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� - � _ -- _=- <br /> � <br /> �� --- - ___ _ <br /> � _ _ <br /> f �(��Q�ihl IQAN N0. 1 s�9 z o a s e 9 <br /> � gg. �r - <br /> � 10.C�i�t�. Yl�w proceeds ot eny award ar ctalm lor damays9,c9'rac:t ar conswitw;�2tal,In conn��ti�rt K�i;i� - <br /> � �ny ca�a�-ruiaitan or othor tskinq of eny part of ttw F�ropeRy.a tor conveY��In liau�t candomnat�,are her�by _- <br /> � ass{�nad and st�r'I bo pafd ta Lerid�r. <br /> ,1 In tha er�rit ot a tota!taklnp or the Froperiy,t�w��x�.s sh,::!h�:.~�.p!'�:o the�ums ax�!��hy thts Secu�ty = <br /> I Instrumant,whather or not than due,wfth any excess�ald ta Borrower. 1 n tha event ot a parti�taktng of the Prapet�In _ <br /> � whlch tho falr market valua oF the Property Immedlateiy befara the takinfl is equa�to or�reaeertF�an tt�e a�uu�: _ <br /> sums sacureci by this Sscurity InsinimeM fmmed{ate(y I�ora iha takln�, unirs5 Borrowe�r�nd La�der othetvuisa agroe tn _ <br /> � w�itl�q,the sums secureci by thts Sacurity Inst►ument shall bo reduce�by the amount of tt�proceeds multiplled hy the _ <br /> � fo;iaauk�trsctlosr(e)tha total amcwM of the sums sectuod trnmacllatelY betore the takln�,dlvfded by(b�tt�e(a;�mai{:et = <br /> value of the Properly tmmedlately beFore the takin fl.Any bala�xe sl�all lx�pa►d to Borrowar. in 17�ovei�t c�a pa�i61 <br /> tx � <br /> tuk{ng a tht�i'ro�at�ty in whk;h tltie falr market valua of tho Propei'y Immedlateiy befora the t�kin�is less 4han the _ <br /> I an;ount of tho sums secured Gnmedlately befwe the taklnp, ui�lo.s Borrower and I.ender otherwisa agree in w�L�or = <br /> .l unloss ap�llcuble luw otixuwise providas,the proceedr�stuil� Be a�lled to the sums secured by this S�y _ <br /> inatrwnt►nt whether or no�u►e sc:��u are ttk:.�due. <br /> "� If tht�Property Is abandoned bY Bar�owe�,or tf�after notice by Lender to Bor�ower that the canriemna�offers t� _ <br /> make a��award or settle a dairn tor damages,�dar�ower fails to raspond to Lendar within 30 days afiYer tNe date 4he = <br /> � notice is given,Lender is authord:.ed to cdfect and apply tha proceeds,at fts optlo�,e�her to restoratbn or�epalr of the _ <br />, y pmpeny or to the sums s�cured by thls Secur�ty I�uirumeni.whethet or not then due. _ <br /> � IJnless Le�der s�nd Hortower othervvlse�nts rel�rred to�tn y ra�Ir,�ation and 2�cha fl�the a�m�unitof such�or <br /> postpone the dug duRa of the mont�ly pay Pa 9 P� - <br /> P81Y� <br /> *,1.�iOmOw�a'l�at Releas�ul;FOt�i6iu'orICB F3y LCt1dCC nt10t!1 WAiver. Extei►sion dr the if�for p�yment or <br /> modiii�a't3nn ot�amo�t�zatton of the sums secu�ed by tt�is S�:.urfity Instrument 9�antad by Lander to any successor in <br /> Interesi flt Boirowar strall not operate to reipase the liab�lty of the origlnal Bnnower or Borrower'�s�ccessors t� <br /> interest.Lerxier st�a�1 not be required to commense Qroceed�n9s a9alnsi any successor�n interest or rafuse to extend <br /> _� time tor payrr�ent or o3harvvise modiiy amatl�.�tion�b`+e sums secu�ed by thls Security Instrument'8y reason of any <br /> d��e by=h�origpky gcurower or Bonowers successors In interest.Any fofiearanco by Lender i�exerctsinA <br /> — anY�ht or remedy shaU not be a waiver af or p�edude tha�exercise of any Nyht or remedy. <br />_�- 12.Succes�ors�nd A�s3�ns Bound.Jotnt and Several L4ab(IRy:Cc-si��xs. The covananis and a9�esments of <br />=� thls SecurUy Instn�ment shall(�(nd and benetit the successors arxl asstgns of�erxier and Borrower.sublect to the <br /> prpvu{or�s of para�r�ph 17,Bo�owers covenants and agreements shall be JdM and several•Any 8orrawer who <br />= Go.slgrs this Secwi4y Insiniment bN does not execute the Note: (a)is co-signin9 this Secutilyy Inst+vme�t only to <br />_�� mortgaqa,9rant and cum+gv�hat Borrower's Interest In tha�:aroperry under the tomns ot tt�Ss Sscu�ity instrume�t;(b)ts <br /> not parsur�aUy ob1l�gatool to�ay t�+a sums secured by this SecurigY Instrument;and(c}sr�eas thai lender and any other <br />-� Borrowar may ag��aa to oxtend.enodHy.forbear w rt9ake any accommndatlans wiih r�ard to the iem�s o�E thts�acur�y <br /> lnstnunerd or tha Note wjihot�t that Borrower's cansent. <br />,_� 13.{.oan Charpa. If the 9aan secured by thts Se�uritg Instrumant is subJect to a law+whlch sets maxunum loar� <br /> charCes.atxl that law Is flnaU}'tnterpreted so that the tMera�t or othar loan chargas cc�llacted or to be cdlected in <br />_� conr�ectlon withh the loan exceed the pennitted 1lmits.then: (a)any such loan charge shail be reduced by the amo�nt <br /> W end�b)any sums already col+e�ted ftorr�BoROwer which <br />-� ��y to reduce the charRe to the pertnktttd I lmii; � �.o-�.:�;:��.:..^!��'•_ <br /> ad pC�n�tie;!1lmit9 Wi0 69 relUnd6d to[3o1TOWer.t.ender may citou,ia iu n`.ari'v . <br />