<br />j 7~~'I'3-iF,.f-~s'U8k/~~hL'~p~~'4@~%P~P 'WARidiS~~'i"4' DIEEi9 fi3RUFI~E'~d 'C&~'~~~'S i9 R'h. F:~SEmam d~'an~q;Qaf :: ~ngq'v;~V 7~9.rrao~, 7 u'~rrn. SA <rti,rc.. '
<br />_~-.6-~,~..._,._.~._.__,....,.~._....__......~.._._.,.~.~..___..-~_.._.. __......,~__.-,.,,.-,. ~_.....,__,_~_.. _.~.,.,....,.
<br />i
<br />g'"Ri'f3W ALL IUlI'"1~ I:S''u TE[EHla 1=~Fk.ES~;d"A'yp T9~~~t _ ~
<br />i 1
<br />~ ALLAN J. RSEKEN and ALICE M, RIEKEN, Husband and Wife, each in his and her wan
<br />`! { right and as souse o{ the atner, -
<br />r~ ~ -
<br />i
<br />-~. !
<br />{79-+ ~ J~~~ ,herein relied the grantor whether one or more, ~
<br />i
<br />inconsiderationof ----'PWENTY-NINE THOUSAND IdIAlE HUNUREr? RND NO/00 (529,9JQ.00) DOIS,ARS--- f
<br />!received from grantees, does grant, bargain, sell convey and confis-rn unW
<br />~; ~ i i'
<br />{' ;i
<br />JAMES J, PR03ASCJ and JO%CE E. PRJRASCO, Husband and Wife,
<br />~ i
<br />as faint tenanie with righi of snrvivorship, and not as tenants in common, the following described real property in ~ ~
<br />i Hall Gonnty, Nebraska ~•;
<br />Lot Eight (8), Bloclc Two (2), of Koehler Place, in the City of Grazzd
<br />island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />To have and a hold the above described premises together with. all tenements, hereditaments and agpur-
<br />tenancee thereto belonging unto the grantees and to their assigns, or to the heirs aad assigns of the anrviv-or of
<br />them forever.
<br />And grantor does hereby covenant with the grantees and with their assigns and with the heirs and assigns
<br />°e~p~a~~.o easementsaar~~restriCt~ii s of ~ a~ gremises : that they are free from enenmbrance
<br />that grantor has gaod right and lawful authoritp to convey the same; and that grantor warrants and will defend i
<br />the title W said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever.
<br />It is the intention of all parties hereto that in the event of the death of either of the grantees, the entire f
<br />..°ee simple title to the real estate shall vest in the surviving grantee. ~ Ii s`
<br />f'
<br />Datrci :}:zyast. 31st 18 ?9 ~ _
<br />t
<br />' • ~+i~ ~i~i~litY...l .................. ~' ~ ...... .. ~
<br />..........AhIPTr'~.........~ .................. .~`~f~'~f :~~.r ice....... ..
<br />._
<br />~Tq~EMEi`iT ATTACHED
<br />~~ar. ..:.... .
<br />""~ -N"elir - ~a ,; ..
<br />~ $T~TE OF...........1~.........., County of......$d ...............
<br />e
<br />1
<br />r Before me, a notary pnblie gnelified for said county, personally came ?'
<br />ALLAN J, RIEKEN and ALICE M. RTEKEN, Husband and Wife, each in his and leer =
<br />cavtz right and as spouse of the other,
<br />i ~ ;~ '
<br />known to me to be. the identical person or pe s who signed the going instrument and acknowledged the
<br />exeeation thereof to 6e his, her ar their volunt at and deed.
<br />i
<br />~ WiWesa my hand aad notarial se~81 oa.. ..A . ~~~ ......... .... 19..79... ~ t
<br />~ ~ :
<br />< ~ ~ ._ _. ..~ ... _ _l~otarg_ ~'nhlra ~ ,
<br />- - ,
<br />~ ~~ My commission expires.. , .........1,2-2~ ..... . ....... l9 ~].
<br />STB.T1;r OF .... ........... _........ ' i
<br />$ ~as< i
<br />i ~ ~ennty .......: .. .:... :. ..: ..... { r
<br />{ Entered. on.nsmerfcal index. and filed for- reoord in the Ratgister of deeds ()ffiee of said Gouutp the ~
<br />ii i' ,......>....dap of ............:.........29...,.:, at...........o'elaek and...........minutes ........... M.,~
<br />. ... .........at page....
<br />ii ~ and recorded in Book .... .........~.....a#.. .......,..... ~'
<br />i
<br />I{eg, of Deeds
<br />r ~y .......................................Deficy
<br />;'s I
<br />~. ____., __m_n ~_. _ _ _,._, _ _._ __ __, _...
<br />_, ,
<br />. _ . .,.
<br />I
<br />