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<br />
<br />THIS INDENTURE, made this- 31st day of August 19 7~, by end between
<br />Rex A. Edwards and Wanda L. Edwards, husband and wife, each in his and her own ri>zht and fir.
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<br />as spouse of the other, ~~
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<br />` of HALL County, Nebraska, es mortgagors ,and Grand Island Trust Com~ay of Grand Island, a corporation
<br /> orgvtissd and ezistiag under the Incas of Nebraska with its principal office and plaza of buaiaesa at Grnad Island, Nebraska, as mortgagee:
<br />' WITNESSETH; That seal mortgagor_.S___ ,for and in coaeideretion of the sus of -
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<br />Si Thous nd Ei ht Hundred Ninet Three and 5311!70 - - - - - wr6,993 53s' ~~ !:
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<br />the receipt of which is hereby arJmowiedged, do . by these presents mortgage and warrant unto said mseadrat5aal is ~~
<br />"}~ forever. atl the folbwing described reel estate, situated in the County of __--- HALL '""`..' ."" . -.. _._ .....
<br />~~ and State of Nebraska, to-wit:
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<br /> Lots Five (5) and Slat (6), i.n Block Twelve (12), in Brett and Johnson's
<br /> Addition to the Village of Wood River, Hall County, Nebraska.
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<br />Together with all heating, sir conditioning, lighting, and plumbing equipment and fixtures, including screens, awnings, storm wiadowa sad {'~.
<br />~a
<br />3 doors, and window ahar~s. or blinds. used oa or in connection with said property, whether the same are now laeatad oa said propeety err ttereaft~ ';
<br />
<br />r placed thereon. ~}
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<br />~ TO HAVE AND TG HQI.D THE SAME. together with all and singular the tenements, hereditameata sad apptrrteneacee thereunto be.
<br />~ F
<br />~ kraging, or in anywise appertaining, forever, and wsrcant the title W the eante. Said morgagor ._
<br />... hereby covenant .._ _.__ with said
<br /> mcutgages that._._.._ihe 3r__._are_.__.....__.. . at the delaen,• hereof, the lawful owner_s__. of the pretasaea above convtg~etf std deecn'btd,
<br /> and__~I<4____._ seized of a good and indefersible estate of inheritance therein, tree std titer of alI encumisraao=e. and Lhat~.Ite`~wip
<br /> warrant and dafead the title thereto forever against Cho claims and demands o! al3 persons whomsoever.
<br />- '. I'IIOYiI3EI) AL}N.4.Y5, and kltia znatruatetrt ss executed and delivered to av.cttrn the paymenE of the aam zd _----_
<br />is ~$n T?:wtr ~ d F~,;:fir H;,SI'{tlwE?ai tSi rtety 'i'h tai nrl Ski It3{l s .~ .. .. _ ry, hCl-i, ~`i
<br />.. ~. ...e... ., _~_r.._....,
<br />..r,..~.~,~ -;
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<br />wall interest thereon, together with such Charges sad advaaose as mAY be due altd Rayable W acid mltrtgn~te under tlra terraa and conditiDaa ~',
<br />-_ - of the pmmieaory note of even date herewith and secured haraby, exacutad by said mnrtgagor ~ ... rc said ~..:g~+~; ~va6la ~ - - _ _-
<br />
<br />
<br />~ in aai3 aot~a, rsral W aaenre the
<br />p~ataratanctr of all the terms and cvndieioaa contained tta3resn. The terms of said taaki are lsaraby ~
<br />basin by this relaretxe.
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<br />t= It ie the intention and agreement n[ the parties hezeto that Chia mortgage shall oleo eet~re any htttrre advances made to said tacrtgagar..~t_. -
<br />
<br /> by said traoetgagee. and any and all iadebtedneee in addition to the amount above stated vehicle scud morkgaypor<, or aqy of tbrm, stay owe to
<br /> aakl moxtga~, however evidenced, whether by note, book account or otherwsse. This rt~rtgaga slur! remain itt #utl farce sad etfar, betas-aan t
<br />r
<br /> the partite hereto sad theie hesre, persansl representatives, successors and assigns, unlit all amounts setzttsd trsreurtder, including future dt
<br /> advances, era paid in fui: wish interest.
<br />
<br /> Tie most r .~.__ hereby seas
<br />gago gn .. .-_ w aid mortgagee dl rents and it ~wna arising ere any at+d all teams fertter e~iid pmparty atpf
<br />j
<br /> berebY authorize said mortgagee or ice agent, at its option, upon default, to take charge of said property sad collect a[I rants and Irscwtre
<br /> therefnam acrd apply t.)m same to the prtytnetrt of iatsreat, principal, tnaurance premiums, taxes, asttesetrtanta, reptun or smpraverttptts r
<br /> ttacassary to keep acid property in teruwtsbla tmndstmrt, or w other charges or payments provided for herein trr itr the mote tuvet~t- .,cured. This 33
<br /> rent aasignmant, shall cantitwa urz force until tl+s unpaid balance of said notes is fully pu W. ?'hr. trksng of possvseian hemrund~ shat er, air nwnnar ';
<br /> praY&nt or oa6aad at~ld ~ Ia tbs txdlection of said attr~ by Izxecisrure err akharwi~, ~,
<br /> The failttro of the taortgagaa to atmart any of Its riglru harauPdar at say time shall not bs conatruad as a wafvar
<br />of its ~ to aaaarC tM
<br /> •ams at any later time. acrd to ieuist upnn sad aatotcs strict eomPlis~e with all the terms and provisions of said mete std of Chia ttxtttgage. ~~
<br /> R
<br />II = ~ m°=~:-r = a cam'- E ~ ? s' 1~ f ~~ t~ ~t a~aeat dt~ it iaad, a ttt~-~_, t~ ~ yr
<br /> of ante he:atry eetvrad, inclutfng Ctituro a:ihancrae, ant any axhsaakrna or renewals thz'taoi to accordaaca with cha tartrss araf prov6skxrs ~~
<br />~ thereof, and it saki mpetgagar .._ 5._., shat! ~y with a8 the proyiainna of said note and of thin mortgage, tAen these preaettta shoo ba void; ~~
<br />l; otherwiaa W temtztn Ia felt feuee tux! ate. std !tad tttart~rgaa shall ba ra+iitlsd t$ the ; ~ssaasion of at} of eaticl property, and tttay. at its opttort,
<br /> datdrre the whole 6I said net6 sad ttfi ~ ragseaanted chahe6y w he immadfatsty duo and payable. and may tsarecloae Chia tmrrgags
<br /> ar qke a4Y other legal ttetloa to protect ka right. Apiznsistmoant waived.
<br /> Tbia mortgage shall be bindhagatpmt-and ahtztf sttttre izr the hmst~ ~ the !tzars, atweaturre, admirsiatratura, aucasasors and assigns of the ~
<br />~
<br /> reapsctive pattJea hereto. ;
<br /> IN WITNE9!!i WHEIII"s(!p, acid Mottgagor.~._ha~Le,.herwrnto ast._._ chair _.,.---hend_.._5_.tha day and year first shove
<br /> wtittea 2
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br /> n a L. Edwa ds
<br />
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