IE i I
<br />' I zn.A_ _ _,
<br />RELEASE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE (Reviud 1962) The HuBmen Gmernl Sapp3y riauae, I.ieooan, Ndx.
<br />IN CONSIDERATION of the payment of the debt named therein; i or we, hereby release the mortgage of
<br />Three Thousand ($3,000) ~~~.
<br />made by
<br />LEON H. HAAKE AND KATIHtYN HAAKE, Husband and Wife
<br />on the following described property, to-wit:
<br />A Part of the North Half of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeest Quarter (N~,"tEwNW#)
<br />i of Section Eleven {11j, in Toxnship Eleven (11), North, Range Ten (10}, Wsst of the
<br />5ix+:h (6th) Principal Meridiafi, morn particularly described as folloxsa Commencing
<br />at a point on the North line of said Section and 686.7 feet West of the Northeast
<br />corner of sa±d NZ NEB, NW»; running thence South parallel xith the West line of the
<br />~e ~'a ~~a of said Section, to a point on the South line of said N~ NE}, NW;; running
<br />ti-,ence Wast along the South line of sid :t~ :;Eq tin^~4 for a disc ~^.ce of 6A,5 feet;
<br />running thence North parallel with the West line of the NZ NE,~, NWy of said Section,
<br />to a point on the North Line of said Section; running thence East along the North
<br />Line of said Section, for a distance of 68.$ feet to the point of beginningt subject,
<br />hoxever, to one-half of the county road lying to the North of said premises.
<br />.;aid property ralso a~it:~ ~iescribrd 4. I:ot 11 ii :ioaa let 9~~(odivi.sian
<br />o~ Hs,11 i:o?uzty, ebraa~a.
<br />which is recorded in book 144 , of real estate mortgages, page 393 of the Records of the County ~
<br />Hall ,and State of Nebraska.
<br />Dated this 14th day of August ,19 79
<br />in presence of
<br />- ~
<br />- F
<br />~~t`....J ~ali'1~ ..........................................
<br />STATE OF...........~~~~5~.....__ ..........................
<br />....................._........~,a$e....._.....................County ~~
<br />y !1$S18.k ................ 19...74., before me. a No
<br />On this..~.4.t~...da • oE__. .........Q1 Lary Public, duty comumiruaioned
<br />0.rxl quaGfaed fOr 6aid COtWty, penpnally came_.~'A~.~,S?...~I.....,~Qt-r4s,Qn..Bnd...LeCtie..P..._.tohtisgn.._......
<br />to me personally known to be the identicapp~lt7regaersous who executed the above release and acknowledged
<br />the said itrstrument to be lpe(~I-lttheir voluntary act and deed.
<br />C!Vitn~ my head arrd at ._ ~~!KA~~„~~ E.,,,, i~r said county, the day amt Sit a rtt
<br />.' ~ .+1, G7r~~ .-' a
<br />ry
<br />..............~1..~ d~....,~~~-ff~.t.~.Nota Fubl,c.
<br />1WIy' one~area - _._...:----~.$~~4 ................dety of. -._.._.-----...August.............. 19g~....
<br />9TA*i'1s OF ................................._.....°---.„..... Enlaced on aumesical index and 8ted for record
<br />ab.
<br />Cauaty ~.,.,.....- ....................._.,.............-~...,: in tare Reglater of Deeds Office of said County the
<br />, of ..................................._.-., 19..,x..., at............................o'clock and......................minutea................M.,
<br />and recorded in Book ................................of,....., gage................,................
<br />..............................................................Reg. of Dasda
<br />By ............................. •--.............................-----Deauty
<br />