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•�il7... ., �� i�.^ . H::.. . ...rn .�.5 �+'Ji'�.:+(:`?t�.�iK'�:7��^�7` '��'•'%"'k�T�7���.{G4��h':..�..".� ,.. - -_-- --- <br /> �.r �-�.,� Y�_�� . ,. ` � ''z�, ,+e,,,,,�,�.,...-,.-.,._..._.__�.,. _.E- _ _ <br /> . .�- - <br /> .. -.�... - — - - _ - ��_ __ <br /> � . , . <br /> ;:�,. ,, . <br /> -,_. _ � . . . . , <br /> .�;� • �• � � <br /> '� . " ' ASSIGNMENT OF �EASES AND R6NTS ,� <br /> _� . .... �2... 100475. <br /> -'"°` . � . THIS ASSIONMENT�mad�this 17th �y of Jenuarv 19�2 , <br /> _ .�' . b William a. Haney and Ina M. Haney, huebanA and wife <br /> �'� . Y <br /> ���'� , - � <br /> �Y,: �. r�idiny at or havinp en oNice6�t �ute 1, eox 177 Grand Island. tJ� �j8d0 _ <br /> • �� (herein called"Asa�Qnor"1,to Firsller eank Nallo�a�Associatfon,On�ha,Neb►�aka �� - <br /> f ib p►tncfpal oHice ot Om�ha Nabraska(harein caNE�d"A�siynee"�, _ <br /> . WITNE3SETH: _��-- <br /> . �;�_'.?�}—_ <br /> � , FOR VALUE 19�CEIV�O,Assf�nor hereby grants,banofers and assipna to the Assignea all�of U�e riyh�title and -� -° - - <br /> interestofAs�i�norinendtaanyendaNleasesa�dotharte�wnafesnaworhereaftarmadeonorwith�espectbtherealesbt� �`,___ <br /> � �... _...�__ <br /> loCeted in Hall County, Nebraska _ and m�Na pe�'tiCUlB�lyde9C►ibed � --- <br /> � i�Schedule A hereaf,which real estate shall be rete��ed to hereinafteras"Premises".Inafuding,but natlimitedtothat ce�etn - <br /> .. Lease or those aerlain Lease�,with modfiicallons,if any.desoribed in 3chedute B hereot.coveHng tha Premisea;Gope�er w11h �.;�:_--� <br /> (1)any end ell extensfons or renewats thereol,(a)�ny and all uarentees of the Lesee's obliqadanp under a�y th eof and <br /> . under any and aN exte�sio�s or renewals ot any tharaaf,and��aU rent�,issues,pr4flts,revenues,deposi�earnest monal► .�—_ _�^ <br /> ; � pay,�nents,�ights end benefiss now or he�eaRer arising ttom such lease and tenanaiea or tor the uae and aocupency oi ths �� _ <br /> �� • . Premiaes,and any and all extensionsand renew815 the�aot Said leases and 6ananofes o�other use of tha Premiaes topelher � <br /> �� wlthan�randallguarantees.modiNcatia�s�extensfona,andrenewalathereatahallbesameWneshareinat��retaRedtoosths F___ <br /> ., .. •,��,or.,��,,. -. <br /> �r ' <br /> ' , FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURIN(i: _4,j <br /> �� } <br /> ONE: Payment and pe�formance ot each a�d every debk�iabllity and abNgadpn ot every�and dt+scriPtion <br /> ;f whfch Assi�nor may n� ow or anytlma hereaiter owe to Assfgnee.including,but nat limtl�d W,the ind neas oi Agsf�nor - <br /> secured by that cer�in mohyaye or deed ot bvst made by the Assognor ta tha Assignae dated 1-17 ,19 92 . �� <br /> .;�,' and�ecor ded or to be�ecorded ator prior to t he reco�dinp o f t h is A s s i g n m e n�or a n y ath e�ma rt g e peor deed of tru�t hereaf� <br /> covering the whole or any peR of the Premises,(whelh��such debL liability,orvbligetbn now exis4so�(shereaRercreated or <br /> .`,,, � � incu�red and whether it Is or may be direct or intlitect due or to become due,aosoiute or oortiingarti.prInafy oi'aec8ttdary. - <br /> • • , �'l�;y;�, , � liqufdeted or unliquidated.a jalnt, several,or joint and several,all•auch debts,IiaWlities and obNpetlons belnp herain <br /> � • collec6vely reieRed to someNmes as the ObNpatlons�,end ���'��`•��' <br /> �,.i . . y <br /> �' � TWO: Performance and discherge ot each and every obtigation, covenant end agreemern of Assi�nor + '��� � <br /> �� contained herein or in any such mortgeye or deed ct trust or any note or bond secured thereby,or fn any obli�edon or eny � �_, � i; <br /> secu�in�document yiven in connecdon with any of the Oblipatlons secu�ed hereby. � ___ t'_ <br /> A. TO PROTECT THE SECURITY OF THIS ASSIC3NMENT ASSI(3NOR AGREES,WITH RESPECT TO EACH . _ .