79 ®:3592
<br />MORTGAGE _
<br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 23527
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESEPKESEN15:That 0, Wm. and Merry J. VonSeggern, each in his and her own
<br />right and as spouse of earth other
<br />Mortgagor, whether ooe or more, in masitiuatioa of the sum of
<br />Nineteen Thousand Nine hundred Fifty and No/100___________________________________ ~`:ARs
<br />Ironed m aid rttortgagor by The Equitable Building and lawn Association of Cra~d Islami, Nebnsln, Mortgagee, upon 2OO shares of stodt of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Certifipte No. L 23527 , do hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the followiorg
<br />described teat estate, situated in Flall Couaty, Nebraska:
<br />logettter wish all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, including attarhed !loot mveriogs, all window screens,
<br />window dudes, blinds, storm windows, awning!, heating, air conditioning, and plumbing and waterequipment and acttaories thrrc[o,pumps, stoves,
<br />refrigenton, and other fnxtures and equipment now or hereafter attached fo or used in connection with said roil !stall.
<br />And whereas the said mortgagor has agreed and does hsreby agree that the mortgagor shall and will pay a6 taxes and assstaameals levied or
<br />assessed upon aid premises and upon this mortgage and the bond secured thereby before the same shag become delinyueot: to furnish approved
<br />iresunitce upon the buildings on said premises situated N the sum of S 19 950. OO payable to said ASSOCIA"PION and to deliver to said
<br />ASSOCIATION the poEeies for said insurance; and wt to wmmit or permit tarty waste on or about said premises:
<br />In case u( default in the perforrtiance of a..y of the arms and woditions of this mortgage nr the bond se~vred threby, tha tnortga~e slab,
<br />on demand, br entitled to immedute possession of tht mortgaged premises and the mortgagor harcby assigns, transfers and red over to iltt
<br />mortgagee ill tl,e rents, revenues and inrxttne to be derived Gom the mortgaged premitts during such time u the mortgage inde6tdrtess stiaB rcnuat
<br />unpaid; and the rrtnrtgaget shal3 hart the power in appoint any agent ar agrnts it may desire for the purport of repan~ aid precasts and rtatir~
<br />the sane and Wllteting ihr rents, rrrrnties and income, and it may pay nut of aid income all expenses of repairing said ptarrtisas and aanrstarv
<br />_ -, -u:. a ` ri_..,. -_ _____~ .. _.,_ae ~ a ~___~~ fy_ __..._ _,,,a „F ..,J4rrino .rntak rtwrPfrnm: rlr~ hffmrY remfinim if anv to ht
<br />applied toward the discharge of said mortgage indebtedness; these rights of the tnortgagtt may be execeiaed at soy time during the Ezistet~ of atilt
<br />default, irrespec4re of any tnnparary waiver of the same.
<br />Tlsrx I`resents, iwwrvcr, art upon rite Comlitiun, That it` ttu said Mortgagor dealt retzay said loan cot or before the maturity of crab! sl1~~
<br />pay.~nt; ~y eta:rthly to saa3 A.SSfICIATt(>N of ti>,a sum sif~ itt Et: Ilnttd ~.tu~ hereby as int~zsu aril t ~ said iasu. us ar btf~s
<br />the Twentxth dry of matt acrd every awnth, until said bran is fully paid; pay all taxes sod assessvnentt levied against said premises atM10o thin Motspya
<br />acrd the Band secured theretry, 6rfart delinqucacy; furnish spprovad insunncr upon rise buildings thereon in the sum off 19 r 950, OO payablt
<br />b, aid ASst3CiATiON: spay to said AS"iCif`1ATiON upon drrnand a6 money 6y it paid for suet! taxes, asaomoeats sod utatirsace with inttxtx at
<br />the maximwn legal raft thereon from dare of payment all of which Mortgagor hereby asters to pay; permit ro wauo on said prerniaes; keep and comply
<br />with ill the agraernents and wndition: of the Band far S 19 , 950.OO this day given by the said Mortgagor to said ASSOCIATION, sad aamply
<br />with all the requirements of the Constitution and By~Laws of aid ASSOCIATION; then !hex prexnts slut! becotae atilt acrd void, utherwbe they
<br />shall remain N full force and may be foreclosed at tht option of tha aid ASSOCIATION after failurt for thra irtaatlu W make any of said
<br />payments or be three incmths in sr rears in making said monthly paytents, w to keep and armply with the agreements and coaditium of said Mond;
<br />and Martgagor agrees to tort a receiver appamted kxthwnh in such foreclosure proceedutgs.
<br />It there is any change in ownership of the tea! esutr mortgaged herein, by ale or otherwrx, then the entire reauinirtg iale6tedaasa hereby
<br />ser::ued shall, at the apti:m of 1'he Equitable Building and law! Asrocation of t;raad Island, Nebrukr,, bnrome imnsediately dirt acrd payable without
<br />fwther notice, sod the saloon! rettvtinirig duo under aid bond, and any other bumf Cut any additiunat advaacas antk thateundsr, dolt, from elm
<br />data of exercite of said option, bear interest at the maximum kcal nit, and this nvrrtga6e troy thin be fwecloaed to ntisfy tha aatorutt doe rm said
<br />bond, and any otttar hoer) for ndditmna! advsncer, tugatAer wish al! sutra paid b'i said The I'-Gttitabk Btri~rg sad Laaa Aaa7ciaiinrr of Crrand Isbmd,
<br />Nebraska (nr inwnncr, taxes and »taexsrtrrnls, acrd abdractirtg extensxm ciurges, with uttered thtrmn, from date of psyr~sent at the nusisntim
<br />legal ate.
<br />As prnvirkd in the sand secured hereby, while this nwrtgaga rerttains in affact the trwrrgaipea may hertxftcr advance additional sums to Ure
<br />aukars of said Bund, tficu assigns or suct~mrua in interest, whkh srsma shall be within tlx sca~turiy of tttia mu+tgase the ama u the ftsads orieaatly
<br />xecuied thereby, the rata! smrunt of prua:ipil debt tort to excard a any time iht original anmunt of shit rnurt~e.
<br />watt ~ ~ 28th d'Y nr August A. n., tv79
<br />an rnr%.-
<br />Merry>J..L on~ggern
<br />57'AT[i OF NEBRASKA, ~ a. on this 28th day nr August in79 , bafare tae,
<br />CCtIN'CY E1E tIALL
<br />the tadersiigrted, a No4ry Isubhc in attd for said Comity. persortaUy csiste
<br />0, Wm. and Merry J. YonSeggern, each in his and her own right and ,espouse o~ thew
<br />are
<br />coo to be !!u identical persoaS wlwae ^`~"`~~~'" to the above instrument u
<br />..,a~~-a~.,_ b sod they saronlly
<br />aw~tnowkdgarl the acrid uiartuatat to be th - - "
<br />.aAtnngE "' d«d.
<br />ArITtVIiSS ray hand sad Pb'f}ilt°`t~he data of ~ t
<br />My Commission ax/ Tres ~~ 7;-~'r'3" - _ _i!~~~ ~ ~L-- --
<br />- - - ~rvotary public
<br />atuma w
<br />