79-~ Ofl~~~e'~
<br />MORTGAGE __
<br />MORTGAGL• IRAN NO. L 23522 MGI C
<br />KNOW ALL Mh'N RY THESE PRESENTS: The[ Gary B. Mcblilliam and Susan M. McWilliam, each in his
<br />and her own right and as spouse of each other,
<br />Mortgagor, whether one or wort, in consideration of the sum of
<br />F'oriy-Five Thousand and No/100------------------------------------------------
<br />--- DOLLARS
<br />loaned [o said rmrtgagor by The Equitable Building and Loan Association of Grand Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 45D shoes of stock of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Certificate No. L 2352 MGI,Cd° hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the foBowhg
<br />desmbed real estate, situated in Hail County, ~ebraska:
<br />together w:lh all tine ttnrmc:rts, hercditaments and 'appurtenances thtreunFO btbnging, ircduding a[tached Moor coverings, all window srxcens,
<br />wirrdow shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, hearing, air wnditioning, and plumbing and water equipment and accessories theroto, pumps,stoves,
<br />refrigerawrs, and other fietwes and equepment now ur hereafter attache+i to ur used in connection with said real estate.
<br />And wlxreas the card rnurtgagur Eras agreed and dots hereby agree brat the murtgpgor shall and well pay alt taxes and assess[r[enis levied or
<br />messed upon said premises and upon this mortgage and the hood secul d tttftl:6y, jxf°re the same shag becurtu de:inryuent; to furrtistt approved
<br />irearrana upon the buildings un seed premises situated in the sum ul' 3 ~, UU payable to raid ASSSOCUTION sad to deliver to said
<br />ASSOCtAT10N the policies fur said ensuraace; and nut to commit or perrttit any waste on or about said premises:
<br />In care of default in the performance of any of the tenru and conditions of this mortgage or the bond stewed hereby, Lhe rtxxtgag« shall,
<br />on demand, be entitled to imneedute possession of the mortgaged premises and the ttwrtgagur htreby assigns, transfers and mts over to the
<br />murtgagzt all flee rents, revenues and income to be derived from the mortgaged premises during such time as the trx,rtgage endcbtedtxss shall rcmairt
<br />rsipard; aril the rrxutgagte shag have the power to appoint any agent or agents it rrWy desire fur tfie purpose of rapairir~ said prcmian sad renting
<br />the suns and cotkcting the rams, revenues and income, and it may pay out of said ina,rnt all expeases of repairipg sand premises t~ terry
<br />q,man53ions ar[d expenses incurred in tenting and managing the same and of u,ikctirrg rentals QxrcGom; the bahace rerruinitrg, if any, to ht
<br />~t'.t.:a..':::~::~::..:~:~~ia~g~.,i aat+inxr+i~aaa'+'-ii~i'w.,.-.ua+.r+iEiiia+.ii,n ~,.iv. i$a~w ++u]i+c c.,~+raxu as _ uu vuiu.8 w:`e:: '..~... arw
<br />tkfault. rrrrxptctivr of arty rcmp,rar~+waiver oC the same. v
<br />fibtac Preszn€s, however, art noun the L'ondition; That if the Batt! Mortgagor shalt repay said loan cut tar before [he rttattr[i[y of said shares Dy
<br />payment; pay utra?,rl!IV ro ~d dcCllr~lATtt)tR of ttx stem spetir>"d in the 6e,tt;.t xcurvf hetttsy as itt[et4st a;.d spa: nn aa~ tnan, on of Iwtsrie
<br />the Twerriiet![day of rat-h sod every irer,rtih, vtu~i said loan s fully paid; pay all taxes and assessrrxnis kvittl against said prenrisea and un this Mrxtgage