___j�-` <br /> LEASE: ��'' - - <br /> �+�:.:;, <br /> 1. To feithiully abide by,peAorm and discharge each and every obUgation,covenant and agreement of the Lease � ��"a,-=. <br /> ....�<,:. <br /> �'`' bylessortobepeAormed.togivepromptnoticetotheAsslgneecfanynoticeofdefeuNonihepaRofAssignorwilhrespectto � --_;__„_ <br /> the Lease�eceived trom Lessee or gua►anror,together with an accu►ateand complete copy o/any such notice;at the sole cost � -�-.--_:��;- <br /> ' and expense ot enbrce o�secure the pe�tormance of each and every obligadon, covenant,conditlon and j �' •;��y='-•''� <br /> � 't agreement of the Lease by 1he Lesseeto be pe�tormed;not to modllyor in any way alter theterms of the Lease;notro terminate . •�-•{�'�� <br /> the term of the Lease and not to accept a surrender of the rents thereunder or to wafve.excuse,condone w in any manner . : ---_ <br /> . '. ���� reloase o�dlscharge the Lessee thereunder from the obligetlons.covenents,conditlons and agreements bY the Lessee to be , <br /> c performed,Including the obllgatbn to pay the rental called for thereunder in the manner and at the plece and time specifled .w <br /> ' therein,and Asslgnor does by these presents expressly release,rellnqulsh and surrender unto the Asslgnee aN Assignor's • <br /> ' rlght�powerand autho�iry tomodly or in any way alter the termsor provlsions of the Lease,or toterminate the termor sccept a <br /> .�, �.� , surrender thereof,and any attempt on the pa�t ot!he Assignor to exerclse any such right without the written authorlty and <br /> ';• consent of the Assfgnee thereto being tlrst had and obtalned shelt constiiute a Detault of the terma hereot,es defl�ed <br /> ;; �•��?� hereinafter,entiilin9 the Asslgnee to declare all sums secured hereby immediately due and payeble. <br /> 2. At Assignor's sole cost and expense to appear in and detend any actfon or proceeding arlsing under,growing <br /> out of or in any manner connected with the Lease or the obllgatlons,duties or liabilities ot Lessor,Lessee or guarentOr <br /> thereunder,and to pay all costs and expenses ot the Assignee,includ�ng aftorney's fees in a reasonable sum,in any suCh <br /> aCtion or proceeding in which the Assignee may appear. � <br /> 3. That should Assignor iad to make a�y payment or to do any act as herain prowded, then the Assignee,but <br /> without obl�gation so to do�nd wfthouc notice to or�iemand on Assignor,and wdhout releasing Assignor lrom any oDl�gadon <br /> hereof,may make or do the same in such manner and to such extent as the Asaignee may deem necessery to protect the <br /> security hereof,including specifically, without limiting its general powers,the right to appear in and detend any aCbon or <br /> prxeeding pu►po�ting to aifect the secunty hereof or the rights or powers ot the Ass�gnee,and also the ripht but�ot thedulyto <br /> peAorm and discharge each and every obligation,covenant and agreement ot Lessor in the Lease contafned;and in <br /> exercising any such powerato pay necessary costs and expe�ses,employ counsel and incur and pay reasonable attomey's <br /> fees. <br /> 4. To pay immediately upon demand all sums expended by the Assignee under the autho�ity hereof,together with <br /> interest therepn at the highest rate sef forth m any of the Obligations secured hereby,and the seme shall be edded to the <br /> Obligations and shall be secured hereby and by the sa±d mortgage or deed of trust. <br /> 5. ThatASSignarwillnottransterorconveytotheLesseethefeetitletothedemisedPremises.oranypa�tthereof, <br /> unless the Lessee assumes in wrihng and agrees to pay the debt secured hereby in accordance with theterms.covenants and <br /> condi6ons of the said note or bond secured by said mortgage or deed of trust <br /> ,,. � . <br /> �, ; ' <br />