2a3rrz--RELEASE SJ~" t+&rJ:~T'GAGE--..Corporation ^rn x mr.~,t,~w t ~~ru~3 s~F: 5 ~unsk, r. ~„v:~. xrdnr.
<br />dN DONS"!1'~~aEYi:.r1Tf0:"~' of t}:e taoyrr:enl of the dcb!` n:'r~ntud ther:eir~a,~ tda:~ FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF GF~3.1~D
<br />!ISLAND, GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA 1:rredy rBtreuea' tkx~ rrrvrtgagc• ~rs:ade to
<br />Y
<br />pn tFra fpttGrrring described rent estate, to-suit:
<br />~~ A tract a4 land located in the Southwest Quarter (SW'-s) of Section 22, 'fovnship 11 Hortfi, _"'"
<br />~( Range 9, West of the 6kh P.M., Nall County, Nahraska, chore particularly described as faiiow
<br />Commencing at the SWiy of Section 22, Township 11 North, Range 9, West of the 6th P.M.; then
<br />~, South 89 34' east along the south,li.nc of said Section 22 (said bearing is assumed) a
<br />distance of 65.0 feet; thence due north aa.! parallel with the west line of said Section 22,
<br />~f a distance of 33.0 feet; thence north 42 O1 West a distance of 9.55 feet to the point of
<br />I! beginning; thence continuing north 42 O1' west which is also along the Stolley Park Road
<br />(~ right-of-way linr~ a distance of 27.15 feet to a pot::t on the exist Locust Street right-of-wa
<br />line; thence due north and parallel with the west line of said Section 22 which is also the
<br />East right-of-way line of Locust Street a distance of 134.63 feet; thence South 89 34' east
<br />~~ and parallel with the south line of said Section 22 a distance of 143.0 feet; thence due
<br />south and parallel with the west line of said Sectfou 22 a distance of 154.50 feet to a
<br />~~ point on the north right-of-way line of Stolley Park Road; thence no_*th 89 34' west along
<br />said north right-of-way line a distance of 124.50 fcmt to the point of beginning. Said
<br />! tract captains 0.5027 acres more ar Iess and includes all of Lot One (1) and a porti.oq of
<br />Lot Tvo (2) in Raepke Subdivision in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />as su~veycd, platted and dedlcaeed.
<br />of .Section in Tvsc~nshiF Range '~ ~~}}p~~p of tkQ P. ~S2'.; HALL
<br />'. ~punty, State of NEBRASKA ukich it rerorded7~tRi7S~' PBt Nopf RZe~iT~~~~artgacges, yage _ -
<br />Gf ttte rFCGrdS Ji said (aNtif i'- -
<br />1N TLST1 ~lr't:~"[' :t'rl! Kf:(~F`, text said FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF GRAND 7rSi,r~D, has caused
<br />.,
<br />thass prea•cnts t- i,4 ~-r.~ cEt~',i 1>, its p><sident and its ~ vrpvratc Seat to ba affixed hereto this ~, `•
<br />~ u AUGUST 23 t '79
<br />y f 4 THE FIRST NAT-7~O~IA2. B$117};' QF._(1~tIlND
<br />4t fitness; IS.IaA,NA,... D SLAND, . NESttA.tiKA'..._,
<br />ll ~~~;tt..''
<br />~.
<br />.-Ittest Y(,~L,`.EOIVARL? . H.. CrQT~NER . -...., tasku=r,>f'gtp '
<br />.. ,
<br />S7'.47'~' OF -.NEBRASKA ~ 23 ~''r' ,,„c+•+ ="
<br />~ss. On this... .........day oi -B.1`j.GUST.. "- ...- ,, tp 79....
<br />! HALL _(,ounty J before rne, the' undersigned, a ±~ptnt~,Puhh- in r~'fGr said
<br />- ~. + 1
<br />County, pursorz~~li ,_. ONARD , H.. -.CONNER_c.. ~A.,SHE.~.R........._-......_._....._ _ ``,,-~ v~ of tha _
<br />~ _ _
<br />FIRST NA 1' y ;.N- ~~ `~Ng _~$t~l~.ti--G.RADIII__ISI~bITI,--~N,F.$,1t~SK31 - ,....- a ('nrParatu
<br />t r ~ r a ~'.~cryF'e ::-'~~ i{t tfan`~iil•nYuat f~ersoa ;z~hasc narnr. is ,-x'~xed "~ than :: ~ r~te.ue sad
<br />uc~n c lr<t f .~ c'~t~ttt:,r~vf he his Y~Gtuntasy act and deed a.s suelr vj~icer, and the v«tuntrr} a; t ,rnci d~•,ed
<br />of .s%:iu %-' r €. - ()`r~~1
<br />' Efr,
<br />tt'.tt: , ~ ?~a ats ! , .t at at.. ~~~;sP-. S fD. NEBRASKA . rte a~tiu t ~tfn +' ~ d y unit ~ea~
<br />List aih.e¢ ter n~ e~~~. .+~- ~ ~~ ~_
<br />1~y cirrrl fnt ~~vtt "~~ : ~ ti' -$Q ~ 1~/~ -~ ._- ?~ ,tom.. P
<br />M 1~RG~T M. DI LON
<br />.~
<br /># i
<br />' ~ .J
<br />
<br />