79-~, Ot3SS23
<br />MORTGAGE _
<br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 23529
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Eloise/Matheson, an un-remarried person
<br />G.
<br />Morlppgor, whether orx or more, in wrtadewtion of the stsm of
<br />Seven Thousand Five Hundred and No 100--_ ---------------------------------- OO~~
<br />loaned [o said mortgagor by The Equitabk Building and Lawn Association of Crand Island, Nebraska, Mortgagx, upon ]5 shares of stock of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Certificate No. L 2329 , do hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the follovrirrg
<br />described real estate, situated in tla6 County, ebraska:
<br />together with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto bebnging, including attached floor wverings, ail window screens,
<br />window shady, blinds, storm wtnduws, awnings, heating, air conditioning,and plumbing and water equipment and actxssories thercto,pttrnps,stoves,
<br />refrigerators, and other fixtures and equipment hove or hereafter attaJied to or used in connect tat with said real estate.
<br />And whereas the said mortgagor has agreed and dues hereby agree that the mortgagor shad and will pay all taxes and assessrnnts lavierl or
<br />assessed upon said premises sad upon this mortgage and the frond secured thacby before the same shat} be~nme de}inqucnt; to furnish approved
<br />insurance upon the buildings an aid premises situated~in the sum of S ] , SDD. DD payabk w said ASSOCIATION and to deliver to said
<br />ASSOCIATION the pa}icier for said insurance; and not to commit or permit any waste on or atxrnl said premises;
<br />in case of default in the performance of any oC the terms and conditions aC ibis mortgage or the bond secured hereby, the rttortgagx aba6,
<br />on denwnd, be entitkd to itnrrtcdiatc }wssession u( the mortgaged premises and ti:,; mortgagor hereby assigns, transfers and sets aver to the
<br />martgagee all the rents, revenues and inrnme a+ be derived from the nmrtgaged premises dtuing nick time as the mortgage indebtcdttess abaU remain
<br />unpaid; and the ttnirtgagcc shall have the pvwcr to appoint any agent or amts it may desire for the purpose, of repairing said premises sad renting
<br />the same and carllretirtg Ehc rents, revenrrra and irerurt~, and i! may pay out of said inrutne all expenses of repairing said premises ate rrY
<br />rxmunissiwts and expense incurred in renting and managing the same and of calkctutg ren[ais therefrom; tM balance remaining, if say, to b<
<br />appicea unvaru isle orxnargz of said tmrrtgage tntieistctiness; [nest rtgnts m the ntartgagee may tx zxzrr~szd ai any tbtx during the existence of such
<br />default, irrespective of any temporary waiver of the same.
<br />Tltcex Presents, hawcver, are open the Condtban, That d the satd Mrut~gar sh=!? rrp:y said 'seen otr ar before the mattsritY of said snares by
<br />p~aytrxnt: past' tmtnthiy to said A.5,5t]C}ATIt)N of the slam specified to tits Band srrured hereby as imerzst and principal on saidlrun,on w before
<br />the Tw~tieth lay of raj and ~mry runt};.until a~ h=3;, is fatty pail: pay- a}} faxes and a3.~ssrta:rts levied a~insi said p~nise-s a~ an tlt~ °datt~z
<br />a:xf the lia.^,d .~.ct:rsr' th¢eahy, lhfe:ev anq:.:ncy; furnish ap,~avc;5 :nsura:xe;r}xsn she bui'dirt}ta tbare;an in ti:e strc; of S ] , 500. QD
<br />to said A.~tX IAT~ifN; repay to said ASSOCIA-2iON uprm demand aN rtxmzy by it paid for such taxes, assrssnsents and instrrarttY wife interest at
<br />the maximum iey~i rate-ihrtron from deli of paytrtrnt aif of which Mortgagor hereby agrees to pay; permit nQ waste an said prtupiacs;kcry, andoumpty
<br />with alt the agreements and conditons of the Band for 3 ] s 5D0. DD this day given by the said Mortpgor to raid ASSOCIATION, sad atinpty
<br />with alt the regwrerttents of the Corutitution and By-taws of said ASSOCIATION; then these presents stall betume null and void, otharwne they
<br />sttl) remain in full duce and cosy be forechraed at lire option of the std ASSOC-A'1'ION after failtue (or three tm+nths to matte arty of sod
<br />payments or be thief trrrmths m arrears m making said eramthly paynrcnts, or to keep and wmply with the agreements and curuiitiuns of aid Bund;
<br />amt Mortga[tur agrees to have a receiver apprrmted forthwith in such forcclastrrr praceedings.
<br />if their is any change in ownership of the real estate mortgaged herein, by sak or otherwise, then the entire remaining irrde6tedatta trrreby
<br />aeeurnd shall, at ttce optian of The Equitabk Building and Lwn Aawciatirm of Crand 3siand,Nebraslta,tsecoma unmadiately due sad payable witlwut
<br />ttrrtlter holies, and the n»aunt remsirting dui unrk:r said bond, and any wher band for any additiurtal advaruxs node thercundat, siaB, from the
<br />date of exercise of said optitrn, bear interest at the maximum kyi rate, and this nxrrtgagc may then be fareclascd to study the atttarmt due ua aid
<br />band, and any othtlr tamd far additional advances, together with aI} wuts paid by aid The Equitabk Building sad Loan Aaaciatiwt of Gnnd Island,
<br />Nehruiu for Insurance, taxes and assessrttenis, and abstracting extension charges, with interest (hereon, t`rum date of payment at the maximum
<br />legal rate.
<br />As nlvided in rite Bout! zccturd hereby, chile this nusrtgagt reatains in elfect itte ntuttgagez rutty Hereafter advarroe adrlitiaoa) soma to flee
<br />ttrakcrs uf' aW Bund. their assns at sttct~raurs in interest, whicH surtts Mail He witHin tHz security ai' tats ittart~y{e ttte ame as the fttads ari(IiatBy
<br />azrured ttterchy, flee total amount of pritkipaf debt not to ezoecd at any tirrrC the origins} smrnrnt of this raartgage.
<br />iatud mice 29th daY ar August A. n., f 9 79
<br />r.
<br />E l of se~ Matheson
<br />STATCt OF NEBRASKA, ~ a. On this 29th der of August }979 , befuro tea,
<br />cvcarrrY ©1: l1Ala.
<br />the undztsigrted, a Natary Public in and for aid County, perxwatty eats
<br />EloisP(};Matheson. an un-remarried person, was is per~rnaliyktrownea
<br />. ten to he tfx'fdentical perpan whose nsma 15 af4ated to the above iastrtrrnaut as rnurtpgar and She XiliJFlftl4~
<br />arknawkdged fire aid instrument to be her voluntary act seed deed.
<br />H'ITNESS my Hand and Natatsa! Seal ttsC date afaresaid.
<br />MY Commission expire, lJ ,r ~
<br />~l~t Narary Fugue
<br />IPrPEM aI ~ a,GfNERAt N6TARY~State of Nebraska} T -
<br />M. 4Y. SAPP
<br />L..t ..........~.
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