<br />~~~~~~~ I'U1C3~IR7'Cr4G~
<br />THIS INDENTIII{E, mode this 29th day of
<br />August
<br />19 J5 , by and between
<br />
<br />Hilliam C Brennan and IDeborah X. Brennan husband and wife each in his aad her owtt
<br />and as spouse of the other
<br />of Hall .County, Nebraska, as mortgagor 8 ,aad Grand Island Trnst Company of Grand Island, a corporation
<br />organized and ezisting under the laws of Nebraska with its principal office and place of business at Grand Island, Nebraska, as mortgagee:
<br />W ITNESSETH: That said mortgagor $ . ,for and in consideration of the sum of
<br />okRSnvtxn Thriuaand Seuen Hundred Sixty and No/140ths**
<br />the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do - by these presents mortgage and warrant unto said~ortjS~B~; ite_ sucC_ grs3nad assigns,
<br />forever, all the following described real oatete, situated in the County of Rall
<br />and State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br />The Easterly Fifty-Five Feet (E 55') of Lot One (I) and the Westerly Two Feet (W 2')
<br />of Lot Two (2), in Block Two (2), in Westerhoff's t~irst Subdivision in the City of
<br />Grand Island, Aall. County, Nebraska, excepting therefrom the North Thirty Feet (N 30')
<br />heretofore conveyed to the City of Grand Island for street purposes.
<br />Togother with all heating, air conditioning, lighting, and plumbing equipment and factures, including screens, awnings, storm windows and
<br />doors, and window shades or blinds, used on or in connection with said property, whether the name are now la~ated on said property or hereafter
<br />placed thereon.
<br />TO HAVE AN D Tt) HOLD THE SAME, together with all end ainguler the tenements, hereditamenta and appurtanrncea titarauntn 6r
<br />ktnging, or in anywise appertaitt{ug, forever, and werrrnt the title to the same. Said mwgagt,r ._S,._._ hereby trovenant _.~_ with acid
<br />aasrtgaaen abet _ ~ - hs _-Y are _ , at Che delivery hereof, the lawful owners . _ . of the premises above coayeyad aad deecrt'bed.
<br />arnf_ ors __-seized of a good and indefeasible aerate of inheritance thar+eis, Irae and clear of all .:neumbrariees, anti that ~lie~will
<br />warrant end defend the title thereW forayer against the daima and demands of aIi ptuaoaa whomsoever.
<br />I'tVlf]Ell ALWAYS, and thin inatruaiant is ezecutod and dsiiverad W secure rise payment of the sum txf
<br />R nw~:-4 :. '.ZC::si3~i~ ~«:e : :sL.ur e~ i r~ , se r- [~,t+r-sa~,~ _ T 3qn- _
<br />, _ . --- -- - _.-_-~ _ ..~_-.. I?alirta ia. t -.. __.~-~_ ~ ~._....s_ i.
<br />R..., ~~z ter., e~~~ .,. ~,rFh 4~a -~ a .~ ,.~ . _u ,.° ss~a a,~d ~ °°b~ t~ ~rrftts-~ •~~ t,~ t~.,~ a~ i*~.4
<br />-irf-tl~p~.r:~ ~:,ta of ~z~ dates 4~r-.tith ~~-' ~rur~ A~;,°av, e_R~:e'f by ~d :r-: -~tc~4e-: ~ ----_ t.: add a~-.aae~. a sa
<br />in said rests, and W secure the perfannenoa of all the terms and cnnditiose contained therein. The terms of raid note era hereby incarporsted
<br />heteirr by thin refersace.
<br />it is the intention and agreement at the parties herald that this mortgage atoll ales astute any Future advanoea made to said raor[Kegar...S_
<br />by acid maKgngee, attd say and aU itsdebtednees in addition to khe amours shove stated which said martgagore. or any of them, may owe eo
<br />Arid mortNngee, however evidenced, whether by rote, book account or otherwise. Thin tsrortgrge shall remain in full Force and effort between
<br />the parties hereW end their belts, personal reptewntativea, succasaors and assigns, until aU amounts :iecuted hereunder, including future
<br />ndaanrxw, are paid in fu[! with internat.
<br />The mortgagar_~__ hereby assign .___ W said niortgnges all rants and income arising at aryy and eU times from sniff prufwrky and
<br />l~raby euthorir~ sold rnoKgagee ar iu agent, et ire option, upon default, ee eke char aF seed psoy~ut}• and cxillast ai! rants aad incatna
<br />Lhtlsetrtaq and apply the arrow to the payment of iotereet, principal, inauranca pn+miuroe, razes, aaawssarntita, repairs ur impnwstrwtkta
<br />neraesary to keep acid property In tnnsneable trondition, or to other charges or payrocnth provided far herein w in the note hen°hy 5ky~r:rt,r1. 't'his
<br />rent asaignmant shall continua in forte until the unpaid helnnco at said note is fully tiaid 7'he :.eking a[ pnssessian bereumfer shall iir ix: manni'r
<br />present or retard said aroetga~es is the txillectiaa ai said soma by farectaswe or utharwim,
<br />Ths failure of the mortgagee W assort stay of its rights hetrkuader ac arty lima shalt eat be rnnatnrsd as a tsaiver of its right W asaart tike
<br />aams at any later time, at#! W insist upon aad enforce strict compllattce with all the tams and provisions of saki trots anti of tbfa tttortgvkgs.
<br />If said mortgtgor a ahaU asuse to 'tin paid tri caul mortgagee tfm entirB amtnint thre it Fi~euotler, aad ureter tk~ tsa•ma am[ ptoviaiatts
<br />of e~xf riots hereby esaured, including itrture adytnces, end stay ezteaeiene or rerkewaie thereat in agarda tre with the terms pad ptriyiaiaaa
<br />theteot, sari if said taottgrgar _ $: .shell comply with all the provisimka o[ esid rkW.e aad of this mortgage, then these pt~eaetkta a1rs71 be void:
<br />ptherwira to ranrain in Aril foss aad mHact, add saki roortgrges shalt be laktitlad W the poassssiaa of ell of said ptopsrty, and may, a6 its option,
<br />decl+kre the who8e at said trots ami ail ittdebtadroea repaetksnted thereby to be immediately due and payable, mrd tngv torer:tatw th4k mortgage
<br />or take any other legal action W protect i~ right. Appraisement waived.
<br />This taartgage phall lte biadioff upoa atrtf atksU snore w the trenefl6 of the hdra, axeetrtors, edministraWrs, sucnaeaeora and antigen of the
<br />eeepeettve pertian hereto.
<br />IN WETNESS WHE1tEQI+, saki taiortgagnr._B_.,_ hs vE- harsuunto sK_~t~~~_-_ -._ hand.6-...__.-the day and yaer first above
<br />written.
<br />wx t"i~~~ xetutaJt
<br />I)ebarah lf. Brennan
<br />
<br />