~: .. ~-. ~'.. ~:: hip Warre~: y :: { .~..y ~ ) ~: ~: ~. ~: ~~~ The Aalfmaa G zmal ~aE7 ix n x , Y p L ?i»b '^'^^i
<br />It 05.8--Coe oratEon $urviwa ra nt Dead Revised 19iS1 _
<br />Ki~t6~ ~.L~ :I+T f3Y T'E F8E$ENTS, That 3ohnsort I, and Cn,
<br />j a corporation organized and existing under •Lnd by virtue of the laws of the State of lebraska
<br />in consideration of Seven
<br />Ei~lat- Thousand e'Z.fiX Hundred and CO/100 i$8,700.00)
<br />received from grantee, does grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm urtto
<br />CARL A. TESMER AND DEBORAH L. TESMER, husband and wife
<br />as joint tenants with right. of survivorship, and not as tenants in common, the following described real property is
<br />Hall County, Nebraska
<br />Lot hour (4) Black Three (3) Colonial Estates Subc;ivisicrn
<br />to the City o£ Grand Island, Ball County, Nebraska
<br />~~
<br />s~~~ PPG r SEP 4 X19
<br />.e._,.,,_~,
<br />To have and to hold the above described premises together with all tenements, hereditaments and aggur-
<br />tenaneos thereto belonging unto the grantees su3 to their assigns, or to the heirs and assigns of the survivor of
<br />them forever.
<br />And grantor for itelf and its successors does hereby eoveusut with the grantees and with their assigns and
<br />cvith the heirs aad assigLLS of the survivror of them that grantor is lawf.,lly seised of said premises, that they arc
<br />free from encumbrance -
<br />that grantor has good right and lawful authority to convey the same; and that grantor waryants and will defend
<br />the title to saki premises against the lawful claims of alt persons whomsoever.
<br />It is the intention of ali parties hereto that in the event of the death of either of the grantees, the entire
<br />fee simply title to the real estate shall vest in the surviving grantee.
<br />It witness whereof, grantor has hereunto caused its corporate seal to he affixed and these presents signed
<br />by its Presidout.
<br />~, r
<br />!'ated fi%~' 1`! -~~
<br />r
<br />Ily_ .~lj.~ ... ~ .:. ;~ ... _ .Yreaideat
<br />~/ ... .
<br />li. A. Jc, n ntt
<br />3T~t.TE 4F..!`l!-~'-:ar~~-......... , t:`ounty of..,f.~ ....... . .....: ` _ . •', ... , -
<br />ti.~..~:,, ~,
<br />'lleforr me, u uotxry public quLtlified in said county, personally come
<br />-~ ~{~~~ President of
<br />~ ~ _
<br />. a eerl}eration
<br />~ 1¢nown to me to be ehc i'rexideut rued identieral pereon Lvhu ,il;uo,l the fore _ g instrumea" t, and u,>knowledged the
<br />execution tkLesreaf Ga be his volLrntark sat Ltnd deed as such officer and t1Lt- volwrtary act and ilr+r,l c!' .+xs,l corps-
<br />; ration and that its ecrpLrate sea! rvav thereto affixed by its authc+rity.
<br />'~
<br />,; ~ `Nitnrsss wy hand and kwtarial seal on......~~c~sr-r,+aa-?`:'../, / ...................1g. r:a}} ..
<br />;± •1 ~:~
<br />E ~ ... ~,/r-'~,-~ ': ~; ~ ......................1~ufary Public,
<br />~ e
<br />i \f comatrsL+tc.E ex Lres ...........
<br />1
<br />~~, -
<br />~~ STATE t7A' ..... ........ ....... .......
<br />G, t ~sx,
<br />k ~ Cauuty ...:........................
<br />(~ ,~ EtttLred_ oq tiumerical index sad filed for record iu the Ragistet of Deeds Offiee of said County the
<br />i} F ,......,day of .......... ... .19,.... , at...........o'ulock and...........tninutes ........... M.,,
<br />~t j aiAd reobxded in RoalA .... . . .... . ........ . of . , ........... .... at pai,~!............. , ...
<br />d 't 1
<br />I; ! ........................... .. .......
<br />lteg. of Deeds j
<br />Hy ....................................... Depuiy
<br />, ;
<br />