<br />b9oRTGAGE
<br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 23535
<br />KNOwALLMENBYTHFSEPttFSENTS:That James A: Schultz and Mary A. Schultz, each in his and her
<br />own right, and as spouse of each other
<br />Mr`rtgagor, whether octe or more, in consideration of the sum of
<br />Fslrt~tsix Thousand and Nol100----------------------------------------------------- noLLARs
<br />loaned !a said trtortgagoa by The Egtritabk Building and Loan Association of Grand [stand, Nebraska, Mortgagce, upon 460 sttsres of stork of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Certiftca[e No. L 23535 , da hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto the raid ASSOCIATION the folbwittg
<br />described real estate, sitwsfed in Hall County, Nebraska:
<br />trtgethcr with all the lcnetmnts, herec'itaments and appurrcnances thereunto bebnging, including attached flour coverings, all window sacens,
<br />window shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, heating. air cunditionirrg, and pitmtbing ..rat water equipment and acceasorks thereto, pumps,stoves,
<br />cefcigerators, and other fixtures and egttiprrxnt now or hereafter attarlted to of used in ~anrtection with said real estate.
<br />And whereas the said mortgagor has agreed and does hereby agree that the murtgagat shall and will pay all taxes and assessrrtcnts levied a
<br />assessed upon said premises and upon this nsartgage and the bozo! secured thereby before the sarnc tits!! becosx delirtgtxnl; to famish approval
<br />insurance upon the buildings an said premises silsta[ed•in the sum of S 4~j s 000.00 payable w said ASSOCIATION and to deliver to acid
<br />ASSOCIATION the policies for said ituurana; and not to camrssit or pcrmu any waste tm ar about said premises;
<br />In case of default in the perforrsance of any of the arms and condifpns of this nx>rtgage or the bond secured hereby, the mortgagee stall,
<br />un dertattd, 6e emitted to itWtxdiate possesvon of the cnort&sged premises and the mortgagor hereby assigns, transfers and sits over to else
<br />mortgagee aB the rents, ceventtea and 'utmsnc to be derived from the trwttgttged premises during such taste as the mortgage iudeb[adtxsa ahat- remain
<br />unpaid; and the mortgagee shall have the power to appoint any agent a agents it may desire for the purpose of repairing acid premises and rentistg
<br />the sane and collecting the rants, revenues and enconue, and it may pay out of said inctartte all exptrtaes of rcpairirtg said premises std tteaesstry
<br />oornntissions and expenses incurred in renting and managing the same arai of crdkcting rentals therefrom: the balance mtasining, if any, ta be
<br />applied toward the discharge of said mortgage indebtedness; these rights of the mttrtgagte may be exercised at any tip dttrirg the exi~enoe of stxh
<br />tlefa:r;t, irrespective of any temparary waiver of the same.
<br />These lhesents, havr~ver, are apse the i'ondition, That if tt~ said .tittrtgagor shall repay slid roan an ue before rite msturity of cid shares by
<br />payraxnt; pay nxanthly to said ASSOCIA710N of the sum specie""red in the Band securest tsrreby as interest and principal ot+ stud hart, on ar btit'ore
<br />the'IWatlieth day of each and every month, tmiil mid loan is fully paid; pay art taxes and aamessenentx levied agaimt said premises and on this Mortattea
<br />and *.ise Brrsd secured thereby, t~fure delinquertcy; furnish approved ittsrrrasce apart ttz buikiuF~ tF~re:~r_s is the susR a€ s 4~ s~~~- ~ hk
<br />a sea :..t~.......•..; ...pay .=id ati;e.~.'iATttr3i upset .t.~rnand ail nxstey cy .r ,.ter.. iar . ....;xct:, a~~trts::tm : ia~.tta:.ce ~ i:2 iBt~:6~ at
<br />the maximum kgat rate therean •irom date of paytnrnt all of which Mortgagor ftcreby agrcet to pay; permit tat waste on said preutises;koep awl eumQty
<br />with a!1 tttc agreements artd conditions of the Bond fur S 4~ s7~~ _p (his day given b_y the said Martgr to ssB! AS.4()C1A7't(~+1= astd p~ataly
<br />with a!t rite requirements of rate Consriiut~n and By-taws ref sa~ ASS~L.lATi0^t; then these presents r3tall becitme ntdi and valid, utherwist they
<br />shall remain in full force and may be lorcclosed at the option of the said ASSOCIATION after failure far three months to ttnkt any oC said
<br />payments ar be three months in arrears in staking said mtm[hty payments, ur to keep and comply with the; sgreentcnts and cotdiiions of said P7tmd;
<br />and Mortgagor agrrKS la have a receiver appointed (wrhwkh in such forer.lassue procecdutgs.
<br />If there is any change in owncrsttip of the real estate tnortgag:d herein, ray sale or otherwitx, than t1u entire remaining udabtedrt~ he,aty
<br />accuzetl shall, at the option o€ The Equitabk Building and Lwn Assttciatiwt of Grand Islsrtd, Nebraska, bccwne imntediataty due atu! payable taithout
<br />farther notice, and tiw° ae-^~tnt remaining due under said bond, and any other bowl fat any sdditiaui advances made thereunder, shag, from the
<br />data of exercise of said option, tteu interest at the nnai^num regal nee, and this moutgage may than be forcdosed ta satisfy the arnaunt doe rrn said
<br />bond,and any other bond for additional advances, together with aB sums paid by said The F.gtdtable Building snci tauu Asstaciatietn of t;raad itlaind,
<br />Nebraska fur insurance, taxes and sasexsrrants,and:bstractingextenaioncharges, with iniarcat thereat, from date ut' payttxnt at the maximnum
<br />bgxi rate.
<br />As lrrovtded in the Bond secured hereby, while this mortgage rtrrsainx in effect the tnartgagee may hereafter advance additiutsal stems to the
<br />makers ul said Bond, their assigns ur successors m rnterest, which sutra shall 6e within the security of this ttwrtgage dta satin u the funds originally
<br />ant tired thereby, the fatal attxtunt of principal dabs colt to exceed at any time the origicsal anxaunt of this ttturtgagt.
<br />C1tt:d this ~.;3i5t ~ dayaF ~A~Iyti5t A.t)..19Jg
<br />S A~ 5_ C ~1~~ ...., _,_._e_ W..__...._
<br />f g ~_r
<br />Mary A. chintz 'C~
<br />STATE Ol; N$$RASiCA, t ~. on the 31st ~y ~ August t9~~ , barttro tae,
<br />the tuderaigrted, a Notary Public is sad for att~ County, persutsally rsuno
<br />James A. Schultz and Mary A. ,each in his and hew atrrt rightt„~id as spo~ktt<a
<br />other ~"~';~ t.. G~,:~ ~ are
<br />coo ta be tho identipl perxuts ~•';~,31~fv;,~affiaad to the above instrutsant es stortgagor s sad they ~Y
<br />acknowledged the maid itutrttmatt ta~"i-t"i~ r 6tblmifpct and did,
<br />WITNPSS ray ltaur~tsit~ l$otats>!~ dalatsf //~J
<br />My Cumtttission ots~uoa 1~ ~ ~p ~~ ~ yJ~~~~~~,~ ~f ---
<br />tasa.ssy ar t ~ ' { ^, - ~ -- ,t' • [[,,,,"((1 --~Y No=EU~y~Public
<br />