.,- ~,_.. .- I, ....
<br />~~. ~2 ~ ~+~dF$"F~'rl~f'a~.--~('.OY~4I8t~DII '~il~~.^•121i ~{!d WaIOQFl ~s ~flUlt ~YkB~.QP. ~2. ~'~fxE
<br />~ IN CONSIL7ER'.rdTION of tine pa~nnernt of the debt nar::ed th<rreix, the Commlercial National Banks j
<br />~riist Co. , Grand Island, *'ebraska, hereby releases the me ggage made to
<br />i
<br />aAnercial National Bank & Trust Co. by Oscar G. Mueller and Grace E. Mueller ! i
<br />(Grand Island, Nebraska
<br />on the following described real estate, to-wit; The Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NEntSW~s) ;and
<br />!the Northwest quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NW~rSE}} of Section Five (5}, Township Teni{lp) .
<br />West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, except those portions known as Saturn Street and ApcilYp
<br />~treet, or any Part of Argo Subdivision or Argo Fifth Subdivision, according to the platso£
<br />laid Subdivisions on file in the office of Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska, anc3
<br />Ttzee South Hd]f o he South~aes p~az z >~ W~1 th S~ th Half- Of the S uthe Qua tee { SLR)
<br />lhlTlCt the NorLHeasE ~uarter of t~e"~Southea~t ~uaf£er ~NE SEC) of Sectiogn ive ~~ an~ rife ~t
<br />of Section an Township ,Range of t~e Y. Hale
<br />County, State of Nebraska which is recorded in Book of Renl Estate Mortgages, page i
<br />~, of the r.cords of said County. Document 78-001675. #
<br />~ IN TESTL'tfONY WHEREOF, the said Cotrmtereial National Sank & Trust Co. has caused
<br />these presents to be executed by its president and its Corporate Sealtn be ajiixed hereto this 30th
<br />day of August , r9 79
<br />i LVitness; _ ; .G4I6~ .G,7, l7..kldti, d1...Hrank..&. Trust .Csa..----- -.
<br />d ,. ,
<br />z, Exec Vice
<br />..:~ 4~`~~°~--........ -.... ........ Byc-"~~~ I Lf. . ---...--.. '- ...-°--- .President !
<br />--~,:-..... -r'~~r~i}~ .............:.....•-- -..-......-----......-..........-,•lttest .--- -- - ~s~'~ Cashies, Sscretary j
<br />~ `'°'3'!'A~E_t)F ..Nn...~. , a,,, ........... . ... > County of .... Kr~~...... ~.'.'........
<br />~•_ ~ i
<br />{ ;
<br />2~tie#`orep~oia~ i1{;~tsAt; was acknowledged before me .August .30.. .......................19.7.9 , i ,
<br />.. ~'l ~- .' ~ -i
<br />{ by,. ~~1~~~xdni~~ ~ear..~I~Fe. P~'~s~d~Pl:... of . Commerr..ial.Nataonal.Bank.&. Trust;.Co,..... ~
<br />-{t~.,2 3"Df i, ,y~ - t~_n,e of C~rparsaloni
<br />{
<br />a • ... ~ ...... . :...... corporation, on behalf o e corporatio ~
<br />'-'~ !~ EET?Y BU+w^iC
<br />'~ ' ~ 43sxc• of ~ a,~4s~`.4~!~.~° .......... ~
<br />+~. ~ e1+. ••~,miseo El~r~ tt:r i Perscn Fa -ng :1c4rt. w~iec~; e.r.enc
<br />._ ~" - r Anxfl 22It4st
<br />..... Notate Public ... .. .... .. ~
<br />rat{e
<br />half of the Northwest Quarter (W~NW's) of Section Eight ('8}, all in Township "Pen (10} fir,
<br />Range Ten (10) West of the Sixth P.M., excepting also certain tracts of ground more gartia
<br />culariy described in Warranty Deeds 165 ,page 627; 165, page 628; 163, gage 76; 156{ gage 268j
<br />158, page 695; and Warranty Deed Document No. 76-002733, P_11 is recorded in the office of the-
<br />Register of Deeds, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />t......
<br />