<br />SirJY.'TK;Ai~z:
<br />~, ~-~-,_. _~.._~_.. __._----- ------ MoxT~ACe I.cAN No. L 23538
<br />~c~;l~vAl_1-~t~*ta~'r!iESl;int&s~NTS:Ttut La'lern E. Stueven and Delores Stueven, each in his and
<br />her ew~ ri~lht and as spouse of each other
<br />----------- Mortgagor, whether o~ or more, in corrsiduation of the sum of
<br />Tharteen Thousand and No/100------------ -----------°---------------- D61iAR5
<br />iwnai frr sad mor[8rrgtrr by The Equitat?ie Building and Luan Aswciatian of Grand [slattd, Nebradca, Mortgagee, upon 1 3D shoes of stock of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Certifiate No. ! 23538 , do hereby grans, mnvey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the foliowireg
<br />described real ertate, situated in ball County, Nebraska:
<br />LflT EIGHT (8) IN BLOCK FQUR (4)
<br />together with all the tenetrtents, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, including attached naor w4xrirtgt, all wigdaw screr:ns,
<br />window shades, bends, storm windows, awnings, heating, air conditioning,and plumbing and water egesiprnent and accessrtrxs thrmta,pumpa, stoves,
<br />roCrigezators, and ocher fixtures and equipmrnt now or hereafter attached to or used in ronnection with satd rest estate.
<br />And whereas the said mortgagor has agrced and does hereby agree that the mortgagor shall and wit! pay ail laxrs a:td ssaes~esls kvird ar
<br />assessed upon said prenzius and upon this mortgage and the bond secured thereby before the same shop becorrtr dttinqurnt; to furnish appro.4rf
<br />insurance upon the buildings on said premises situated in the sum of 5 l~ flflD Cn payable to said ASSOC'iATiON attd to deGvrr to raid
<br />ASSOCIATION the policies For said insurance; and not to commit or perms shy waste on or about said premiers;
<br />In eau of deCatilt ti [he performance of any of the terms and conditions of this «mrtgage or t!u hood xwrrd hereby, th rraut~ea ,
<br />on demand, br entitled to itrirradiate possesson of the mortgaged premises am! the mortgagor hereby assigns, trartsfrrrs and acts a+ar h' tJx
<br />to4rrtgagee all the rents. rew_ntres azul L~svnre to !~ derived fnm the mortgsgea prerrriua during srun izmr as the inartgagr iarlr§tsttaes, rte tsvetia
<br />tmpaid; and the mortgagre shall have the power io appoint any agent or ageets it tt~y desire far *,~•seg o_r ; ~~- ' >~ ~ ~ .-
<br />ihe same and copeeting the rents, revznurs artd inwme, and it may pay out of sail imvtrtr ail expenses of repairing assns tint anal ri~at~
<br />commissions and expenus incurred in renting and managing the same and of ctzlkcting rentals t)~reftamt; tlu ba6uxz rerng, ~ any, to ~
<br />applied toward the discharge of said mortgage indebtedness; thane rights of thr ttnxtxagzz mgr be ette:used at ~e rtma d•~rr~g ~ a~_-.,s.~. ~
<br />dcfauit, irrespectivr of any temporary waiver a! thr same.
<br />These Przsznis, however, ?re ul!rar. the Cartit~rn, That if the mid M._ :gae € fhau :z-,~.-y saw :a:: -a. M e: f::'s [:~ sa'.-.a::s o: snits tirerrta eY
<br />paytmrtt; pey manthty in said AS.iOCIATiON of thr sum s,-aritred in the ii.md Reared hrreby as interest and ptinapal an saws loan, ua to t~[ut~
<br />t,.....-....+....h..ar ..+ ~.:.+ u„x z--.. +rri,rCcfa,---'_ said loan i ftttiy ro'_~ ~ -~-- ~ - - --
<br />- - - - - -- • ^~_ _...___.. a..~, .- au„ ~ ~ s~i z gas c~ r'
<br />ar_rt th^. &and cured Theee-by, before delirl;„~ar;,y; fwnis~C appro4rd irasu~ ,ce arpau the ttuudtrrgs ttarrprn ~ thr irtat ~ c : j y[vtr~, i im?
