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79'~ ~~1~ r 9#~ <br />MORT'OAG£ <br />-.___~T____~.~~ - - =-.- _ Mr~RrcACi~ wAx No. L 23539 -- <br />IcuowALI,MErrsvTats>;p;zfsENTS:Tbat Letha M. Boyd and Archie M. Boyd, her husband <br />Mortgagor, whether orre or ttwre, in coo~deration of the roam of <br />__~orty~Thousand and No/100---°-------.---------------------------------------°- <br />- not i AitS <br />{aa»ed to said mortgagor by Tite Equ3abk Building and Lusn Association of>;taad (stand, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 4D0 steam of sxodc of <br />said ASSOCIATION, Certificate No. L 23~~4 , da hereby grant, ~ronvey and amrtgage unto the raid ASSOCIATION the following <br />tkscribed real estate, sihu[cd in Hall Caun[y, a casks: <br />LOT FIVE (5), "SUBDIVISION OF BLOCK ONE (1), <br />VINE HILL SUBDIVISION", AN ADDITION TO THE <br />CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />together with all [he tenements, hereditarnenu and appurtenances thereunto belonging, including attached Hoar wverings, all window saex:ss, <br />wutdaw shades, blinds, storm vindaws, awnings, treating, air conditioning, and pltanbing ar~d waieregiripmentsnd acce>;sorks thereto, petmps,atoves, _ <br />refrigoraiors, and other !:;cures and equi;tment nrrw ar hereafter attached to ur tamed in cronnection with raid real estate. - <br />And whereas the ~si~l ±rwngagar bas agreed and does he-reby agree brat [he mortgagor shall and will pay all taxes and assessmtats levied a - <br />assessed upon said premises and upon ibis mort • e and the bond secyr d,j(~e ebxy~efart the carne shall become de' cent; to furnish <br />insurance upon the bnitdings vn said premises sitt~iaieditt the sum of S 4~ s UU~ • UU payable to said ASSOCIATION and to deiiver~Wt nerd - <br />ASSOCIATION the policies for >aid insurance; and nut to commit or permit any waste on or about said premises; <br />In cant of default in the performance of any of the terms and rnaditions of this mortgage or the bond secured hereby, the mortgagor shaft, ~ - <br />on demand, be entitled tv immediate possession of the mortgaged premises and [rte mortgagor hereby assigns, transfers sad sets over to the - <br />mortg~gee ail the rents, revenues and income to be derived from the mortgaged premises during web time as the mortgage indebtedness shad temsitt <br />unpaiG; and the mortgagee sfrall have the power to appoint any agent or agents it may desire fur the purpose of repairing said premises and rerrtittg <br />the same and collecting the toots, revenues and income, acid it may pay ou[ of said incorve all expenses of repairing said premises and iteccssary <br />txsmmisworts and expen~s incurred in reeling and managing the same araJ of rnlleciit~ rentals therefrom; the balance reatarntitg, if anY• to be <br />appliett hrward the discharge of said trmrtgage indebtedness; these rigti[s of the martgagce rruy be extrtised at say time during the existetirx of such - <br />dtfiult, irrespective of any temporary waiver of the same. <br />Thtar Presents, Fs>wescr, are open the Cundithin, That if the said Martgagar shall repay said lean en rtr before t~ ~tutity at' shares by <br />payment: fray rntmrhly to said ASSOCIATION of the sum specified in iht Band seemed hereby as interest and luincapal on said loam, on ar before <br />tt~ Twentkth day of each and every month, until said loan is fully paid; pay aB taxes and assessraeti[s kvied against said premiws sod era this Martgape - - - <br />and iht Band secured iher~-",=j, before dctinquettcy; furnish appraveJtrututarue ttpun Fltr birildiags thereon in the sum of S ~0 s 0~ • 00 ~yabk <br />to said ASSiOCiATIOt•i, reps- to said ASSCtCiATION open demand ail ttzrney by it paid far suelt taxes, mesa and :.•«a~~ withh iaurre:,t at <br />Lhe maximum legal rate ther€~m Pram date of pavnrent all of whietr Mortgagor hereby agrees to pay; permit no waste anwid preateres;kttp sad wmply <br />with ail rice agreemtats sort ,-, rnditions of the band for 3 ~~:000.OQ this day given by the said MortBagat to said ASSOCIATION, sad comply <br />-srlir~ ail the rt~niremzr:ts ~f tyre C.~stitntiua a~i By-Laws,~t sa>d ASSt1ClATif)N: then theca pr~is ~taB bzcoraz atilt aitd void. athtnvun thoy <br />shall remain in full force and may be foreclosed at the option of the said ASSOCIATION after failure tar throe months to nuke any of said <br />payments or be three rttonths in arrears in making said monthly payttrents, or to kcep and comply with tht agretmoats and conditions of said Band; <br />and Mortgagor egrets to have a receiver appointed forthwith in such foreclosure ptotxtdings. <br />If there is any change to ownership of the real estate mortgaged herein, by ask or otherwise, then the entire remaining indebtedtsda hereby <br />secured shall, at the option at The Fyuitabk Building and Loan Associatitm of Crated island,Nebraaka,beootm immadstety date sad Payable wiUaut <br />further notice, and ttit amount retnauring due under said bond, and any other bond far say additional adntroea rtnde themwrder, shag, frtirat the <br />date of exercise of said option, heat interest a1 the tnaximism kgal nee, and this ntartgage may then be forerkrsed to wtiafy the amount dtx an said <br />band, sad any other bond foe additiattat advantxs, tagrther with all sums paid by said Thr F.gttitabl Building end two Awoeiation of f rand Idaad, <br />Nebraska for inssirence, taxex and nssessrnenis, and abstracting txtensian tdtargrs, with interest thaxeon, frrtm date of paytaoat at the nsaximum <br />resat rate. <br />As provided in the Band sr; used hereby, while this rnortgase remains in affect the mortgagee may hareaftor advaaco additions! sums to the <br />makers of said Bond, their assigns or suctxssrsrs in interest, which sums shall be within the aecmity of this atortgagr rho same as the ftutda orisittally <br />aatitrod thereby, the rural amount of principal debt nut to excced at any time the urigiturl amount of this ntortst~e= <br />~'t~ uria 5th '~'y i1• September A. ~~• l9 74 <br />I _tK <br />C lE <br />57'ATE OF NEBRASKA, ~ ~. Olt thix 5th day of September 7979 , before iao, <br />COUNTY t)F HALL <br />flu wtdersigaed, a Notary PubNc ut sad fat wed Catatty, persoasBy cam <br />Letha M. Boyd and Archie L. Boyd, her husband .- " ~„h~ are peraaallykaovimta <br />me to lee the identirxl person 5 whose natm S are affixed to the above instrtunent'as mortgpgar~ sad they severally <br />ackrwwkdged tlm said irutrurrrent to be the? i r wlttntary act sad deed. <br />WITNPSS my hand.and Natatial Seal the date aforesaid. - <br />My Commission expires ~~ ~ -J; ~ryr---y~~ ~ <br />¢FitElAt #¢TARy- State rt #e¢rasia ~ Notary C" f <br />ta~zss rat JCtY FA, BEnZt.'a1' - ' ~ / - <br />My Comm. Fxp. 5apt,1 1981 ~ f" l <br />