<br />THIS INDENTURE, made this 31st day of August 19 79 by and between
<br />Michael D. Paulick and Barbara E. Paulick husband and wife each in his and her ot~rn
<br />right and as spouse of the other,
<br />of_ X11 ~ County, Nebraska, as mortgagor S ,and Grand Islam Ttuat Company of Graced Island, a corporation
<br />otganized and ezistotg under tl~ laws of Nebraska with its priacipel office and place of busimsa at Grand Island, Nebraska, as mortgagee;
<br />W ITNESSETH: That said mortgagors ,for and in considesaUon of the sum of
<br />**thte Thousand Eight Hundred Eighty-Ztro and No/10()ths** ~ ~-~~ -,----1
<br />the recei t of which is harsh acknowled ' .:,,-r`=r,:~ fa z~.s! ° +. '~ .. F.
<br />p y gad, do - by these presents mortgage and warrant un _ _ ,its su r~ and assigns,
<br />Hall '°' '~ ~`
<br />forever, a>! khe following described rest estate, situated in the County of _ - -
<br />artd State of Nebraska, to•wit:
<br />Lot Four (4} in Block Six (6}, Morris Fourth Addition
<br />to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />Together with all heating, air conditioning, lighting, and plumbing equipment aced fixtures, including screens, awnings, storm windows and
<br />doors, and window shades or blinds, used on or in connection with said property, whether the same ate now located on said property or hetaafter
<br />placed thereon,
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, wgethar with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto be-
<br />longing, ar in anyvriae appertaining, forever, and warrant the title to the same. Said morgagar _~, hereby rnvenant _.~._ with said
<br />mortgagee that _~__% he ~ a+`>. . at the delivery hereof, the lawfit2 owner...a__.. of the premises above conveyed sad deeeriberl,
<br />aced ~~~ ___ seized of a good and indefeasible estate of inheritance therein, free end clear of all encumbrances, aced that _.t_he.,~t_will
<br />warrant nod defend the UUe thereto forever against the claims and demands of all persons whomsoever.
<br />I'~,€}V I Di13 ALW A YS, aced c.-.;o .s:;u-um4'sc a esa.vtsd and delivered W secure the payment of the sum itf .,~,_-__. ,Y.
<br />#*t~ne T`usrveand_ ~i€itti_, iiuntired, %i~ltty-Tiao„ and, ~o/l~~r'ra*,4_ . I~llsr9!s i _Xn~ it3 __ t,
<br />sriUs iater~t tharaan, together with such ehargE•is sad advances as may be duce and payable to said mortgagee under the tetras sad eoaditiona
<br />of the pmrniaeory tatty of even date herewith sad secured hereby, executed by said mortgagor ~ _ _. to said mortgagee, payebM ae expressed
<br />ux said +~te, and to aecuxi the p ~+s7rmeace of aIl tl~ terms sari coad'stiaaa wntnined therein. 'I`he termer of said note err- txseby iacocporated
<br />herein by chin reference.
<br />It in the intention and ngreemeat of the parties hereto chat this mortgage shall also secure aqy future advsntaa made to said tnortgagor.A...
<br />by said mortgagee, end any and ell indebtedness in addition W the amount slwve stated whirl, sold mortgagore, or ray of them. may owe to
<br />ash mortgagee, however evideneod, whether by note. book account or othamiae. ThSs mortgage shall remain in fuA farce end effect betwof n
<br />trite pattiae hereto sad their heirs, peraoml repteeenutivea, sutxeasors end ensigns, until al! amounts assured hereunder, including future
<br />advancer, are paid in fuL' with iatcuest.
<br />The mortgagor_&..,. hereby assign T w said mortgagee ell r~anis and income arising st any end rlt Limas fmm said property artd
<br />hereby auUtotiw said mortgages or its agent, at its option, upon default. to take charge of aa+d roperty and collect atl rents and income
<br />therefrom and apply the acme to the pnymatrt of interest, princypal, iasurara:a prrmiurrra, urea, ssseastuentr, repairs or improvameata
<br />rtereiaeary to keep sand property in tenantable condition, or trt other charges or prymrmta provided for herein or in the torte herrby :urured. TAia
<br />rent asslgrunent shell continue at force until the unpaid balance of said rafts is fully paid. The taking of posssaaion hereunder shall in no mrmaer
<br />prevent or retard said tnortgagas in the cullecUon of said sums by foreUoeure cx uthexw-tae,
<br />Tfu failure of the mortgagee to teaert aqv of ire rights harauaider at fay stare shall sot be eanstrutd to a waives of Ire right W assert she
<br />same at any Isknr time, ark W resist upon sad enforce atritY eampliaace with alt the terms sett previsions of said trots sad of this mortgage.
<br />If saa~f m~ E aha!! ~t'~ ~ bs pssl t<ss n'-t-'rte" t ~iti am;~t=-t s<-'t~ it tre <~~, tt~ndat tin t~tir~ ant! g~v~scu~~
<br />of said note hereby secared, ~uding future ndvaatra, sad say ercteosions :x renewal thet+soi in srxxxdaace with the terms and provisions
<br />theeeof, sad U said mortgagor ~ shall coaaply with all the provisions of said nets end of this mortgage, then tlmee proeutta aMlt be void;
<br />otlmrwiae tax remain in fuR forts earl edfat;5, and said ma€gagee shall besat.itted ba the poasegaittn of alt of sakd property, ntxl rosy, at its ~ioa.
<br />derdare the whtda i,f saki trots ate a@ fndaese relvpsentad tlyareby to Fla irrmradiately due sad payable. sad aarrY foteclaa tldzt mortgage
<br />nr take aqy other legal atxion to pmteet its right. Apprainemeat waived.
<br />This mortgage shall 6e biadiag-upon and'~hall enure W the tteaeHL of the hairs, axac+ttera, administratara, ruccassorr oral aatigns of the
<br />roapea.Ive part~e hereto.
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF. acid Mortgar,m8..__ha~te„_hanptnto set _a.___tha d arul year first above
<br />written. -
<br />c
<br />Barbara E. Paulick
<br />