<br />t~ That ~h i Mortgagor wiil pay the indphte;I#r~rta qW herptr~tsr•'fore ~,~.pr{widet~,
<br />That Ehe 7viortgagos isl-the oyvner of said property in fee simple and has good~~right and lawful authority to sell and
<br />Huey the same and-that the same is free and clear of any lien or encumbrance; and that Mortgagor will warrant anti defend fhe
<br />iotls to said premises agarnst the c}attn+a of-811 pereotvq whomsoever., - -
<br />U ~ _ _ - _ ,
<br />To pay immedtat ly when due and payable all general taxes, specialtaxes, special assessments, water charges, sewn serv-
<br />~~ice charges, and other taxes and charges against card yroperty, and all taxes levied on the debt secured hereby, and to furnish the
<br />rMortgagee, upon request, with the original or duplicate receipts them{nr. -The Mortgagor agrees that there shall be, added to
<br />each monthly Payment required ~~hereunder or under the evidence of debt secured hereby an amount estimated by the Mortgagee
<br />to bee sufficient ta. enable the Mortgagee-to pay, »s they brrome due, all taxes, assessments. and similar charges upon fhe prem•
<br />iasv suhje!et ttrereto: ariydeficic•ncy because of the insufficiency of surh additional payments shall he forthwith deposited by the
<br />Mortgagor with the Mortgagee upon denrarid t:y the R-f r+rtgagse Any deGuilt under this pa r:rgraph shaft be deemed a rlefaulf in
<br />payment ref taxes, assessments, -nr similar charges required hereunder.
<br />The Rortgagor agrees that there shall also M> added t„ rash numthty payment of pn ncipal and inter>st regwred hew-
<br />under an amount estimated by the Mortgagee to he sutfcient fo enable th+• Mortgagee to pay, as it becomes due, the insurance
<br />premium +.: any insurance policy delivered fa the- Mortgagee_ Any delitiency hc>c-suer +rf the insufficiency of such additional pay
<br />menLs shaft Fee forthwith deposited by the Mortgagor with the Mortgages upon demand by the Mortgagee. Any dsfauil under this
<br />~ paragraph shalt tw deemed er default in the payment of insurance premiums. }f the. poiicy or policies deposited are such as txtms-
<br />owners or al! risk Ixilir•iss, and the cteprsifs are insufficient to yay the c•ntir+• premium, the Mortgagee may apply the drlxssit to
<br />pay premiums on risks required to he insu reri by this mortgage.
<br />}'ayments made by t}re Mortgagor under the shove paragraphs may, at the option of fhe Mortgagee, be hr•Id by it and
<br />enmmingleci with other such Fmrds ur its awn funds fur the payment of such iterns, and Hotel so applied, surh payments are hereby
<br />pledged as security far the unpaid balance of the mortgage iredebtedne; s.
<br />7`n prurure, deliver to, and nmintain for fhe benefit rvf the Mortgagee during the life of this mortgage nriginaf prluies and
<br />renewals ther.'n[, delivered at least ten nays be•fun• the ,•Ai:ir~t;::: of .~nP sorb nnlicies. insuring ag»inst fire and nth+•r insurable
<br />hazards, casualties, and contingencies as the Mortgagee may require, in an amount equal to the indebtedness securer! by this
<br />Mortgage, and in rnrnpanir-s au'eptahle to the Rlori gager, with Ins pavabee> clause in favor of and in form aecepfahie to the Rtnrtga-
<br />gee. In the event any pniicy is a„-', renewrvl or, ,~r bet„re t.•n daps of its expiration, t}ee Roo rtgag+'r may prcxure insurance n., ..
<br />im .......,n*- the _........, f!:c.ef<•, ..nd _.,.eh ...... -hit! be......_ ~,,,,•nt.,rli,rre,it ,t„e. arrcl .+h{_, wsth .Hie...... ai the ._.. .u:•i
<br />forth in said notc~uahi ~y,nd>>+n., .hell tw socun•+i br~~tht-+ marl g.rgv fiailurr+ on the pa ri of ti t+ 1}ortge+gor in furnish such renewals
<br />8s err herein rr*yuin~•7 ,~i fsilur•• (n pay nn} sum.. ado-nnced hereunder vhalt, at Ehie option of fhe• Mortgagee, constitute rr default
<br />under tho tsrrns of tht. mnrtgnge Thr dr~Iiverp of ,ooh policie. shall, in the r-vent of rteFautf. runatitu G• an assignment of thr• un-
<br />earnrri premium.
<br />Any sum. r rte,-d by the Si+~rteaKer be r.-a,,on rd' I„s, ..r danrigr m=-ured against may ha rrtsiined he the Riorlgagr=a
<br />and applied toward the payment of the debt hereby secured, nr. at the option of tho Mortgagee, such sums either whntit• ur in
<br />part tnag 1>R• paid rn-er i~• Ili+• Morgagor to t»' used to repair such buildings or to huifd-new buildings in their trlacc+ or for any
<br />other purposc> ar obleet satisfactory to the Rlr~rtgagee .with==ut aA+KtinK the hen „n the n:arigagv far thw foil amr;uni r=cure-rl h„rc,_
<br />by before .wch payment ever took place.
