <br />(A; Y 4:~Cn 1KKke ~d ilea q ,N9pC n .Aa d'ye n <br />welch tM slat ndka el 1Yn ass sect Bed <br />te) h say case Y Mke, W dte'e a teom aW ip tae <br />dab d 4 refltrq d tnlre d Yee ee0~ w00araprye <br />U4 the Secreary ceairu rrtrtee Mlaetalm th tae <br />maAna ae4c:taA N tegela[Kid timed er ~ Seceatatl! <br />cakYlemq a enable N tad tapayd`4 msAketa, d a <br />nuke q such 1m b alto (clod n Kta'mlGe ep' Nf1 <br />ntcikp !!) N tlro Sate b atei sere raatleacr b keatq. <br /> <br /> <br />z <br />0 <br />A) flfdgetra® R~~q PRfot.- ~ ~ xa49 a <br />sty eared rase. aa. rsa `reseed texas awed' <br />teaes- <br />W} me aeeies astm elide' ao tpys and tb m- <br />peatke d 6 lime and ~ ~ d e+e ssussattx d <br />!r tea, eM <br />lls) tie aN~pt! 0erled Baled tai the ea@dafaae d <br />8 years dtx iBe xtase d tM aewdYB raleaaA rerai+5 <br />aamd Fa stG ebnn d qe. <br />Sec. 6325. Release Of L'sen Dr Qts <br />charge Ot Property. <br />a) Release a Lles.- seAt,GCa ar seat tesrs«xrs ~x <br />aN Sgxetmy °ta/ aesadlt, the $exreemy miy ksee a Ua- <br />ttTrasa d :eKasa d aRy tlee atpsirW tae tUipecl to met <br />eiema! rere+se ia. b- <br />it) liaelty aaHSrk4 a tle4ekrtahk. _ The Sersetaei <br />taeab sat sa t4aeey to tw meats saeeabed, nie+tarr eta <br />as tebtrst : eesyeet recut eaa lttm bdt s.~s."ad a Bas <br />teeam stases aeeeeiceeuk a <br />~! Bata __ t~ . aanrAaea¢ re ~ <br />a~.'~y~sx~~ata~~.a~ <br />:waa:M~e~~aa..~ <br />tie ieu+at a reelect tiered, r~ w o•ta etmraiee h <br />d~S~ -. ~ <br />aecee~e ee! ~ 'rad~aera aMr6 6! ?~ ~1d <br />tt~s, a : #m M x roes a~ s~ "mac ~ ear ea <br />eoa'nee M ese nerderteee, <br />Sec. BiQ3. %tmtidentialtfy and d~~ <br />cl~e€e ~ re~trtik4 and F$- <br />turn ~riormation. <br />tlti i#sci d Certele i~rplte ~ <br />Rrdete letanatipe FM Tu IWsFpillyetlee Ptr• <br />~~~.- <br />i"` r?3C!s+We "= a-4un ar atq~erddrte ens - R ! Yl b,'Y <br />d WSe 3aS bz„? :iibt n+'.. S+HM !3 9awtiw: '$..: k'. t <br />iatanl d ue eehtatletd eAepbrt eeamN b aeda eae <br />net M Madeasd to der aeaW eM ioKp eeAeetARy <br />eedaa etfMee si¢ Y ids a t«a Y m >Aepear seefeeyte <br />"`~ ,in a Wants ~ axESitr a ~ n u~ aWeetty <br /> <br />