<br />~..... i. ,: r,. _ ... i :- .. ;-- .. ~~,-.. , i ,:,rni~ .. ~: .r. .. .. : ~-, i ,,iii . i
<br />. REAL ESTATE MliI~TGAGt fsa~M Eto zds a~en-End ,ee' III '~ f "
<br />'~9~- +I~iD~~1
<br />~ .. .
<br />i?~ate, 3 i1y 1~, 179
<br />Paul M. Rauert (also known as Paul Rauert) and Carroll .(. Rauert husband and wife
<br />. Mortgagors,
<br />of Hall County, Nebraska _, 1n canslderatlon or
<br />the Promissory PJote and Loan Agreement herainatter describeC, and the agreement of the Mortgagee to make Puture and
<br />additional advances, hereby mortgage and convey to
<br />THE FE9ERAL LAND BANK OF OMAHA, a Corporation,
<br />of Omaha, pouglas County, Nebraska, whose address
<br />is Farm Gredit Building, Omaha, Nebraska 68100,
<br />r,
<br />Mortgagee (subject Lo oil, gas, and mineral rights owned ty parties other Lhan Mortgagors; exlsrin8 easements bt
<br />record; reservations !n l2nSted States aed State patenLS; and the rights of the public In all hIg?:ways), the tollowing-
<br />described real estate in ~ Hall - ~ - -- - ^ounty, Nebraska
<br />. SEC. TMP. R6.
<br />NE'14; and NWt~SE'-4 (except 5.x54 acres, more or less,
<br />conveyed by deed recorded in Book 86, Page 373) and
<br />N'~NE~SE'~ (except 4.25 acres, care or less, conveyed
<br />by deed recorded in Book 86, Page 583) - - - - - - - - - ~7 12N 9 W bth P.M,
<br />containing 210.696 acres, more or less; together with all of the right, title, and lrterest
<br />(now Quoted art:ereafter acquired) of the Mortgagors in said property, incl6~udlr!g all Dulldlnt~ improvemenGS,flxt,u•es,
<br />nr appurtenances thereon or hereafter placed Lhereon; all water, lrri Llon, and drama rlgttts; the tenements,
<br />heredltaments, and appurtenances thereto and the rents, issues, crops, anC profits arising from said lands; and (it -
<br />tite Mortgagors' rights in the public domain are required by Mortgagez fer security purposes) alI leases, permits,
<br />lirenses, orprlvileges, appurtenant or nonappurtanant co said mortgaged premises, now or hereafter issued, extended, -
<br />cr renewed to the Morti~ar~ctrs t?Y the United Stales er the state In wtllch the above-d9scrlDed proper ~v Is located pr
<br />any daparta<a'nL, Dureau, or agenoy tne!eol. -
<br />h' mortgage 1:~ given ?.e se,usr a .^' ="v .ate ate` :~ •. A~raemac*, c oven data herewith grd fer all ailvi*1--
<br />including future :inu' ~a+.iditk~nal n:2vgn,-. wi'n i.nt.ez`e 1~acrnr,2ing, to }the terms and ;~onditlons of sate nat. •: :nd '
<br />vl tai it f^~ :.ft! v ^. rt:rr :tA hdt:~¢ t' :-t. !4 a nil - axraat ha 1
<br />sue, of 3_8Fs:3t}0 {~rjtis 1lmicatien upon Pri acipal advances shall !:ot restslet tea Martgs?;aa *=T`i~
<br />3--,air nn rar:y li' ie a.~.t fir.. .tc, c' ,.~, -,.;r',`r', ";~A~iuAi.:.Y ufi ~' °iu Mani: A:": :C`e;~ F4U4~".isuv~
<br />nt ruiftt- of rn PS- t~- [}t~ fn r.}~o~ e~t^n:) r. =-r+tn _Ii arq n~4
<br />W the tL _ _ _. }» ~ - '•!-.
<br />agreement, nntlto zxczzq t.ri~d=n( it yesr5 P. m the dace narcnf, fhe'finri payment cP prlnalP3t and intzrest is
<br />chla at.d irayaDlc~ cr, the fir-°et day ot~ Jul, 2(adg W~_... Tfli e;;nveyat!ca shall ba va1:i up,~aa tea ,.aym::nt
<br />c+f said promi::afy note.
<br />'ihi:t mortgage Ss suaiact to tt prc!vt Sun -! tt.F: RAN.t' dE -1: A ua~i alt as.t amanSatory 'hcta~i,t or s!lppla^ra>•2ta1
<br />tharew. ;lie- pros°.i.,i. r•f r. hr ,a, u. e+1 h+r+.1>• wl:l btu u. r; "<. ,he .ur,,,,.as si':~1*ieci tt: trier tti:rtgsgnrs'•xc._~Si
<br />rattan for Bald lc art and ~uthort~ed by said Act.
