<br />• ~a3u_n~r-racer ar_~aa~rat~.r~ .n..,.r~.,.~
<br />IN COA'SIDER,3TION of the payment of the debt named therein, the
<br />Bank ~ Trust Company
<br />4
<br />NuMlmam acid &el5a~~ & Vltoff, ri'aitcr, titi. 65961
<br />Commercial National
<br />hereby releases tke mortgage made to
<br />ial National Bank fi Trust Co. by Castle Estates Development Company,
<br />A Partnership
<br />1 on the following described real estate, to-wit
<br />(see attached)
<br />i
<br />i
<br />of Section in Township .Range of the P. M.,
<br />County, State of which is recorded in Book of Real Estate 1Lfortgages, page
<br />of the records of said County. Document No. 78-003139
<br />IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the said Commercial National Bank & Trust Co. has ceased
<br />these presents to be executed b_y its president and its Corporate Seal to be ajjixed hereto this 4th
<br />day of September , ag 79 _), -Na.. ~....8.aztlt...~.-.T.ruSt...CO.
<br />Wi ss~ ~O- -- -~ - - ,
<br />t,
<br />iLv~c!<-?-~~ ~~~-?..4~:X:3,,.. - __ -- - .... : . - -. .. .:d ,President i
<br />`:
<br />_ -- ---- -- -_..-.........-- ................... . - - -...- - -fittest ~ ~ .. Cashitr, Secretary
<br />..
<br />-• ---
<br />- ~ i,:
<br />STATE OF .... , ... Nebraska........ ,County of ....H ..... ...`.1......".: s ;:
<br />i
<br />The ~ Ding instrument was acknowledged before me ......September ..4 ...............19.79.
<br />u~8:,.
<br />,;.; Q ;;
<br />Preside . ot ..s.-.oatiner~ic~i.Natinnal.~ans..~.:3•rLSZ.CO~. .
<br />oy. , .~,:..•i, ..~'r~r.~~ .................lit..
<br />,c~. ~,&c ~. -' ShF~c e5, ~ (~ Inc of ~ ~ u.uonl
<br />a. .. tom" .11T'cZS0.~d........... corporation, on behalf of the corporation.
<br />_.
<br />- Bn.RBP.r2A !QN ~~_..
<br />a ~~tti ~~~` ~- ~i_ N~31AR}St ~~tv rc of Pe,scaty.-~k-l. mg .-1 C+~o~s icdgen~en[ ~
<br />-`' -,,: ~'~ 't~'``'" '~.~'.` Pa F +.-s~o t:- .:a~";i__i:R`~G~+isi~.L.r=~r~~"~c,.E:-.. ..
<br />- -,. ...~...._. ~'' 2~ 74th...
<br />tie
<br />(38}
<br />Lot Thirty-Eight Castle EstatesSubdivision, hall C~;nty, 'as=
<br />lying in:
<br />a trot of .land ccngrising a 1 of ~e Est, Half of tlx: Sour~ist
<br />_.~ 1E~ ~) of Tt.nty Sizc (2fi), ~bwr,ship Elev~ ill)
<br />~k, ~..,_~ ~ror~ (l9} l+>~t of the 6th P.M. in F6all Ccxsnty, Nebraska:
<br />~ ~~,rrir,.Lrly cjescrihed as follows: Beginning at "the souts+st
<br />oorr~er og said :action Tw~er~ty Six f25); thence westerly along the
<br />mouth line of said Section Twenty Six a distance of Nine N~.tndrecl Ninety
<br />(990.0} feet; them deflecting right 90° 16' 20", aril running
<br />crartherly, a distance of Three Hundred Sixty Three earl Thirty Seven
<br />litaxlr°edthe 1363.37} feet; therx'e deflecting right 43° 58' 10" atxl rwining
<br />no~rtheaaterly, a distance of Q'~e lh~ndred Sixty (160.0) feet; thence
<br />deflecting left 900 00" and running nnrtttw~esterly a distance of Three
<br />E~usdred 'Pen 1310.0) feet; thence deflecting right 9W 00' nncl running
<br />tiartYrt~asteariy, a dish of Nitz 1l+srit3red Forty Six asxl Three Tenths
<br />1946.3) feet; thence deflecting right 460 19' 10" arti9 r,uuiing easterly,
<br />a dist.~e of Pc~r Eidrrzz3 Forty Five 1495,U) feet; to a point on the east
<br />lirse of said Se~tic~ Twenty Six i2fi): thence Southerly alcx~ the east
<br />lire of sasicl Section Twenty-Six 126); a distance of tk~e '~o~uand '~~
<br />Mtndr®d Sixty Seven and Nirx>ty Ck~e Hwxirelths f1, 367.91) feet, to the
<br />ply ~ i~,i,~; ~ti.:r.~ t;~efrs~ i'~"rthaYly st'uo~t E7,0) feet of the
<br />~cx:th~`ly Fc~'ty iA0.0} fit ~?f the ah~n~: d~s~ribe~3 f ract, 2eavirsca a
<br />nt~t acreate o€ 27,492 acres mare or lass, all in Hall C_cxutty, State cf
<br />14eticatslstt.
<br />_,
<br />