~~ ~ 1,:1 il._Q,t)ITGLAIM 1DiEE0 ~ ~~
<br />9-
<br />7
<br />F~nikon C': '11~n4'r Cnmpai~r. L{n<ol~„, Mebr.
<br />EDWARD L. KATIE and BLANCHE E. KATIE, husband and wife;
<br />an~1 WILLIAM A. KATIE and ETNA KATIE, husband and wife,
<br />herein called the grantor whether one or more,
<br />;n consideration of One Dollar and other valuable consideration
<br />recoil°ed frau~raurce, does quitclaim, _rxnt, Lar{!xiu. ;ell, eon~•e~- and confirm unto
<br />WILLIAM PACKER, Trustee
<br />herein gilled the grantee xrhhther ono or morn, tl;~~ f;tiilnv: iu_• described rrnl prola•rtc iu
<br />Hdll (,ounty, y,~bra~ka:
<br />The North half of the Southeast Quarter
<br />{N~SE3;) of Section Fifteen (151, Township
<br />Ten (10), North, Range Eleven (il), West
<br />of the 6ti1 P.M.
<br />~,/~A,,U,/G, 3/11979
<br />To Lava and to hold the above described pr.~ntia~, tug('ttidr xcith xil teneutenta, hcrediiameata
<br />and appurteiaanoes thereto belonging auto tLe orantt-;• and u, x`r~n[ec's hair+.xu+1 a~igns forever.
<br />Bated ~'j La ~ ~ ! ~ 1 _.. -~ 1 '} ~ /
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<br />Hall
<br />ti`t`.1'1'h Ul•' \F:IikANG:.1, (';.;nrh uC ...........,
<br />~eforr mc, a notarc I;ublic qu;tliii~,,l t-r,r suitJ c.,ulxt; , hersouailc cxu;r
<br />Edward L. Katie R Blanche E. Katie, husband and wife
<br />known to me to Lo tho identical person ar persc~mi trlta sib*nsd thr ftarogoiug instrnrrtunt Duel atckuo~•Inilgrd
<br />tha eaeoution tht:reaf to Lo Lis, bar or their voluntary act and deed,
<br />~ /
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<br />...,....r?.. .i..e~..A.,. ....< s.t.. ~° i~Utar~' 1'uhlie.
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<br />It}' eafunti,aietn cxpi~•es ~~~..:f~h. J~.~~l..... 1'.1..........
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