<br />
<br />'E!I'te grantor Z ~ :lZ~Pl~+'1't~RS, ~C,,
<br />a corporation organized and existing nnder and by. virtue of the laws of the State of P7ebraska
<br />in consideration of ------'I~lPY 3g€~7SAND APID I~/100 ($20,040.00) DOISAI~----------_---
<br />received from grantee, does grant, bargain, sell convey and confirm nnto
<br />ANC~ECA J. CIM72~ arxi OI1VE N. CII~LIlVO, husband and wife, as joint tenants with right
<br />of sttzviwrship,
<br />herein called the grantee whether one or more, the following described real property in
<br />...............................lia.1.1....................................... County, Nebraska:
<br />Lot Seven (7), Ridden Lakes Subdivisiart Number Ebur (4).
<br />~ ~~~r° ~ ~i~'
<br />~ BY ; ~
<br />To hat~r at=.d ?n hold the abese described pro:Wises together with all tenements, hereditamonta and
<br />appnrtenanc°~3 thereto ~alonging m}ntn the grantee and to grantee`s keirs and assigns forever.
<br />?lnd the grantor for itself and its successors does hereby covenant with the grantee and with
<br />Qrantee's heirs $,;d as;ign+ that grantor i;t 1_awf~?lly s?i±ed of acid pretniaea; that twhey ara fry frs~ :.westtn-
<br />vrRtee
<br />-cyst ~raz,t~r-has t;uod rigid and lawial s~iliori~v to convey the same; and t$ai grantor warrants and wilt
<br />defend the title to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whosoever.
<br />In witness whereof, grantor has hereunto cawed its corporate seal to be affixed and these
<br />presents signed by its Preside,.:.
<br />1?ate~l August 31, 19 79. ,... <, ~ ±'
<br />~ ~:
<br />f~ ~ r, ..
<br />..
<br />~~ x
<br />...................................... ...................~,,,....~...~~...,,~:,a
<br />[iy ~ `::.,~,f~~~„~~. E2nrea"drat
<br />Nie3.s C. l~tt. ~ , ,~ ~`_
<br />a3TA'[`N U1~' ieI+,I3I2.1SKA, t'ouxtty of ...........E1~111 .....................................: ~'
<br />Before ma, tt notary public qualified in saki cauuty, prrsonally cants
<br />Pls`1r~:oS C. l?~l~, President of
<br />I't)l~S. ~C. , a corporation,
<br />- -- - - known -to- uts to -De the 1'reeidewi axid idenDcai person who signed the fo€tsgoiag itutrnment, atsd aoknow-
<br />ledged the executiau thereof to b, his voluntary set and deed as such offierr and the voiunfnry act and
<br />dcod'of said corporation and that its corporate aaslwas thereto affixed by its authority,
<br />SVitnasa my bawd and ttetarial o ... ...,.. ~. ~,1 . ...., I9,~~
<br />....... j.ra......... ........
<br />~,......
<br />.Gr~rj.r .ir.~..~... .,~:rrzr .`~V,l ................ Notarp Public.
<br />lsfiy eotnnmtssion expires ........ ~.., I ~. ......., 19~.
<br />