_. STATE U~~ F4~f:`=~., YJ53'IYnty a~ ...........................................................
<br />Filed far recorcG and encored in Numerical Index ;;,~"I~#~Eh~I~E~:'i H~~~1~Ahl;~~'s~~r
<br />.. aL '
<br />an ................................................«,....»... .,.......,..,.,. a a Oa ......,......... ,
<br />and regarded in Daed Record .................»..........,., Paga ..............,...............
<br />..... iV3EB~#SA €3E~ClllkRi~'P+"Y'P~f, ,
<br />......................_.....,.............................. By .........,............................................. 5YAN1P'fA1C
<br />County Clerk or Deputy County Clerk or
<br />Register of Deods Deputy Register of Deeds AUG 31 X79
<br />V~AR]E~ANTY' DEED r6 ~ sr_~~
<br />79--'1 ~~~~a~
<br />WILLIAM P_. BALDWIN, HER HUSBAND-------, herein called the grantor whether one or e~rre,
<br />in consideration of FIFTEEN THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($15 , 000.00) ----------
<br />received from grantee, does grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto MILDRED GENBERG-----
<br />herein aslled the grantee whether one or more, the following described real property is
<br />............... H311 ....................... County, Neh casks
<br />.........................
<br />Lots Three (3} and Four (4), in Block Two (2}, in
<br />Clark's Addition to the Village o£ Wood River,
<br />Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />To have and to hold the above desarihed premises together with all tenements, hereditamantt
<br />and nppurtenances thereto belonging nnto the grantee and to gratttee's hairs and assigns farevar.
<br />And the grantor does hereby covenant with the grantee and with graatee's heirs and aeaigas
<br />that grantor is lawfullq seised of said premises; that they are free from ettaumbranae , except those
<br />at record;------------_____________---_------------------------°--------
<br />tart e3'antor her geed right rszd lawful eutharity to aazsvey the ea?ue; attd thrt gratttor wata 4ad wlll
<br />de#a the iiL'lE La said premlaas against "the lawsul ela`m~s of all persona whomsoever.
<br />Dated __,,. ,,,. ~.~ _ , I9 79.
<br />`~~'~~ ~~
<br />Lyrin ~ iii lclreci ~ 8a1c~w in , f ormer~:jr
<br />~~~Sis Lyn Mi red Drawbaugh
<br />illiam A. Baldwin
<br />3~'ATE OF NIiBRABTfA, County of ...ddl~.~ ............................................:
<br />Aefare mo, a notary public qualified Cur said coanty, personally Dame
<br />Lynn Mildred Baldwin, formerly known as Lynn Mildred
<br />Drawlkiaugh, and William A. Baldwin, her husband,-----
<br />knaK•n La me to be the identical pcm+c parsons who aignai the
<br />>_ - foregoing ittstrnment and saktta'x~ledged the exeautian thereof to he >~
<br />~ptamt their voluntary set and deed.
<br />~`
<br />• VPitnesa my baud and notarial seal on .....4r ........ ........."-`.'~..~...........e...1974.
<br />bOeis wi. S~'llt?3`FA~t
<br />__ ::~ri~K.=31~C~~r~gY .r~...~'LY.;tR..t :........:.::...'~:..~.~.~.~:`:t ..... Notarg PnbUe
<br />`r'ef';
<br />r,~u,- .'. i,,. Z4iy commission expires ... ......'': ?.......,. ~ .::.............. I9 .....:......
<br />.=.._- -
<br />Form 2.2 Appxoved by Nebraska State Bar Assaelation rdem a wd? oa. Lmein. N~trr.
<br />