<br />to said ASSOCIATION; repay to said ASSOCIATION upon demand alt money by it paid lur wch Issas, assesrsnents sad uuurutps with mAtt+rst at
<br />the maximum Iegal rate thereon from date of payntrnt all of which Mortgagor ttrreiay agars to pay;prrxtut rsa wants arrt raid premwes;3uap rantd y
<br />with all the agreements and conditions of the pond fur S l ? {I{~(] - n~ this day grvsn by thr said ttt.vtgagru to Lard ,+~c5l9tlftl'I(hy, aqd
<br />with all the requirements of the Constitution and py-Laws o shr ASSOCIATION; thtn titesr prrsmts shall becaate nail sad nwd. txtlrrrwire shay
<br />shall remain in full force and may be forectaud at the cptinn of the surd pSSOCiATtO!! atrrt f'adure for three mmrths to ttasltr any of +Qict
<br />payments or be three months in arrrars in z!saking said «tonihty pay menes, ur to krrp and ti+mpiy with ihr agrrtntenu urd coodiuous of uud B~j;
<br />and Mortgagor agues to havr a receiver appointed forthwith in such forrktsurr pnx~rrdmrs
<br />If them is any change in ownership of the real estate mortgaged htrein, by sale or othrrwsse, tttcn Ilse sntur remastsiry~ tntfst>Eaa~arras hazaby
<br />secured shag, at the option of Tha Equitable iitutdwg and Loan Association of grand tslartd,NSbrtuka,betvnar unmsdiateiy due and paya6~ xilhrut
<br />further notice, and the amount remaining due under said bamd, and any other band fat any additional advanars made therotrtakr, shag, Pram rho
<br />date of exercise oC said option, bear interosi at the mazimttm Ir¢pl rate, and this muttgagr may lira tx fees. air ia:3i=may tlx ratt;.r~t dsas,;s
<br />bond,aod any other bond for additional advances, together with all sums paid 6y said Ttte Equilabk Building and Loan Aswciatwn of f;nnd lstrr4.
<br />Nsirraska for insurance, taxes and nssessznems, end abstracting extension charges, with interest thereon, Gom state of payrnrat at the maximum
<br />legal rate.
<br />As provided is the goad secured hereby, while ibis mortgage renuvins in zffeci the martgagrr ittay hereafter savancr additional lama to the
<br />makers of said Bond, thzh assigns or sttzrxs4ors in interest, which sums shall br within the security of this mertgage the sarsae as ttx funds w>pnadiy
<br />secured theroby, the iota) amount of principal debt not to exceed at any tsetse the original amount of thu nwrtgage.
<br />Dateathis 4th day of September n. n.,ly79
<br />~.. 7 _s,
<br />Lai~ern E. Stueven
<br />Deil7res Stueven
<br />STATt3OFNEBRASKA,~~ Ong 4th da of Se tember
<br />eOZif~r f)F tfat t y R tv 79 , brfar~ tea,
<br />-- - - the undersigned, a Notary Public in end foe said County, personally pats
<br />l.aVern_E, Stueven and Delores Stueven, each in his and her own riyh~ and as s ouse of each
<br />other w o are personally known to
<br />- rm'to be tx identical parsottg whose Hama s d re affitted to the a nt as mortgagor g and thex_~savaapy
<br />_ adtnowkdged tiie said instrument to be their vahurtary act and deed. - ~;
<br />°.'`IT1=F.gS atY *.~sd and Notarial Srai the bate aforesaid. f/~'/\y
<br />My Commission expires ~ /' `~~~ ,
<br />taazatxt ~~:"'""""""~ oracr+.or. _ ~ NotaryPubhc
<br />JAtAES W. GLSt)ii ~`~ ~~'
<br />NY Comm. Fop, tern. 12. 1979
<br />