~d3i/x-flELEASE C'>F MORTGAGE-Corparatrta~a
<br />„-
<br />TLs 13ufininn t7srerxl Nupl~lp H.nen i~, f.iumuln, irebx,
<br />........ . ...... _.._.__ . ., _...... ,.... ... .,._... .. _..._.....1-. _...., ._~,...
<br />IN CONS17Yd;h',~Tl'OAl of the paynae~rlt r~~if the d~ht ncronued thera~in, tloe~ First National Bank of Grand P,
<br />Island, Grand Island, Nebraska, hereby rcteases tl:e mua~ortgruge s~xade to ~!
<br />s`. The First National Bank of Grand Island, Grand Island, Nebraska,
<br />by John K. S. Dhillon and Susan H. A. Dhillon,!
<br />I
<br />on the follau+ing described real estate, to-nit: `
<br />A tract of lams located in the Southwest t~uarter (SW'--t} of Section 22, Township it North,+ 'a
<br />Kange 9, West of the bth P. M., Hall ('aunty, Nebraska, more particularly described as follcr.,
<br />Commencing at the SW's of Section 22, Township 11 North, Range 9, West of the bth P,M.; then e
<br />South 89 34' east along the south ,line of said SecCion 22 (said bearing is assumed) a
<br />distance of b5.0 feet; thence due north ani! parallel with the west line of said Section 22,~~
<br />a distemce of 33.0 feet; thence north 42 O1 West a discnnce of 9.55 fee[ to the point of i
<br />beginning; ~hrnce coiaiuulug north 42 Ol' west which is also along the Stolley Park Road
<br />right-of-way line a distance of 27.15 feet to a point nn the e,3st Locust Street right-of-wa~
<br />line; thence due north and parallel with the west Line of said Section 22 which is also theEi
<br />East right-of-way line of Locust Street a distance of 134.63 feet; thence South 89 34' east(
<br />and parallel with the south line of said Section 22 a distance of 143.0 feet; thence due
<br />south and parallel with the west line of said Section 22 a distance of 154.50 feet to a
<br />point on the north right-of-way line of Stolley Park Road; thence north 89 34` west along
<br />said north right-of-way line a distance of 124.50 feet to the point of beginning. Said
<br />tract contains 0.5027 acres more or less and includes all of Lot One (1} and a portion of
<br />I.ot Two (2) in Roepke Subdivision in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />as surveyed, platted and dedicated. n
<br />t ,
<br />of Sectiow in Taurnskip ,Range of the I'.,hi;,; ,E1&11 .. !
<br />County, State of Nebraska xuhich is rerorded in g~ipp o h Estate :4lertgnge{,,:pages ,
<br />of the records of said County Document 1178-t~07~2~1 _ ,1
<br />IN TF_STI:Lit).N}' ]t'(ILREOF, the said The First National Bank of Grand ds~and' =~~dr caused
<br />there presents to he execrrtr•d by ifs president and its Corporate Sea! to ba a~sed herrto this . ~rd _ ,
<br />day of August rp 79. a , c ,~ _ ~
<br />Gi'`itrtess: TH_E FIRS`_I c7A`i`I~sYAL I3A~YI~OF y.. 'J8 .~~ D
<br />_, j ' ~ Exec ~~~
<br />rl ut ve V
<br />ttg ~ , ~'_,~- G fit: ~ ~,~ 'v;, d ii o ~ *~~
<br />_.. ......._... __ .-. .. .___._ .._ _~..- __.....-lttest ~ ...... -.. .~.._'c ?. _ C:ri.;hirr. $~t'rel~iry
<br />. v ..
<br />STATE Or; Nebraska. _... __ - ..... ........ .l ~ 4 ~' t v t 1`' \ r
<br />} On this .. -23x3. _dav vl - ._August :., ~ ..` ...~,,, rq 79,- 1
<br />ss. -
<br />_ County J before me, the undersigned, a :Votary Pat>lic in'and for said ',
<br />C r!?t• come...... R,..Kaith Jgpes, - . _..... .Executive Vice Preside:.[ of the
<br />~~~he First National Bank of Grand Island Grand Island Nebraska .,
<br />a r. Y rc~t=..s~
<br />~~,ir~:s"c"" ~-~ -. ------ Executiv~.~3ce,. _. ..~. ~ .. ~-- -,~-- to - tfi a ° -'~ ~ r-:~-- ~-t
<br />F~ta, ` fEL rd~721 t :f`it ~ n :.s e 1 t
<br />~i~tkn ~,jy_ r~ rye ~t~csat r,n trr~reoj to be hts e~olrentary act and deco as sash v~icer, and trle ,~oluntcary art and deed
<br />it ~t~fiy5}`+r~t~~~~- t ... -- - _
<br />~y~ • C'rand Islan `~Nebrasita
<br />~{ttr'rz e»~t has€~Frf and `atrtt}I`weal tit--- ,,~ ~~ _ _ sjv' !ict t unty~ trr iaV and veer
<br />~° 12pi~ten.~ / ~ 1 ~. _ ~ ~~ ~ ~ e
<br />ermrli'S'srr~` arras. ~f '~ 'r`F. rq~ ~. ~.r~~'~._„~~ °~~s~•~~-~z.`..:~aa::rz Yub€ S
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<br />Hall
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