<br />-;i!a Murtcrs, and eact¢ of rhtm ttzrehy warts, t rh.".t thati arc "c- rvy erg f the ;mtr c ta--, e:~r!i P[°~party; that, they (
<br />will defend the Litle a.;tlo.-t a.l .`ly2mant:: hho~3_evcr, and -.,ai .-.+„ ,et ..y Fs ,e -!il :*nc,.s,Ursnce:?; that ;
<br />they will kzap alt the lmi~ravement.r, ti;t`ui`eS, at!d ip}}r te: n.-is~cE a-enL~IEd and Sn :.wd :ips.r s;.~i c~rrrnit nu acts of
<br />wesste; and they wilt tai 2ir~1 t-h z,_ t i„hL_ ist n.. r._:,_csd 1.. n1d p!-r_;i..~=-, mot., _,-. e[,•zt,. a,:1 area wi~ch ^.he ?9,re,lagee,
<br />ns follows:
<br />(11 That they w11I Pay when due all texas, lions, lodgments, ~',. „^assnenes ~xt!ir9 rosy De lawh!lly rt:,sassed against
<br />ttte property heroin merttagad.
<br />t;'.1 n'itat they wilt insure and keel: tnsurad ngtl3irsv_,+ ar otner tmrrr_,venert*._.;; n;;w ors ~r which !?~;' hart^afta~~ Ue placed =
<br />nn said premises Co the sat:lsfaction of LS:a Mortt,aagea, s,t h in ar;u tnltcs h 1 ^,e erdorsed with a m tgage clause '
<br />with Giie Sons thereunder Co De pay aUie to the Mortgagee, Au_; sams received .ay Ue ..sad to pay far re onstructian i '
<br />of the destroyed improvements; 'f not sa applied, may, at tt!a .,.tier. * _.~ tartgsatee, Ue -applia.i in payment of
<br />auly indebtedness, metered or unmacured, secured Uy tht.: mertgat,a.
<br />".S
<br />(3) To Padr all ren6~, fees, ar charges aiaw Cue or t.d Dacoma duo under th~r terms cf aacfl lease, parn!it, iicansa, qr = - -.
<br />A-T'1Yil.age Qn rile Public dotflain wh1=rl! lu apptlrCa:!a:14 CF nQnaP~ ~1't•?n~_r rn rite mnrtgsgBj ;ii?e!isFS, wt!1t;lz hag tae?;;
<br />I:tsued, extanded,or renewed Dy the United States or the stat.a In whici! thy' above-descrtbad pi'oPerty,is located; attd
<br />td pat•form and observe every act, covenar!G, catdltlott, an4 stlPUlatiun accessary Go kaap each of trio same in good
<br />starldit!g; and to take aver,_y€ necessary step to secure the-reissue, renewal, cr extension of each of thN swna; attd to
<br />-$961gh, -walVa,-pledge, ar endorse to-the Mortgagee each lease, permit, license, or prtvllega it MortgAgarsr rights ' -.
<br />11t public domain are required by Mortgagee for security purposes. ~ :,
<br />(~) 'fttat In the event the Mortgagee is a party tc arp~ 11t1gaLlan effecting the security qr the lien of its mart
<br />gage, fpciuding-any suit by Ghe Mortgagee taforcelosa this mortgage or env suit Sn whioh the tAirtgagee may ba nt!tnad
<br />a party def8ndanG Sn whioh 1t is oDligatad to-protect Its rights cr lien, including condemnation attic bankruptcy
<br />p1•oaeedinga, the Mortgagee-may .tnour expanses and Advance payment fer abstract fees, attorney Lees (except to the ?
<br />oxtent Prohibltod Dy law), costs, axpatsas, and other criargas. ~ ;_
<br />~.
<br />(G)- That in Cha avant the Mortgagors fall Go pqy when due any texas, liens, ,Sudgments, ar assessments, or fail to ';
<br />maiintain Snsttrance as-riareinhefare-provided, or fail-to Pay rants, fees, or ahargas under the terms of any Saase, ,
<br />permit, i:censa, or privliega; or Mortgagee is required to incur expenses for aUStract fees, attorney toes, costs,
<br />expenses, and otharcharges in CohnecGlon with litlgatlon, txsrGgagea msy make such pa}'meet ar provide such Snsurrutc-e, -
<br />on Sncur such dbligatlon, and trio amounts paid therefor shall become a part. of the tndabtadnass secured hi±raUy due
<br />and payable itw!!adiataly, and shail bear interest. trait the date at ptlsymcnt at trio same me as provided for default
<br />ih ti:e rate,
<br />