<br />amt ttx Bond soured irxreby, befrue dehny:,cncy: furnish approved tnsvrance upon the buildings ehtreun in the zum of 3 ~5 ,iSDO.OI,) payable
<br />w ~~ AS.StX;tATtl~: xep=v h: said .Av°'4ATK~4.' upnte dt:rt~tuf all nvrxy b}` iE paid fczF such [zs: s. a~rrtais acrd vrstuancz whit iatttest at
<br />the maximum legal rate thereon from daft of pay«xn[ vlt of which Murtgag+rt hereby agrees to pay permit nu waste on saidprcmiaes;kcep anda,mply
<br />with al: the agreerrernis and a>nditinns of the tkrnd Cnr 3 45 s ()DO • ~Q this day given by the seed Mortgagor to aid ASSOCIATION, seal wmpty
<br />with alt the rtyuirenxnts ut the Cunstitutam and Ry-taws of said ASS(x'IATtON; then thex presentx shag bewtm nuU and void, otherwise they
<br />siWl rcrmin in full force and tray be foreclosed at [hc option of tlx said ASS(X.'IATION after failure fur three trx,n[hs to matte any of said
<br />payments ut be three nxtr~rhs m arrears in mvitutg said vumih!y payments, ur to keep and +-ompty with the agreetrxnts and coadnioav of said Borsd:
<br />and Mwtgagur aigrecs. t,r a, ve a recxirit alKzrinted furthwnh en srrdt &,rock,swe pr:+ceedirrgs-
<br />If there is any change in awrrrrship of the real estata nwrtgaged herem, 6y sale or otherwise, rhea the snore rcrminhtg indabtadrtea hereby
<br />secured shall, a[ tlx oprx,r~ of The Fgmtabk Ruddvrg and Lean Aa°ciath,n of Grand lsland,Nebraska,becotre imrttediatety dot std payalsk vrithinrt
<br />Cwtt+er rullxY, seed flee anxrunt rrnuuvrtg due umkr sent bond, and any Delete F}ortd fur any adtfitiunal advanxa made therermder, shag, frOe[ tIK
<br />date of cxrcise of seal aptrun, bear interest at the maxirmm~ legal rate, and this mortgage may then be foreclosed to satisfy the arrtuunt due eel saki
<br />boted,arid any oitxr tared iur additnnar! adrancrs, together with ill sums paid by said 1'he Equitable Building and Luau Assueiatiun of Grutd ishrtd,
<br />Nebraska for insurarn.. ta~r> and :rssrssnxnts, and absractuig rxtensi+sn charges, with interest th±reon, from date of payment at lht +.n.v inorrr+
<br />legal rate.
<br />As provided m the Is.tnd stewed lrrre6}, whdc flue nx,ttgage rrrttevins ut ct7~rct the tnurtgagee rrsay hereatier advatect additional sums to flee
<br />makers of said Brutd, their assigns ar rusce wrs m rnterext, which sums shall be within the vrcu[ity of this nrottgagt fete sarrrt as Iht funds originally
<br />stewed hert4ry, the weal vtixavut ut prmcrpat debt n.n to +~xartd at any tinx fix origittat a»wunt of this irtottgagt.
<br />_-(~~ t~" ?.7th `fay °f August A. n., tv 79
<br />sFATE aF NEBRASIlA,1 ~ t}„ tens 27th day of August 1v79 , befvae me,
<br />Gary B . McWi 1 li am ant! Susan M. McWi 11 i am, the nnderaigrxsl, a Nnury Publk in and rw xa;,i a,nnty, persr,naUy
<br />each in iris and her own right and as spouse of each other, wore are perx,na4r knr,wn to
<br />rte to be the idantial person S whose name 5 del? affixed to the aMve ' of as rncMgagur S and they reserally
<br />arknowledgad the said inatrunsent to 6c their wltmtary act sad dcYd.
<br />W[TNHSS my hand '.red Nutaria! Seat fix date aforesaid. _ - '-~ f,
<br />My Cammiasion expires ~ ~ ~ ~~~ /~
<br />Notary Public
<br />167M1aM al 1 GENIRAI NtfIARY • Sraht tt NsM. i
<br />I ~ JAMES SV, OLSON `
<br />n1y i,omm. [rp. ivov. ii, i5i3'
<br />