<br />Tu promptly repair, restore ur rebuild any buitdurgs r~r rmprnvsmrnls now or herrufd•r on the prcnu+es which may tr>
<br />come damaged or destroycsi~, to keep said premises in gewd couditinn and repair and free Rom any mechanic's lien or other Vien or
<br />etaim of lien not axpresafy sutx>nlinated to the lien hereof; not to satTvr or permit any unlawfut one of or any nuisance kr exiet on
<br />said prtt)aerty our to permit waste un said ~iremissa, nor to do any ether act whereby the prt;fx•rty hereby nrnveyrd shall become
<br />f~,-+ vaiuat:tt, n.,r f.-, ri;:rttnis$t r.r rmi3air its value i:y ar.v act ~.r «mission t<, act. to cr.mpty xcth aii r~dmr€ment~ +af iaz w•xth rc=sp~t
<br />t-r? tier rtt_ r%-a=.;~=- i --,,.. v_, .,~~r .r,.~ ._-., +h+,r+..,f
<br />`Chat should thc• pr+•mia.-s rr any part thereof 1~ taken or darnag~t by era+,.u of an: puhsr. mrprsrcrmr-r+t <a ,.,aefr=eueattarn
<br />pruceedittg, er under fhe• right nF er ,eeri .f..irrain, .., .ti ar,a .stn.-r manner. foe :s5nrf4apeF hhaii h.° rnfrfiart fo a:t romF n~ir~s,
<br />awards, and any other payment or eli:>t' thrrrt ,r...uxi =bait Lx+ eNtitted, at its optiran, to efarrmenca'. apfrear in amt pr«tti-rrfe in ifs
<br />~+,
<br />- " - c r fu nie`s~ »ny r,rmprrrnr,;= .r settle=meet r,. ~ rin>-4tir;n °x~efh suz-•h taking ur --aert~r? Alf suz-f:
<br />ow3 name any action nr {rrr.a.-~•rr,:nF,
<br />i~tion,-awards, dam~~e.r, i;-t cf ace_un aad prr~r~~~ ssre hereby p-..d t,. fhe M- tgagse, >Yt~ rrray, afta~r d.~-us--*~
<br />therefrom all eta ex[resw_et!. rsl:_•~xr any mcatr.ys scr received by et r+r at+piy+ the same art env indebitr~tl!?ss yecurc.d herehv:'2•he ?.4nr{-
<br />gagor ogress to esoratte rarer further aaaignnrentx of 'env c:3raE><•rtsatrr.n, awaxla, riamages, and rcr:hts cf action and ;!ruce.ls as the
<br />Mortgages may rrquirc-
<br />That in ease rat iaihu+• t+, {a•rfuren any of the ruvaueuL he~rm. tlt. Rt„rth,x~., ,,,.,,r t• .~~ r!,r '+i••rtt;ag,.: ~ h,-half ,•,. r, thing
<br />so covenanted; that the Mortgagee may also do any act it may deem neceswry to prole°t•i the Iren thereof-, that the Mortgagor will
<br />repay upon demand any moneys paid ax distwrsed by the a{nrtgagre for env of the atwve par{xru•~s, and euth morays t:sgefFit^r with
<br />intareat therer:n at the rate providPti in said notti Nha[i trecume an much »rldinon»i inrlrhtwEness beech, >c•rursrl and may tee in-
<br />cluded iir any d[felfY [ureriusinE Chis nrurfgaKs and be paid out aE the rents ur prrsceeds c+i .ale of sand premraev ii not nthrrwire
<br />paid; that ik shalt nut ix~ uhiigafory upon the Mortgagee to inquire into the validity of any heir, encumhrancrs.+r claim in ad
<br />vdttcing mr~ya as above authrrrizrd, iwt nothing herein contained nhal4 tw cunatrued as requiring the k2urtgagee hr advance any
<br />manaYa for any such purpose nor to do any act hereunder; and that Mortgagee• shalt Heel incur army irersunai liabiiiiy t+ecausr at any-
<br />thing it may do nr omit to do hereunder.
<br />In the event of ihs default by Mortgagor in the payment of any inafallmrut. as rrquirrrt by thr• Nofs secureel hetehy, or
<br />- in the parformauee ut the rdrligahon to this mortgage ur rn the nuts scrurect tt+sreby, the !tiortgagvr° shad! ix• t•nt.ttc-~i tr= risc.lar€ the
<br />debt aeeur~l hereby due and payable wittrrutt Hotter, and the 142ortgagee slurp ~ entitled ai its option, withuu! nesfic-, ,.t«. her by itself
<br />or try a ttlceiver ha tee appuintcri by the rue rt thereof, and without regard to the adequacy ref env security ter the indshterlness Re-
<br />rurad Axreby, to enter a[?nn an_i take f>na~aesai~tt of fk:e mnrlrtssed l,rcminES. artd is [tiie~-•f and r:xeivr• the rents. iz ups seed profits
<br />th~ee~f, end ~n~lv the same, leas cCUta of uneration and coliectir+n. upon the indrfsfminea•; .sera rvl by into miirfgath : nail rents,
<br />iaarpga-Rod prt+fiu tee}ng hereby aasigrred ter fhe i'v2ortgagre a9 fuztirsr .security far fhe p»ytr;.nt of ail indrbf*~dn.1ss s.•rur~rt nPraly
<br />'The Miartgag~ shall have the power to appoint env agent ar agents if may ds.ire For the purfxxcr ref rrirairing said prem-
<br />i~ea; renting-the acme; Col}e4"fing the rents, revenue® and income, and it may pay oak of said income ate r+x genera rnrvirferi rn rent•
<br />tttt{ and managing lha acme and d collecting th>< rentals therefrom- The balance remaining. it arty, shalt hs applied toward the
<br />dipehargtp of the mortgage indebtedness. This assignment is fa terminate and h€etrms nail and void upon relsasr• of this mortgage.
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