i~, r. r~?~r~i~iu ~r»~~li s!a~arz~n~
<br />
<br />.;tore # ~,5c;- grand Is,a.r~f, _iebz--
<br />~II~,4IU'ItANI'F'~l Ut' n...at, t,"sl::.
<br />itE~~l0R:1ND1131 OF LEASE, dated as of , _cr ~ ~ . 19 79 .between
<br />idRC PROPERTIES, INf'., a Delaware c~.rr~±Ut~,-,. ..U.=:.ng an address at No. 73Q
<br />?'bird Avenue, tiew York, New York 1x3017,
<br />("Landlord"},
<br />and J. C. PLNNI:Y C0t+1PANY, ivc'., a Delaware corporation, having an address at No. 1301
<br />Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y. 10419 ("Tenant").
<br />t4'IT:VF. SSf: Tli
<br />For and in consideration of the s!!m of Ten Dollars and other valuable consideration
<br />paid by Tenant to Landlord, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged:
<br />I . Lartd)ord_by lease hearing even state herewith (the ].ease) has demised and leased
<br />to Tenant and Tenant has leased from Landlord. and Landlord hereby demises and leases
<br />to Tenant and Tenant hereby leases from Landlord, upon and suoject to the terms,
<br />covenants and conditions set l~nth in the Ixase certain premises (the "Demised Premises")
<br />consisting of the parcel of land (the `'Demised Land") described in Part I of Exhibit A
<br />attached hereto and hereby made a part hereof (being part of the shopping center located
<br />upon the tract of land (the `'Entire Prrnrises'") rescribed in Part II of said Exhibit A and
<br />shown on Exhibit B attached hereto and hereby made a part hereof) together with [i) the
<br />improvements erected and%or to be erected on the Remised Land by Landlord in aceard-
<br />ance with the terms of the Lease constituting retail store premises having approximately
<br />56,80^ square feet of Ilaor area and (ii) any attached overhangs or canopies
<br />extending beyond the Demised Land; and Landlord by the Lease has granted, and
<br />Landlord hereby grants, to Tenant for the hereinafter stated lease term:
<br />(a) a nonexclusive ,easement, right geed privilege for it and its customers,
<br />employees and invitees and the customers, employees and invitees of any subtenant,
<br />concrssior!aire or licensee of Tenant, to use without charge in common with Landlord
<br />and ocher tenants and occupants of space within the Entire Premises and their eustom-
<br />ers, en;ployees,and invitees the parking areas, parking ar; :r lighting, streets, roads, drive-
<br />ways. underground service drives, tunnels, aisles, sidewalks, malls (enclosed and open),
<br />Errs corridors, landscaped areas, utility and sewer ernes and sysretns, and oiirer iaLiiiiiea
<br />and service areas canstructed and/or to be constn!cted within the Entire Premises for
<br />common use as provided for in the Lease;
<br />(b) atn 'aXClus7ve easement, ngltt and pri~ric~c to ha~~e and use the freight
<br />reeeivinc areas, electrical transformer aria; axle- c_.~~tn;r!~....eas, if any, attached to or
<br />bated next to ilte Demis<,d Premises svhic:lt are proi_!cd by Landlord in accordance
<br />with the terms of the Lease as adjuncts to improvements erected on the Demi~d
<br />Promises; and
<br />(r) any and all other easement., rights, pririL~gr, a!=.d appurtenances belonging
<br />or appertaining to the Demised Premises.
<br />TO HAVE AND TO BOLD the same fora term commencing as of the
<br />earlier of (i) the date on which 'renan*_ o,~er:r its stare in the Demised.
<br />Premises to the public for business as prov:i:?ed in the Lease and (ii)
<br />the date upon which Tenant shall be sn re~nrir~~d to so open for business
<br />as provided in the article of the Lease cal=tinned "STORE OPENING" and,
<br />unless extended or sooner terminated under the provisions of the Lease,
<br />continuing thereafter to and including the dare 20 years prom the First
<br />day of the first month immediately follaerin~; ~n~r-h commencPrn?nt data;
<br />provided,rtowever, that if such commer,<•e!ner,t ;'s„tee is the first day of
<br />a monthisuch term shall continue thereafter to and including the date
<br />which,. is the aforesaid number of years from r;uch commencement date.
<br />ua-~a
<br />,r IU:
<br />.~~~Y CE3MPAPtY, Il~C.
<br />. 1 ~~
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<br />Q#f,: Rai F~tf9tie ~.
<br />~~~ ~~
<br />J.C. Pip ~ #~. ~-
<br />~f~~t
<br />ir+vs e~~swsee
<br />~r~mara+ta ^ !
<br />Attn: Real Estate Dept, 41x.
<br />